Chapter Four

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Friday passed by like a blur and it was Saturday today. Brooke was free to do what she pleased on weekends but she did not have any plans for this weekend and decided just to stay here and perhaps meet Mr Cashvian's sister and mother. Brooke was woken up by the sound of her phone ringing.  Without looking at the caller ID she answered with a very sleepy voice. "Now that you're rich and living with a handsome man, does not mean you have to ignore your humble and poor little best friend." Cara's voice rang through her ears. Brooke laughed at her best friend's dramatics and was now wide awake. "Cara I missed you too. I'm not rich. I'm simply working for a billionaire, there's a difference." Brooke said, ignoring her comment about him being handsome. "Well whatever it is that you are doing, you haven't talk to me for days and I haven't even seen you. I miss you, Brooke." Suddenly Cara burst into tears. Brooke rolled her eyes; she was used to this behavior from her because when someone is pregnant their hormones tend to fly all over the place. "I'm sorry Cara. Why don't you come visit me here some time ? I willl ask Mr Cashvian if you can come." "Really, really?" Suddenly the sad Cara was gone and it was replaced with a very ecstatic one. Brooke chuckled "Yes, really." Brooke turned her head to look at the clock and saw it was nearly 11 am. She jumped out of the bed, her one hand holding her phone against her ear and the other one grabbing random clothes, before going in the bathroom. "Cara, it was really nice talking to you but I have to go now. Tell Jason I say hello. I love you, bye." Before Cara could say anything Brooke ended the call and took a quick shower, got dressed and made her way downstairs. As she neared the living room, she heard voices and slowly walked inside. Luke was the first one to notice her. He was wrapped in elderly woman's arms but when he spotted her, he immediately jumped out of her arms and ran to Brooke. "Brookie!" He shouted excitedly and jumped in her arms. Everyone else turned their attention towards her. Garry Cashvian was among the voices she had heard and he gave her a friendly smile. Nathaniel didn't even acknowledge her presence. He was too busy typing away on his phone. She studied the unfamiliar faces. One of them was a young woman, who she assumed was Nathaniel's sister as they shared the same features and then an older woman that had to be Nathaniel's mother. He definitely had his mother's eyes. She was very beautiful and Brooke could see she was well off, her wardrobe supported that. Brooke immediately felt at ease when she noticed how his mother was giving her a warm smile. Brooke could tell she was not like these women who looked down on other people just because she had money. The younger woman on the other hand sent Brooke an icy look. Brooke frowned at that. What did I do wrong? "Ms. Taylor, I would like you to meet my daughter, Justine and my wife, Natasha. Tasha, Justine this is Brooke, Luke's new nanny." Garry spoke. "It's nice to meet you all." Brooke said sending them a smile. "It's nice to meet you to Brooke." Mrs. Cashvian said. "I can see Luke is very fond of you." She smiled warmly at Brooke. "Justine, greet her! Where are your manners? And Nate, how can you be on your phone while you are in company?" Mrs. Cashvian hissed at them she shook her head before turning her attention back to Brooke and saying: "I honestly don't know where I did wrong with these two; I swore I thought them manners."  Nathaniel put his phone away with an eye roll before walking to the kitchen and Justine only muttered an 'it's nice to meet you' before walking upstairs. "You have to pardon those two." "It's really okay Mrs Cashvian. I'm sure she's just skeptical of her nephew's new nanny. And don't worry about Mr Nathaniel Cashvian, I'm used to it by now. It doesn't bother me at all." Brooke gave her a reassuring smile. Mrs. Cashvian smiled at her, a weird emotion flashing in her eyes and she turned to look at Mr Cashvian as they shared a knowing look. "Well, I'll  just leave Luke here and take my leave. I would not want to intrude on your family time." Brooke said politely as she made a motion to put look down. "No Brookie, stay!" Luke circled both his legs tightly around her waist, making it hard for to put him down. "Lukey, you should spend some time with your aunt and grandparents, honey. You and me, we are going to spend the entire week together, my love." Brooke smiled as she carefully explained it to him. He gave her a sad smile and the loosened his legs around her waist, allowing her to put him down. "Mr Cashvian it was nice seeing you again and it was nice meeting you Mrs Cashvian." Brooke nodded her head and them and then exited the room but not before hearing Mrs Cashvian say: "I like this one." She smiled at that and continued to walk back to her room. She entered her room and saw her phone on her bed, it had over 10 miscalls from Cara. Cara was probably fuming right now. Brooke decided to call Cara back. Before she could even dial Cara's number, her phone rang again. Brooke hesitantly answered. "Brooke Lana Taylor! How dare you hang up on your best friend?" Brooke could hear Jason saying something along the lines of 'she's probably busy'. "Oh come on Cara I had to go and meet Luke's grandma and aunt. You know I love you." "Oh. So, tell me: How is that hot billionaire doing? Have you seen his abs? He must probably look like a Greek god in person right?" Brooke laughed at Cara's abrupt change of mood. "Well Cara as surprising as it might sound to you I actually came here to work for him and to look after little Luke, not for some rich, spoiled and arrogant billionaire's abs. But to answer your questions. I don't know how he's doing and I have not and don't ever want to see he's abs." "You are no fun Brooke. A girl can dream okay." "Well why don't dream about Jason's abs?" Cara did mutter something but Brooke could not hear because her focus shifted to something else or rather, to someone else. Mr Nathaniel Cashvian himself was standing in her room wearing his usual annoying smirk on his face. He probably heard everything she said. "Cara, I have to go." She muttered into her phone.  "Don't you dare hang up on me!" "I promise I will call you later." Brooke ended the phone call. She looked at Mr Cashvian through her eyelashes. "I am glad to know that you and this Cara like to talk about my abs. I bet you told her how you would like to touch it someday" He smirked. She rolled her eyes. "I don't know how long you have eavesdropped but if you listened correctly you would have heard that I'm not at all interested in seeing your abs, ever." "Same tune every time." He said in a monotone and that seemed to annoy Brooke more. "Brooke, why don't you stop fighting this and just join me this evening? Luke will be at my mother's house and we will be all alone." Brooke stared at him dumbfounded, he was actually being serious. "I will do no such thing, Mr Cashvian." "Brooke, drop the formalities and just call me Nathaniel or Nate even. My dad is Mr Cashvian."  "Well Nathaniel, let me tell you one thing. Don't you ever ask me to sleep with you again; It is never going to happen. I'm here solely for one purpose and that is to work for you, nothing else." Brooke said in the iciest tone she could master up before she left her room, fuming. To her surprise she saw Justine standing just outside her room. Brooke looked at her and what surprised her mos was that Justine did not look at her with cold eyes like she did earlier, instead she looked rather friendly sending her a warm smile. "I'm sorry about earlier and how I treated you. I just had to be skeptical. Women tend to put on act in front of us and be all friendly but in the end they only want to sleep with my brother. Clearly you're friendly by nature. I should have actually seen that, the way Luke was with you. He was never like this with any of the other nannies." Brooke smiled at her. "I figured yes and I do not hold it against you." "You really are different Brooke. It is nice to meet you. We should hang out sometime okay." Justine said. "Sure thing. I'd love that." Just then Nathaniel came out of Brooke's room looking rather disappointing. Justine smirked at him. "What seems to be the problem little brother?" Justine asked teasingly and Brooke laughed. "Shut up." He muttered before going into his office. -------- Nate could not believe a woman actually said that to him. It irritated him because he knew the only way to get rid of her was to sleep with her. He did not need any of the nannies before her and definitely did not need her. She was making it hard for him because she was not budging at all. He was hoping it was still an act but he knew it was not and he needed to admit it to himself that he does in fact need her.  Immediately he shook his head trying to get rid these thought. "I don't need her." Nate said loudly, trying to reassure himself. He's been coping perfectly fine without a woman. Yes, he worked a lot but Lucy has been helping him out and that was enough help. He hated how his Dad always interfered. He picked up his phone and called Aiden. "Nate, my man. I'm glad you call. Do we have any plans tonight?" "That's exactly why I called. We should go to the club, Luke won't be here and I need to forget about everything for a while." Aiden laughed out loud. He knew where this was going. "Nate you always say that when you can't get a woman and the only woman you couldn't get was Sash-" "Shut up Aiden! Are you in or not?" Nate snapped. "Chill dude. I'm in. But I have to ask. Is it that new nanny of yours maybe the one you can't seem to get?" Aiden tried his luck. Nate could hear the laugh in his voice. "Goodbye Aiden! See you later" He ended the call, throwing the phone on the bed he had in his office. He decided to wait until his parents were gone until he would get ready. Brooke would be all alone tonight that thought made him felt uneasy. He hoped she had plans tonight, he will not feel comfortable leaving her alone in this big house. Anything can happen. He went downstairs to say goodbye to Luke. He saw Luke in the arms of his mother. Nate could hear Luke telling them a story about 'Brookie'. Lately Brooke is all Luke ever talks about. Again Nate was not sure how to feel about that. "We're leaving now." Natasha said once she spotted Nate entering. "Luke say bye to daddy." His mother said. Luke jumped into Nate's arms and he placed a kiss on Nate's cheek. "Bye daddy." "Bye little man. Be good to Gran okay." Luke nodded his head giving his dad a toothy grin. "Where's Brookie? I wanna say bye." Nate placed him on the ground so he could go and say goodbye to Brooke. "Nate, I can see Brooke is really good for Luke. I don't know where your father got her but please don't mess this up." Tasha said softly to him. "Mom, I've been coping fine without a woman. I don't need one now. All the nannies Dad tried to hire left and I've managed." "Who was the one who made them leave?" Garry butted in. "Well I can't help that they can't resist my charms." Nate said smirking. "I bet you Brooke has not fallen for your so called charms." Garry said with a sly smile. "She will, and soon she will leave. Like I said I never needed a woman in my house and that is definitely not going to change now." "I beg to differ, honey. You'll see. Brooke is good for both you and Luke. You'll see." Tasha said with a knowing look in her eyes and Nate simply just rolled his eyes. "Little brother, I don't think your little player ways will work on Brooke." Justine came out of nowhere. Nate just ignored her and turned to his mother. Before he could reply to either of them Brooke entered the room. He looked up and saw Brooke coming in, carrying Luke on her side. Her hair was frizzy and curly and she had a smile on her face while saying something to Luke causing him to giggle. Brooke's eyes held a spark in them while she continued talking to Luke. Nate could not stop himself from admiring the sight in front of him. She really was beautiful and he knew she was nothing like the other nannies his dad hired. They pretended do play hard to get but always caved in. Brooke was not playing; she definitely did not want to sleep with him but Nate was determined to change her mind. He was not planning on falling for her. Love wasn't something in his vocabulary. Brooke walked with Nathaniel to the door to send his parents and sister off. They said their goodbyes before leaving Brooke and Nathaniel all alone. Brooke spared a glance at Nathaniel. He looked frustrated yet it made him look even more handsome than he already was. Brooke had to admit that he was very handsome. His personality is what made him so ugly. "I'm going out tonight. So you'll probably be alone." He's deep voice shook her out of her thoughts. "No I actually made plans with a few friends of mine." Satisfied, he nodded his head before leaving to get himself ready. Brooke actually made plans with Cara and a few of her other friends, Ben and Sarah included. After she found out that Luke was actually leaving to stay at his grandparents' house she packed his clothes and called Cara and their other friends and they agreed to meet at a club somewhere. Brooke went upstairs to her room and got ready.
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