Chapter 4

2032 Words
My legs trembled as I reached the porch, bare feet softly tapping on the floor and I almost hiss at the now evident coldness I felt. I stepped inside the room, eyes immediately roaming the messiness before me. The room was spacious, maybe bigger than mine and there was definitely a man touch added to the decorations around. It wasn’t as elegant as other rooms, but it gave off a certain powerful feeling, as if you were entering some kind of forbidden zone. I saw broken pieces of glass on the floor, glistening on the dimmed light that illuminated only the parts of the scenery that were dominant in the room. A coffee table has been broken, basically ripped apart and in the middle of the room in all its destroyed glory. Excluding the evident mess on the floor, the room looked pretty neat and well organized, which briefly made me think that there actually is a man that takes care of such things. I was taken into observing once again, completely ignorant to the pair of eyes that followed my every step or movement. The walls were a dark, dirty blue color that fitted with dark drapes across the big windows and the occasional flower vases that had specific calligraphy drawn on them. Coming further in, I could smell the scent of blood, not deliberately strong but it still hung in the air, just enough to make someone cringe. For me it felt as if it was on the tip of my tongue, I could almost taste the metallic taste of blood. The moment of my enchantment was broken when someone took a sharp intake of breath, and I stopped dead in my tracks finally realizing that I had entered a devil’s lair. Among the silence that spread, I could hear someone's ragged breathing in the background. I slowly turned around, careful of any sudden movement I might cause which in return might earn me a fatal reaction from the person in here. When my eyes landed on what had caused this racket in the middle of the night, I paused for moments on as I stared in utter disbelief with shock written all over my face. My breath was stuck in my throat and I couldn’t stop myself from examining the magnificent person that hid in the shadows. Before me stood a very tall man, maybe just a bit taller than Mr. Shackler. He was wearing dress pants and a shirt that had bloodstains all over, smudged and some fresh, making him seem as if he had gone through a rough fight. The shirt outlined the toned muscles that were rippling with every intake of breath, the dim light making a great perspective of the shadow falling over the shirt. His shoulders were broad and strong, definitely those of a man who worked out daily and took care of his body. And no matter how pathetic it was of me to judge him so by his looks, only simple couldn’t ignore the handsomeness of the man. When I looked at his face I immediately recognized him. He was the man in the painting. The man Eva called young master. But he was more captivating in person with his black hair, that was shaved on the sides, tasseled around with some locks falling over his forehead. His jaw was strong, and his face was just gorgeous with a tone of a fierce looking man that took whatever and however he wanted. When our eyes met, I could feel a strange vibe go through me, making my insides quake while at it. I shuddered at his intense gaze, not having the courage nor the energy to look away from those stunning gray eyes. Not only that, but his presence made this room feel small, crowded and as if it was extremely hot. He looked powerful, dominant. A predator in the shadows stalking his prey, the objective of his desire. His blazing gaze never lingered, staring so persistently that my insides grew hot and I fidgeted in my place, taking a small, almost unnoticeable step back, as if to get rid of the feeling in my stomach that screamed danger. It was really awkward and I couldn't speak. He didn't speak either, his mouth shut tight with him standing there rigidly like a statue. The fear of anger, outbursts and such was making me hesitate with the thought of introducing myself to the man that couldn’t tare his eyes away from me, just as I couldn’t mine. It’s as if we were in some kind of trance, not being aware how much time was passing by. So this is the son. Within the next few minutes, one of us finally snapped awake from the weird enchantment we had put on each other, with the weirdest thing being that the first one to look away was him. His eyes slid down from mine, tracing down my lips, jaw and neck past my torso and going downwards more. I followed his gaze and realized I was in nothing but my nightgown, which stopped at my mid-thighs. It revealed most of my pale legs, my skin shining on the light. Crap. I tried to cover my legs the best I could, pulling on the gown so that it would stretch and cover that little modesty of my legs. His eyes snapped to mine, and he narrowed them. Opening his mouth, his deep, hoarse filled the room, my ears perking up and tingling at how strangely good it felt to listen to him speak. "Who are you?" His voice held authority that I had underestimated. I opened my mouth and the closed them in hesitation, unsure of how to answer and to not make him flare up in sudden anger. The situation was so sticky, that my brain felt as though it fried up and it could no longer function. How should I answer? "Well?" He was becoming impatient, which was evident by the sudden harshness his tone held, immensely making me shudder under his presence. I felt as though I was shrinking, even more so than in front of Mr.Shackler. "I... My name is Anna and I will be your caretaker from tomorrow on. " I answered in a small voice, just audible enough for him to hear it, but I swallowed dryly when I saw a sudden flare in his eyes. "Were you the one talking to my father?" "Yes." I replied instantly. He c****d his head to the side as the silence spread like fire, spitting on us and making the situation even harder to bare. It was getting uncomfortable, until, suddenly, he started to walk towards me. With his long legs and in just a few steps, he was towering over me and looking at me with some form of a glare. He almost invaded my personal space, our fronts really close to one another. I glanced up at him, as if peeking shyly and his eyes narrowed again which now made it clear that he was actually studying me. He observed my every action, reaction and move, even the way I breathed. My legs wouldn't move and I could feel the heat radiating off of him, seeping under my skin and making me feel even more hot than necessary. Then I realized that I don't know his name and before I stopped myself, I spoke. "May I ask what your name is?" The silence that came from him wasn’t a pleasant combination with the one that already surrounded us. I was lethally afraid to look away from his prodding gaze, in fear that it might, again, set him off in some way. It wasn’t until a whole minute later did he reply to my hanging question. "Elijah." He replied curtly, his voice cold compared to the atmosphere around him. He looked so composed, so calm and cold, but I got the feeling that under all that was a bomb that could explode at any ridiculous moment. "Elijah." I repeated stupidly. His breath hitched when he heard his name roll of my tongue, a bit too sensually. For some ridiculous reason, his name felt good on my tongue and I couldn’t help the smile that slowly creeped up on my lips. "That's a nice name." I was hoping I could lighten the mood, but he only ended up c*****g his head to the side, completely ignoring that my words were actually a compliment. His eyes scanned over my face, stopping at my lips for a very brief moment as he was studying my every expression. "You like it?" He asked calmly, not a trace of humor resting on his face. "Y-Yes." Why did I just stutter? It was a complete surprise to me as I was always confident in my ability to keep a rational and calm mind in any situation. The fact that I had stuttered had perfectly reflected the effect the tall male that loomed over me had. The door opened with a creek, interruption welcomed to the uncomfortable, suffocating situation. I saw Eva and his father coming in hesitantly, almost timidly into the room with pale expressions and a fearful look in their eyes. "Darling here is your cake." Eva spoke up, trying to sound unaffected by the events, even though her voice was slightly trembling and hand shaking as he held the plate full of delicious looking cake. He didn't even spare her a glance, his stare so stubborn on my form that he refused to acknowledge their presence. I would have scolded a person for that, but to him, I couldn’t even try to stand up. "Son, it's late. Miss Anna needs her sleep. I'm sure she would like to take her leave now." Mr. Shackler nodded towards me, his eyes saying that for my own good, I should leave the room as quickly as possible. I swallowed made a move to step towards the door, but before I could take the step, a large and rough hand caught my wrist in a tight grip. I felt strange electricity shoot through me. The feeling wasn't uncomfortable, but it was certainly not welcome. "Who the hell are you to decide? Go back to your room." Elijah replied with a low growl rumbling in his strong chest. His glare intensified as he turned to his father who in return gulped. The thought of them not having a great family relationship washed over me like a bucket of cold water. If that truly was the thing, then pleasing both sides of my bosses will be twice as much harder than I had expected. To top it off, I had this undying urge to scold him for being, in some way, disrespectful to his flesh and blood, especially his father. In order to calm the tense atmosphere that had turned for worse, my other hand came up slowly and rested on his forearm. His head snapped to me with a surprised yet warning look. I forced a nervous smile on my lips, to seem more relaxed rather than a nervous mess. "Umm... I really need to rest. I needed hours to get here. I am really tired." I stated smiling up at him. For a moment it looked like his eyes softened. He seemed deep in thoughts and after a few seconds, unexpectedly, his hand let go of mine, and I felt as though the source a of warmth was ripped away from me. I felt instantly cold. "Okay." Was his reply. I smiled and turned to go, but on my way out I didn’t fail to catch the expression of shock Eva and Mr.Shackler had on their faces. Did I do something wrong? "Good night." I heard him say. Turning around, I replied, taking a look at him one last time this night. He was watching me move, following my every step with his eyes. The moment I left the room, I felt myself relaxing, as if I could finally breathe. Wow, that man is too intense.
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