Chapter 1

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WARNING: This story has a few topics on the dark side. This is fictional but is meant to open the eyes to situations that happen in real life. This story contains situations that could be difficult for some readers. This story should NOT be read by anyone under the age of 18. This is for mature 18+ Again, this story contains abuse and rape and situations that unfortunately, happen in real life, read at your own risk! Ryker's POV: "PLEASE! I beg you! Spare my life!" Juan (who-an) Rodriquez yelled begging for his life. He thought he could come here to my town and cause havoc and then think he could take my place. Well as he soon found out, I wasn't planning on stepping down anytime soon. My father gave me the family business when he passed away 6 years ago and I have no plans on stepping down anytime soon. "This is the punishment for thinking you had a chance with overthrowing me from the leader of the underworld. There's nothing you could do to change that!" I turned and grabbed a nail and hammer, turning and looking at the sorry soul of a man. He ran from Mexico when he found out that there was a hit out for him for trying to do the same thing there as what he tried doing to me. He's was a short man, fairly overweight and missing most of his hair and teeth. I walked over to him where he was chained to the block of wood on the floor. Laying on his back I had his arms chained to the planks of wood that came out from the block. I walked over to his right hand and put the nail onto his wrist. "Please, Sir! I beg you!" I didn't listen, in one swift motion, I swung that hammer as hard as I could sending that nail into his wrist. "AAAAAHHHHHH!" He screamed out in pain as I hit the nail again and again until the nail went through his wrist and into the wooden block below. Blood was running from the wound and pooling on the concrete below. His sobbing was echoing through the room, music to my ears. I don't take lightly to those who try to overthrow me or any that go against me. This town has been my family's for generations. I am the 3rd generation to take over and we now have control over several cities in several states along with a few overseas. I plan on making this bigger and getting more allies throughout the world. "Please....."He was starting to pass out from the pain but still tried to talk. "I will give you a gift if you spare my life." His head flopped over to one side, his eyes hardly open. His breathing had slowed down. If I'm going to get anything out of him I better do it quick before he passes out from the pain. "There's nothing you could give me that I would want." I set the other nail on the same arm but farther down. "A gift of innocence, I will give you." He started taking large breaths and turned to look at him, struggling to stay awake. I looked at him, not sure what it is he is referring to. Seeing the confusion in my face he continued. "My daughter, I will give you my daughter!" Before I could say anything his head fell to the side and he was unconscious. What would I want with his daughter? I can get any woman out there I would want anywhere, anytime. In this world you don't ask, you take. I would never force a woman in my bed but I've never had one resist me to make me want to either. With him being out, there's really no need to continue. Not as much fun if they are not awake to scream. Walking out of the cell I went into my office and into the bathroom to shower. I couldn't get my head off of the idea of him giving me his daughter. I have no interest in marriage, no interest in f*****g someone more than once. She would be of no use to me other than to give me an heir but even that I don't really have any interest in. I'm only 28 years old and don't want to be tied to just one woman. I got out of the shower and changed into a new pair of slacks and dress shirt, rolling up my sleeves, walking to my desk. Picking up the phone I decided to call Jax. He's my second in command and he will be able to do the leg work on finding out who this girl is. I need to know everything. I need to know her name, age, where she lives, works. Everything. If I"m even going to consider this I need to see her. If she's underage, forget it. He can die for being a sicko and trying to sell off his underage daughter. "H..Hello.......?" Heavy breathing on the other end of the phone call. Okay by the sounds of it on the other end of this phone call, this isn't the best time to be calling him but I really don't care if I'm interrupting something......intimate. "Jax, I have work for you to do. You need to get down here to the warehouse, NOW!" Making sure he knew I meant business regardless of what it was he was currently doing. "Okay, boss. Give me 10 minutes and I will head that way." Really, only takes him 10 minutes. Never would have thought that with him. He's taking home a new chick almost every night. "Jax, I want you here in 10 minutes." I didn't let him respond, I hung up the phone right after. I don't have time to wait on him to satisfy himself. I need this started now and I need answers right away. I really want to kill this guy and I can't until I decide if I will accept this or not. I'm too impatient for this. I head back down to the basement with a bucket of ice water filled with large busted pieces of ice. This bastard is going to wake up now and we are going to continue this possible contract with him and his daughter. Once I get in there I can see he's starting to wake up but not fast enough. I throw the ice water in his face along with all the chunks of busted ice that were in the water. He started coughing from the water and yelling from the ice hitting and cutting his skin on his face. He looks over at me in fear of what I was planning on doing next. I walked back over where my nail and hammer were put after he passed out on me and walked back over to his arm. Placing the nail a few inches higher than the other nail, I look at him with no mercy. "We need to have a discussion about this gift you are offering." This put hope into his eyes. The thought that I might actually let him go because of what he was offering. Little did he know, I was planning on killing him anyway. I can't have him spoiling anything that I might decide to do with this daughter of his. "If I decide to take your offer, your daughter as payment for your life, she will be mine until she dies. She will be my wife and she will do as what is expected with me in my bed. She will obey and respect me and give me an heir. She will not be allowed to see your or the rest of her family again." His eyes grew wide and he started to shake his head. "No, you can't keep her from us! I won't allow that!" Who does he think he is, trying to negotiate this. "I don't think you realize, this isn't a negotiation." I swung the hammer hard against the nail. Sending it in between his bones of his arm. With one swift hit, I sent it through and into the wood. He screamed and vomited all over himself. "I have someone coming today. He's going to research this daughter of yours. If I find her worthy and I said "IF" then I will have a contract for you to sign that will release her to me for your life." I don't plan on sparing his life and will have him urging to sign without even bothering to read it. He was still heaving when I walked out of the cell and into my office. As expected Jax was there waiting. "Jax, your right on time," I said as I walked past him to the bathroom to clean up. I wasn't planning on this but I have blood on my clothes and hands now and need to change. After getting washed up in the sink and changing my clothes I walked back out to have a chat with Jax. 'What did you need me so urgently boss?" He was a little irritated by having to stop what he was doing but I don't care. This is more important than his d**k getting what it wanted. "I have a task for you, Jax. I need you to find everything out about Juan Rodriguez's daughter." "The wannabe mafia leader we just captured?" He had a little confused look on his face. He knew I wanted nothing but to torture and kill this man. "Yes. He is offering me his daughter for his life." He laughed at the thought of me sparing this man's life. "Does he really think you won't kill him if he gives you his daughter?" He laughed again at the thought of it. "Yes, he does, but he doesn't know that I don't plan on holding up my end of the bargain of sparing his life." I walked over to my desk chair and sat down on the leather seat, putting my arms behind my head. Jax took a seat on the couch against the wall, leaning up against the arm of the couch and stretching his arms over the other arm. If it was anyone else doing that, I probably would of put a bullet in their head, but Jax is family. He's my younger brother, about 3 years younger. He does what he is told, and he's good at what he does but he likes to test my patience. "What all would you like me to find out?" His head was resting on his arms and he was looking up at the ceiling, moving his feet back and forth. "I want to know everything. I want to know her name...." He cut me off before I could continue, sitting up from where he was laying. "He didn't even give you her name? Does she even exist? He's just buying himself time with a fake daughter." "No, he did not give me a name. Don't interrupt me again." I looked sternly into his eyes. He raised his hands and laid back against the couch in defeat. "I need to know her name, where she's living, where she works. I want to know her age and you need to take several pictures. I need to know what she looks like before I even think about this arrangement." "What is this arrangement he is trying to talk you into?" Now he looked concerned. Almost as if he thought this might be a trick. "It's not really his arrangement. He tried to negotiate the terms but I told him either it goes down like this or there would be no deal." I purposely didn't tell him everything. He doesn't need to know. Besides, I don't need him running off and telling mom. She would not be happy with me taking a woman like this, against her will. I would never hear the end of it. Jax took the hint that the conversation was over and headed out to complete his task he was given. I leaned back against my chair, a smirk on my face, thinking more of this gift and what all I was planning on doing with her and to her. DISCLAIMER: This is my own work. If it sounds like any other story that was just a coincidence. All the characters are fictional, the story is fictional. This is not based on any true events. This story is for entertainment purposes only and any plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Original Thumbnail BY JerzyGorecki at Leave comments and vote! I love to hear what you think and gives me joy knowing that others enjoy reading what I write. A BIG THANK YOU to all for reading this story! ENJOY!
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