Chapter 3 Bad News

942 Words
  James was in debt? Is that why he was missing? This was crap! Alice knew James well. He would never disappear over something like this. He would rather negotiate head-on with his creditor than take leave without saying goodbye. "I'm one of James' friends." Alice said. "What’s happened to him?" "Friend?" Morales looked at Alice. His haughty eyes were gradually stained with l**t. "Are you new here? Wanna be a star?" Morales licked his lips. "Come on, you can't dress like that. Women have to look sexy." "What happened to James?" Alice asked again. "Haha, be my girl and I'll tell you." Morales waved his hand, and the two bodyguards surrounded Alice. They held out their robotic arms and came at Alice. On reflex, Alice subconsciously reached out and grabbed a fist, trying to block the 300-kilogram guy. "Crap!" As she blocked his attack, Alice realized that she was no longer strong. She was not sure she’d be able to deal with such a tough guy. Much to her surprise, it was pretty easy to stop the attack. More than that, she felt she still had a lot left in the tank! She grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm around. "Oh, you damn b***h!" The bodyguard had no idea that he would be stopped by such a petite girl. Irritated, he threw out another fist. "I can stop it! " The fist, full of rage, was coming at Alice with terrifying force, propelled by a hydraulic arm. The swift attack, however, seemed to slow down before Alice. It was just an instant, but Alice felt that time was so abundant that she could even observe another bodyguard and the creditor, Morales. She swerved to avoid the punch and then hit him in the jaw, sending him flying. The man, who weighed at least 300 kilograms, was shot straight through the air by a woman one-sixth his weight. "Ouch!" The bodyguard's jaw had also been modified, and was completely metal. The impact was so violent that Alice felt a jolt of pain. But when she looked at her fist, and found it unscathed. There was no wound at all. The pain was even gradually dissipating. It was a feeling she had never experienced before, as if the underlying energy of her body had been aroused. "Get her! " Startled by Alice's fighting abilities, Morales let out a loud scream to order the bodyguards to stop her, and fled out the door. Alice immediately ran after him, but another bodyguard blocked her. Alice threw another punch, but the bodyguard grabbed Alice's fist. The hydraulic arm increased its output as if it were trying to crush Alice's fist. "I wouldn't make a mistake like that." He gave Alice a creepy grin. "Oh, you sure?" Facing such a burly guy, Alice did not force her fist out. Instead, she raised her leg, supported by her left foot, and swung her right foot over his head like a whip. The bodyguard let go of her. Stumbling, he fell to the floor. "Holy s**t!" Morales rushed out of the room, got into his car, stepped on the gas and was about to leave. At that moment, however, Alice rushed out and ran up to Morales just as he started the car. The car was going fast, but to Morales' surprise, Alice was faster than the car. Even though he was flooring it, the distance between them kept shortening. "s**t! s**t! Even a modified man couldn't outrun a car!" Morales yelled, regretting that he had chosen a ground-based sports car instead of an elegant flying car. Morales was freaked out when Alice pulled his car door open from the side. She rushed in, slammed on the brakes, and pulled him out of the car. Morales was lifted up like a lamb. "Oh my, how did you do that?" "I didn't see that coming. Be good!" Alice pinned him to the ground and held him down. "I am sorry. I have money! I can pay you back! Please don't hurt me! " The haughty creditor was suddenly infinitely meek. "Do as I say." "Okay." Morales replied eagerly. "Tell me what happened to James."   "I have no idea. Ow! No! You're hurting me!" Morales wailed. "I swear I don't know. We had some financial ties, and I was always helping him out with his debts! He used to call me regularly, but this time, I haven't heard from him for a long time. We are kind of pally!" "Pally? So, pally is breaking down his door?" "Oh! Please!" He shouted. Alice tried to question him further, but just then a voice interrupted her. "Whatever grudge you have, please stop now." By this time the two of them had already left St. George Street, and several heavily armed men with "FCPD (Future City Police Department)" printed on their uniforms surrounded them. With loaded guns. "They're FCPD, the police here. Hey, pretty girl, you better cool it." Morales whispered. Alice turned her head and saw that the place where the car had passed was a mess, and people were coming up to her screaming. "Because we’ve messed up the street?" Alice let go of Morales and raised her hands, with her eyes fixed on those men's guns and weapons. "Not just that." An officer in his mid-fifties came over. He showed off his electronic police ID. "You can call me Freeman." The officer said, "Because you came out of a house that is being monitored." "Monitored? James's house, you mean?" Asked Alice eagerly. "Where is he? What happened?" "If you're referring to the owner of the house," Officer Freeman paused. "He's dead."
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