Untitled Episode

1178 Words
Soraya’s POV Paige retracted to the back of my mind, making me relieve another round of pain and my bones returned to normal. Her words still rang in my head, making me bite onto my lower lip and smile. My mate… he was here. I just needed to find him. Guards’ booming steps got to my cell. I lowered my head and chewed through the silver chain by my sharp fangs. "Find mate." Paige echoed again and I nodded. I hurried out of the dungeons. The scent that haunted my dream all night hovered in the air. The closer I got to the training grounds, the stronger the scent grew, making me take a deep inhale. "Mate is here. He's here." Paige squealed. I could feel it too, the soft breeze of his presence and it was getting stronger. He was coming closer. I sniffed the air, turning to see which direction he was coming from. I turned to my left and walking towards me was Ryder and his expression was nothing to write home about. "Mate." Paige echoed. "Huh?" "He's your mate." Paige repeated and I suddenly felt suffocated. I couldn't breathe. Her words were like a hammer aimed at my heart, shattering it to pieces. I saw the increased intensity of hatred and visibly gulped, letting go of the bucket. From his expression, I could tell that he was equally aware of our mate bond and everything in my body was screaming at me to run for my life but I couldn't move a single muscle in my bones. I was petrified. "You? Of all people?" I looked around, hating that he was garnering people's attention. They were beginning to mutter and point at us, fervently staring. I was harshly smacked against the wall before I could even register his movement, his warmth encasing me as he covered every decent amount of distance between us. Ryder’s eyes held more hatred than I’ve ever witnessed while Paige was eager for her mate, which made me more desperate. “R-ryder...” I called him in broken voice, expecting he could have little spare on me, his mate. “Don’t f*****g say my name! And this should even be the last time you do.” He yelled out. His lips twisted into a snarl and his right hand reached out to grab my neck. My eyes were sour in sharp pain, popping a little as I frantically fought for breaths. I struggled to push him away but he was just too strong for me. I’ve fallen for him since childhood. And now, I was his mate, I wondered what I could do to let him accept me. I wished I could make up for him, I cared about him more than anything. “I…You are my…” “Shut the F*ck up! Don’t finish that sentence. I know what you’re about to say, and I forbid you from saying it. If word gets out that you are mated to me, breaking your neck would be small compared to the other things I’ll do to you.” I whimpered, a tear falling down my face at his words, but I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t dare speak. He would kill me in a fit of rage, I knew him well. In a second, I felt my legs dangling as he lifted me from the ground. "You should have been dead a long time ago. Oh, I really wish my father killed you but alas, he made a good decision keeping you alive, giving you a life worse than death. You get to suffer every f*****g day and beg for death, but you'll never get it. You'll cry till you run out of tears, merely existing just like my father and I. The day you took my mother from us was the day you made me your sworn enemy and I will make your life a living hell, Soraya. You are not my mate, get that into your measly mind. I reject you!” His hold on my trembling flesh tightened, and his eyes gazed on my tearing face. I hardly breathe, but I only shook my head again and again. "I will haunt and torment you every single moment I can, making sure you know no peace and I trust the pack members are doing the same. You deserve all the suffering you're getting." His words were like poison, slowly getting absorbed by my heart. I could feel every emotion he felt by virtue of the mate bond and the intensity of pain seeping from him, brought tears to my eyes. He was hurting, slowly getting picked apart by loneliness and I was responsible for it. I was barely conscious, but his words echoed in my head over and over. ‘I am not your mate.’ ‘I rjectt you.’ My hands slowly dropped, suffocation blurring my eyes as tears slid down my eyes. I could see his eyes staring deep into mine with no remorse and it overwhelmed me, making me let go of the fight I had in me. Still, even with my limp state, I tried again. “Why…why can’t…” I stuttered, coughing and almost choking. I continued. “Why can’t you forgive me? Please?” More tears fell down my cheeks as I pleaded. “Forgive me and let me go.” “You even have the effrontery to beg.” His hand on my neck tightened even more. “I will never ever forgive you as long as my mother lays cold, and six feets under. If you have any chance of bringing her back alive, then by all means do that. Then and only then might you be worthy of my forgiveness. b*tch!” He half yelled and a moment, his grip on my neck loosened and he threw to the floor harshly. I hit the dirt hard, the wind leaving my lungs. I coughed hard until blood almost left my throat. My mate despised me. The only hope in my h*ll life had turned out to be my worse nightmare. Oh Luna, this was not what you envisioned at all. “She’s so pathetic. Can you see her clothes.” One of the werewolf warriors from the crowd spoke. “So weak and thin. But she’d look great in bed though. I would love to F*ck her pert lips.” “Lips? Come on man. Look at her b*obs. She’s so f*****g small and s*xy. I wonder what her screams would be like… I could touch her now and…” I heard footsteps approaching and I felt a hand reaching out to touch me. I flinched. The man from earlier tried to touch me again but this time I heard a very familiar voice yelling out, “Leave her alone, did you all f*****g hear me?!” Ryder. Why was he?… I started to wander, did he still care for me a little? Just before I gave into the cold hands, my eyes dropped, and I could feel darkness creeping in.
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