Chapter 3

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Marilou in the cart looked around her. She had never seen such houses, so beautiful, so animated. She passed in front of the market, people were stepping aside to let them pass. There are so many people, she thought. It was a new world for her, she smiled watching the children running to catch the cart. The palace door opened and after a few minutes the cart stopped. A guard lifted the curtain. The guard: You can go down, miss. Marilou grabbed the hand he held out to her to get off. This way Miss. Marilou followed him hesitantly. In front of her at the entrance, stood about fifteen steps. She mounted them and stood in front of the hall. It's so big, my whole face could live here, there's so much space. She continued to follow the guard, behind her were also two guards who brought up the rear. The hallway seemed so long and huge rooms opened into it. She tilted her head to look inside until the guard in front of her turned to the right. She hurried to catch up to him and froze when she saw what was in front of her. Marilou continua à regarder autour d'elle. Elle venait d'apercevoir une longue table avec pleines de bonnes choses, son regard s'y attarda. Le Roi tourna légèrement sa tête pour regarder la même direction que Marilou. Le Roi : On dirait bien que notre invitée à le ventre qui gargouille. Marilou se retourna brusquement vers le Roi et s'excusa. Marilou: Hello.... I'm sorry, that caught my attention... in fact we're not used to... seeing so much food on the table. The King: It's no big deal young lady, I'm sorry you don't have enough to eat while living on my land... we'll fix it later if you don't mind. Marilou: No exactly... I had made a few requests before coming. The King: Yes I have heard of it Marilou: And? Florent gave me his word The King: Ok I see... if Florent gave you his word then consider it done. Marilou: Happy to see that there are still honest people. The King: I always keep my word Miss Marilou: No, I was talking about... Florent, not you. The King: Hum hum I see (embarrassed) The Queen: I see you have bad manners young lady. I could have your head chopped off for how dare you speak to your King. Marilou: Excuse me Madam, I'm not used to... all this... The Queen: It can be seen for miles my dear. The King: Come on my dear don't be so harsh on her...she must be lost to all these people in front of her. Don't worry, I just wanted to see you and welcome you before I let you rest. Marilou: Thank you. The King: We are the ones who thank you... Gloria will help you wash and put on clean clothes. She will be at your service throughout your stay here. Does it suit you? Marilou: Yes sir.... thank you very much... but couldn't I solve the problem right away? I would like to go home. The King: We are talking about the reason for your coming later go and rest for now. You will need all your strength tomorrow morning who knows? Marilou: But I... The Queen: Learn to obey young lady if you want to keep your head on your shoulders of course. Marilou: Excuse me, that won't happen again. Gloria: Follow me Miss I'll take you to your apartments .............................................. Gloria pushed open the bedroom door, Marilou was so amazed by the size of the room and its beauty that she was almost paralyzed. Gloria: Please come in. Marilou: Call me Marilou please and you can also address me as tu if you want. You must be 4 or 5 years older than me at most. Gloria: Fine as you please....I mean as you please. Marilou: I like that better... how big is it (turning her outstretched arms on herself perpendicular to her body with a broad smile) it's much bigger than my house, you know account ? Gloria: Where are you from? Marilou stopped turning, touching the curtains and sniffing their perfumes, she raised her head to answer. Marilou: In a distant village... Medieval, it's Latin, it means rebirth... it's a beautiful village, everyone is so nice to me and despite our situation, we are very happy there. Gloria: Don't make that face... Marilou: Marilou ... my name is Marilou Gloria: Marilou, it's a beautiful name Marilou: Thank you it comes to me from my grandmother and you it is? Gloria: Me it's gloria (Sitting on the bed) Marilou: It's very beautiful (the sad look) Gloria: Don't be sad, you'll find yours soon, I'm sure. (joining Marilou on the bed. She put her hand on her shoulder to comfort her) Marilou: Do you trust the King? Gloria: He's a good person, his only fault is his unconditional love for his son. He would die for that i***t. Marilou: Isn't that what parents are supposed to do? Gloria: Yes, but not for someone like him. Marilou: Why? You know something ? How is it tell me? Gloria: Well... Marilou: Please tell me please Before she could even answer the door swung open, startling them. It was an old lady with a threatening air, she entered staring at Marilou. Lady: What are you two doing here? Didn't I ask you to give her a bath Gloria? Gloria: Yeah we were... The Lady: I ​​don't want to know anything. The Lady strode toward a room within the chamber itself. Marilou, curious, followed her. The Lady turned on the water in the bathtub poured a few bottles of it here and there giving an intoxicating smell of perfume. Marilou inhaling the smell and a smile appeared on her tender face. Marilou: Hmmm, how good does it smell, I've never breathed in such a sweet scent. The Lady closed the tap and turned to Marilou still dreamy. She pulled on her rags which she used as a dress, they yielded making Marilou stark naked. Startled by the woman's gesture, she froze for a moment as the woman looked her up and down. When she came to her senses, she crossed her legs and folded her arms over her small breasts, hiding from the insistent gaze of this stranger.She turned her head towards Gloria who had just joined them, a look almost pleading. Gloria then intervenes on her behalf. Gloria: Leave it to me Lady Gloria, I'll take care of it, you must be very busy. The woman finally turned her gaze away from Marilou and put it on Gloria. Dame gloria: Well, don't let me catch you two chatting anymore, otherwise you're going to regret it bitterly, Gloria and you, too, a peasant. She left the room under the gaze of the two young girls. They didn't look away until they heard the door close. Gloria turned to Marilou who let a few tears bead on her cheeks. Gloria quickly took her in her arms for a brief moment. Gloria: Shuttt don't worry, it's not against you, she's like that with everyone. Come on, get in there, you have to take your bath before she comes back. Marilou slipped into her bath and Gloria took care of washing her. Gloria: That's it, you're all clean now. You will see, in your pretty dress and your hairstyle you will be the most beautiful in the palace. Marilou said nothing, in shock, she remained silent and ashamed. Gloria helped her put on a blue dress with a few touches of white lace, she brought out her blue eyes and her hairstyle released upwards showed her pretty face with fine features. Her luscious bright red lips deserved attention. Lady Gloria arrived in time, Marilou was putting on white high heels right up to her size. She raised her head in the direction of Lady Gloria's steps, who was taken by surprise. Lady Gloria approached her almost in fear, her hand outstretched. Marilou stood up in front of her with a worried look full of questions. Lady Gloria: How is this possible? Gloria: So what? Lady Gloria without paying attention to him stopped in front of Marilou and looked into his. Lady Gloria: You look exactly like her, how is that possible?
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