It's just a stup!d crush

2174 Words
Ella's p.o.v A couple of weeks have passed. Things have been going great. I am now editing my first book. I finished it. The words just flowed and I love the outcome, but I am editing to make sure it is perfect. Evelyn is taking a nap. We went to the park early this morning since we woke up at 5am. We both fell asleep too early last night. I hear the front door and Elias walks in looking so fine. My whole body seems to wake up everytime he is near. "Hey" he smirks. I think he knows. I get up to grab my water bottle and open it and take a sip. "Hi, Evie is asleep." I tell him and sit back down to save my work. "I would like to talk to you about something." he says. "Sure, what's up?" I say and stop what I am doing to give him my full attention. "Next Friday is Evelyn's birthday. I was thinking of throwing her a birthday party next weekend. I work on Friday so the party can be on Saturday. I have no idea how to throw a party. We normally just have a bbq and the fire department would come hang out and get her gifts, but now she is older and after going to her friend's birthday party last month, she came home asking for a bouncy house for her birthday and I want her to have a nice party." he says and rubs the back of his neck. "Do you think you can help me plan it?" he asks. I smile and nod. If only he knew I have never had my own party and wouldn't have an idea where to start, good thing for Google, Pinterest and Victoria's family. I am sure they will help. "Of course. I would love to help. Just give me a headcount and tell me what theme she wants and her favorite food." I tell him. "Well, now I have the motorcycle club, so maybe around 100 people. She is still very girly and said she wants a princess party. Not a specific princess, all of the princesses. She wants pizza, but I think we should also have other food." he says, and I think I have enough and some very good ideas in mind. "Okay, I can work with this." I tell him and he smiles. "Here's my creditcard. The price doesn't matter. Get whatever you think you need for the party. Thank you so much, I swear you do more than what I pay you for." he says. If only he knew that I have not cashed a single check, he would probably freak out. It just doesn't feel right. Evelyn feels like family and if I had family to babysit I wouldn't charge for it, so I just can't charge for Evelyn. "Well, I will come over tomorrow so Evelyn can pick her bouncy house and cake so I can place the order." I tell him. Elias's p.o.v She says goodbye and leaves and I head to the shower. I decided to hire someone to finish my bedroom restroom, because as much as I said I would finish it, I was way too busy. I am just happy it came out exactly how I wanted it to. I strip down and hop in the shower and man have I been lonely lately. Ever since I met Ella, I have not been able to be with another woman. She takes up all of my thoughts. The way her big beautiful eyes were staring at me as I asked her to help. Truth is, I could hire a party planner, but asking Ella just means that she will be around more. Evelyn and I love having her here. The house feels empty when she is not here. I sigh, my d*ck rock hard as soon as I even think about her and I do what I have been doing since the day I met her. I jack0ff to thoughts of her. I finish getting dressed as the doorbell rings repeatedly. I run past Evelyn's room and she is still asleep. The doorbell keeps going off. What the f*ck. I run downstairs, thinking it is an emergency, because no-one ever rings the bell like this. I open the door and Mitch is standing there, a grin on her face. ", Eli" she slurs and laughs. "Mitch, what are you doing here?" I ask her. She giggles and slaps my chest. "Daddy" I hear my daughter call me. She rubs her eyes. "Sweetie, you are awake." I say. "Yeah, I heard the doorbell ringing a lot." her eyes zero in on Mitch. "Where's Ella?" she asks. "She went home baby." I say and she frowns. She turns around and walks away. "Can I come in?" Mitch asks. I turn back around and move so she can come inside. I close the door behind her and stare at her. "What are you doing here?" I ask her again. "I came to see you." she says as she opens the long coat she is wearing. She is wearing lingerie under. I quickly close it back up. "Mitch" I say. I look up and Evelyn has the remote in her hand and is changing the channel. "You need to go. How did you get here?" I ask her. "I drove here. I want us to have some fun. We clearly both like each other." she says and burps and giggles. "Mitch, I think you are mistaken. I am not interested in you that way." I tell her. "I see the way you look at me Elias and you came to me to help you study for your classes. You could have went to anyone, but you chose me. I know it is so we can be with each other. You don't have to be shy. I feel the same way you do." she says and my head is spinning. Did I ever give her that impression? I knew she had a crush on me, but I didn't think it was such a big deal. "Little girl, do you want pizza?" she asks Evelyn who turns around and nods.. "Dad, I want cheese pizza with those green things that Ella gets me." she says and I smile. Ella somehow gets my daughter to eat vegetables. I am going to feed Mitch so she can sober up and go home. She can't drive back in her drunk state. I order pizza and Mitch asks if she can go to the restroom, so I tell her to go to the guest bedroom. She is taking forever. The pizza arrives and I place a slice on a plate for Evelyn and head up to make sure Mitch is alright, but she isn't in the restroom. I walk around upstairs and she is passed out on my bed. I sigh and close the door. I am going to have to sit down and talk to her about this when she wakes up. I need to clear things up and let her know that I am not interested. We are just people who sometimes work together. Asking her for help was clearly a mistake. Evelyn and I eat and we play outside for a bit. Her grandmother stops by. She bought her a new lunch bag and couldn't wait to give it to her. She also got her some other things like hair bows and t-shirts for school. I am glad that her grandmother still wants to be a part of her life. When Evelyn goes to try on her shirts, she takes this time to butt in to my life. This is the only thing I wish she wouldn't do. "Elias. I haven't seen you with a lady friend. Are you not dating?" she asks me and I shake my head. "Well, good. I am not sure if my daughter would like that. I think it is good that you are focussing on Evelyn right now. She needs you. I also am not sure what to think of that babysitter you hired. She is always talking about her. Are you still talking to her about her mother?" she asks me. I just nod, but truth is I have not. Evelyn doesn't talk about her much anymore and John who is often my therapist told me to always be open to talk about her mother if she brings it up, but not to feel like I need to be talking about her all of the time. I also don't want to keep reminding her that her mother is no longer here. I just hope I am doing the right things for her. This woman always makes me think I am the worst father on the planet. "I am planning her birthday party. Ella is helping me." I say and her lips go flat. She doesn't like that. "How about I plan it? I can do everything." she tells me and I want to beat myself up for bringing it up, but I also know I can't allow her to keep getting in my life and getting her way, so I shut it down. "No, don't worry, Ella is doing everything. I just want you here as a guest." I tell her and she nods, but I can tell she is not happy about it. Eventually, she leaves and Mitch is still knocked out and I am happy she didn't wake up while that woman was here, because it would have been a big mess. I sigh. I go through Evelyn's bedtime routine and she tells me how Ella reads the book and does the voices and I try to do it, but she keeps reminding me that I am doing them wrong. She finally falls asleep and I take the guest bedroom. Ella's p.o.v I wake up and get ready and head over to do some party planning. I am so excited for Evelyn. I am going to throw her the best party a kid has ever seen. Victoria,Vanna, Valeria, Vanessa and Verlene have all offered to help me, so I will be going over after I leave here and we will begin getting everything, because I do not have much time. I arrive and notice Mitch's car in my spot again, so I park on the street. I walk up the steps and head inside. I call out for Evelyn, but no-one answers. I walk up the stairs and she is playing in her room with a princess doll. She brings her finger to her lips and whispers loudly. "Daddy is still sleeping. We have to be quiet." I nod as the door to his bedroom opens and Mitch comes out wrapped in a towel and I can clearly tell she is naked underneath. She looks at me and smirks. "Oh, I didn't know anyone was here." she says. "I'll take Evelyn downstairs." I say and grab her and we head downstairs. I sit her down on the stool and turn around and open the water and splash some on my face. He is f*cking her. He had her in his bedroom. Well, that sucks and I decide at that moment that I need to stop thinking of Elias as anything else, but as a boss or a man I do favors for. He is lucky that I love his daughter, otherwise I would have just dipped. I turn around and smile. "Can I have some fruit?" she asks and I nod. I grab a yogurt and some fruit for her to eat. I grab the notebook and show her the things I have in mind for her party. She quickly chooses the bouncy house, cake, cookies and other treats, even the gift bags she wants to give her friends. "Okay Evie, I got it all. Your party will be the best one ever." I tell her. "Thank you so much Ella, I love you." she tells me and hugs me so tight I might just pop. I feel the tears in my eyes, and I quickly wipe them away. "I love you more." I tell her and she smiles brightly. "I have to go now. I just came over so you can pick what you wanted. I will see you in a couple of days, okay." I tell her and she nods. "Come lock the door." I tell her and she follows me and once I am out and hear the door lock, I leave. I get in my car and drive off. I get to Victoria's house and don't get out. I can't cry over this. It's not like he and I were ever anything. "It's just a stup!d crush", I tell myself. I get out and maybe I can convince my friends to have a girls night out. I could really use a night out. I need to start living. Maybe I will get lucky and meet someone and forget all about my stup!d s3xy fireman boss.
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