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Liam's P.O.V. In Romano’s Enterprise, an enormous building in Wolfen city, the twentieth floor was cold and dead silent. I was sitting behind a long office table, dressed in a gray suit with a brown tie, my gaze was on the table while I tapped my feet on the ground continuously. The atmosphere around me was so tense that it could make people melt and vanish. “What! I gave you one whole week and you found nothing?” I slammed my fist on the table and looked up at my assistant and beta as I inquired. My voice and look were relaxed, but my expressionless face would still frighten a general. “Yes, Alpha. I looked everywhere the Luna could but it was just like she vanished without a trace, like she never existed.” My Beta Seth calmly whispered as he couldn't bring himself to speak in his usual tone. He was so nervous that he broke out of sweat. ‘Never existed? vanished without a trace?’ “You've failed to do your Job and You're telling me this crap. How can a meek McKenna, vanish without a trace?” I asked, squinting my eyes. My beta Seth Adams already lost his will to speak, since he came back with no information about McKenna, he knows that nothing he says will make me listen to him. This would be counted as the first time he found himself in the most helpless situation throughout the years of stepping up as my beta. He didn't get any information about McKenna despite searching relentlessly for weeks which was about to turn into months. “Keep searching! Get more men, go into the city, and drag her back! Complete this task or you will be punished!” I ordered in a cold voice as my sanity was running out of time. Seth Adams with his elbow wiped away the cold sweat from his forehead and trotted out of my office. On the other hand, the news didn’t sit well with me and this made me slightly irritated. I pulled my tie, grabbed my suit, and drove back to the moonshine pack. It was just as quiet as my office in the villa, I glanced at McKenna's cottage, it was filled with darkness unlike usual. I’d vaguely recall coming here every night to meet dimly lit lights and McKenna running around the kitchen in the cottage like she was certain that I'd stay with her every night. However, it was pitch black now, I tilted my head to the side, reached out to the wall, and turned on the lights. I felt uncomfortable as the bright light flashed directly into my eyes, instantly I closed my eyes. Then opened it again after adjusting to the light and looked around the desolate room. A thought struck me, ‘there would be no one here again running around the kitchen to make my favorite food or run to me to collect my coat.’ I rubbed my hand against my chest as it felt stuffy and uncomfortable. Although I have not been here for a while, this was the first time I felt such coldness throughout my visit to this cottage. I'd always come back to the scent of my contractual mate coming from her cottage. McKenna's p.o.v At the mystic tribe, in the Albert villa, I felt like I was going to get bored to death after recovering at home for the past few weeks, mostly I just needed to cough, and then the servants would come running to my room to ensure that I get everything I need as I had two servants at my service. On the other hand, my brother Landon had already finished up the task Mum assigned him, meanwhile seeing that my mood had been messed up, he couldn’t stand to see me in such a situation. “Mckenna, I think you should go out, have some fun, and get some fresh air, the preparation for your welcome party is ongoing, I don’t want you looking sulky.” He mumbled, standing at my door with his head plunging into my room. My eyes immediately shone with excitement, I gave Landon a thumbs up and turned to my cell phone. I scrolled through my contact list and stopped at a familiar number, a smile broke out of my lips as I tapped on the number. That was my best friend, Zoey Anderson. She was so surprised when she received my call that she jumped off her bed in awe, she took in a deep breath, caressed her chest, and accepted the call on the last ring. “It's a pleasant surprise, Kenna. To have you call me at this time,” She affirmed suspiciously with her voice a bit distant. Meanwhile, I was sitting on the swing in the Albert garden with the motion going slowly forward and backward as I was immersed in the sun. “I’m bored, let's go out and have fun,” I responded with a frown, wondering why Zoey would utter such words. Meanwhile, Zoey found it even stranger. We had rarely kept in touch over the years of my marriage as I cut every tie with everyone the moment I chose to marry Liam. Although Zoey would take the initiative to ask me out. The excuses I gave would shun her, she’d cut the call and wouldn’t contact me for the next few days. All these drove Zoey crazy, suddenly getting a call from me and asking for a hangout, it was too much for her to take, so she breathed heavily and tentatively asked, “Well, that's cool. Have you chosen the place?” She was taken aback when I responded without any hesitation, “Sure.” This threw her off balance as she never expected that I'd go back to nightlife. Meanwhile, Inside the bar, disco lights were flickering relentlessly. Zoey was waiting at the gate, and an eye-catching limited edition vehicle pulled up in front of her. The chauffeur unlocked the back door, I stepped out of the BMW in brown high-heels. I resettled my sunglasses with my index finger and grinned when my eyes landed on Zoey. “Here you are, did I take so long?” I stopped in front of Zoey and flashed her a gentle smile. She was so awestruck that she rubbed her eyes and stared at me like she had seen someone from the dead. ‘What is wrong with McKenna today? isn't she supposed to be a loyal wife to her alpha husband, Liam Romano? Yet, she is here, all dressed up and looking so cheerful and hot today.’ Zoey’s mind ran wild while sizing me up. “Wow, am I in the dreamland? You really came, you mean your…” Zoey couldn’t finish her sentence, it was like something was stopping her from speaking further. I arched my brow and interrupted, “My what? Are you talking about brother, yes, he allowed me to hang out tonight, alright. Oh, I want to tell you that I had a car accident recently and I have selective amnesia.” I explained “Holly molly! What did you just day?” Zoey’s eyes widened, she couldn’t believe what she just heard. ‘So that’s what happened.’ She bit her lower lips and thought to herself. However, Zoey suddenly felt this was a gift from the moon goddess rather than a catastrophe. ‘Finally, the gods remembered McKenna, this is a great chance for McKenna to forget that son of a bitch.’ Her eyes flashed with unforeseen thoughts and I was amused by the look on her face. Zoey immediately pulled me into her warm embrace and almost screamed out of happiness. “Let’s go, I’m really in the mood to party hard today. Let’s have some fun!” Zoey clutched my wrist and pulled me into the bar with a beaming face. My best friend's eyes flashed with an exciting glint as her eyes stopped on the center of the bar where the accent light was directed. A group of people had surrounded a table with different strong alcoholic drinks set on a long table when we walked into the bar. “Do you want to explore?” Zoey winked at me before continuing to say, “Just have some fun, I'll try the dancehall instead.” Zoey hesitated for a moment before saying. “Do you still remember how to drink? It’s been years, I bet you have forgotten the rules of the game” Zoey said with a taunting voice. Literally, I fell for her taunts and smiled as I cracked my knuckles. “Don't go back to lick your wounds.” I sneered and approached the group of people surrounding the table. Meanwhile, Liam saw this scene as his eyes fell on me immediately after he stepped into the bar, I was chatting cheerfully with the set of people who had bet their money on alcohol alcohol-drinking competition. This was my favorite game and I bet my diamond jewelry that worth a hundred million dollars, with a wild and carefree look. "Set! Go!" the game master's voice roared. In a flash, I began drinking up the tequila shots, cocktails, and vodkas, which were the strongest of alcohol. My thick brown hair swung along my movements, and with my throat going up and down as I gulped down the drink at a fast pace, I appeared even more gorgeous with the baddie look. skillfully I drank the alcoholic drink in front of me like it was a glass of water. "Bang!" with my red lips curled up, I placed the last glass of vodka on the table, exuding a proud and confident energy at that moment of joy. Liam who had seen me a while ago stopped in his strides. The people next to him noticed his awful look and followed his gaze. They were all shocked by what they saw as well. “Omg! Is that not the Luna?” A young man standing next to Liam uttered. Liam’s eyes were as dark as night. They were completely black and deep like the dark abyss. He'd been searching all over Wolf City for me for several days, and it was as if I never existed. This was the last place, he had expected to see me.
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