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The castle hustled in an uproar in the middle of the night. The hefting of the guards’ iron boots echoed through the halls as they scattered about, securing the perimeter.   “Fear not, your majesty, every exit is being sealed. That rogue will not get away with her!” Lance, the head guard, gripped his sword tightly, his eyes narrowed and his forehead furrowed with worry.   “He better not! I swear he will not be shown mercy for what he has done, no matter what happens! How dare he do such a thing in my kingdom!” King Edward threatened as his hands balled up into fist of fury.   Within seconds, the sound of rushed footsteps filled the hall and a slender stunning woman joined the king, her long red cape sweeping the floor behind her. Her face contorted with sadness before it was replaced with concern as she tugged on King Edward’s arm.   “Honey, please. You can focus on that later. I just want my little girl. Get me my baby, please!” Queen Priscilla lamented, her breathing ragged and her blue eyes filled with tears.   “My queen is right. Go! Go and bring back my daughter safely. Put more men on it if possible! Just protect your princess at any cost!” King Edward quickly placed his protective arm around his queen, comforting her while controlling the  own storm of emotions bubbling within him.   “Yes, King Edward. I will get on it right away,” Lance assured before storming off into the distance, instructing his men to keep on the watch closely.   The guards continued to run up and down the castle staircase while some were stationed out in the gardens. They left no door unguarded as their eyes scanned the surroundings with focus. It was no drill or practice, the future of the kingdom was in their hands, and they were ready to put their lives at stake for their princess.   While, in the middle of the castle, King Edward and Queen Priscilla spread out with their servants and advisors, searching throughout the palace, leaving no table unturned and no curtain unexposed. The royal family was in fear that their five-year-old daughter and heir of the Kingdom was merely hidden away by the perpetrator instead of kidnapped.    But alas, they found nothing. Nothing but half of her gold vine bracelet lying underneath a window, the golden leaves stained with tiny drops of blood. Most likely of Princess Charlotte.   “Priscilla, look!” Duchess Anna, the queen’s sister, cried out as he held up the remains of the bracelet, her worry-filled eyes examining it closely.   “No, it can't be! Where is she? Where's my baby?” Queen Priscilla cried out hysterically before slumping down to the floor.   Her faithful servants immediately tended to her, lifting her up and placing her in her red-velvet throne as they fanned her reddened face. King Edward, upon hearing the outcry of his love, his Queen, rushed into the room, scanning intently for the perpetrator, or better yet, his little girl.   “My king, look what we found next to the window. Are you sure this belongs to the princess?” Lady Ruby, the queen’s cousin and a fellow advisor questioned, with a hint of fake innocence in her eye.   “Of course this is Charlotte’s bracelet! I had it made myself! Now, quit dawdling and tend to the queen!”   “Of course, your majesty,” Lady Ruby replied before lowering in a curtsy before him.   “Lance! Here! He must have escaped! Search the courtyard, don't let him leave!” King Edward announced at the top of his voice before rushing to the window.   Below, a long rope hung from the castle window and a shadow hid in the bushes in the distance. Within seconds the guards were hot on their boots, circling the premises and tearing through the carefully trimmed rose bushes.   “Anything?!” King Edward leaned further out the window, his eyes scanning the darkness for his daughter.   “Nothing, your majesty!” Lance cried out from below, his hand still steady on his sword.   Just as they were about to give up, something caught the king’s eye, right in the nick of time. It was the person they were all looking for, preparing to cross the bridge of the castle, towards the town of Renevia.   “There! Halt! Don’t you dare take a step further! I command you to stop! Lance, he’s by the northern gate, just beside the moat! Get him!” King Edward shouted out before hurrying down the staircase, eager to nab the perpetrator.   Queen Priscilla tagged along behind her husband, desperately to comfort her little girl. However, when they got to the moat, there was no Princess Charlotte. All that stood in front of them was Zion, their former servant, with an evil smile plastered on his face, sending shivers down their spines.   “Good evening, King Edward. How may I be of assistance to you today?” The rogue sarcastically offered, as he bowed down before the king and queen. “Where is she?!” King Edward hurled at him, lifting him up by his collar.   “Who?” Zion asked nonchalantly with a contempt smirk. SLAP! A hand flew across Zion’s face slapping him hard, but it wasn't the King’s. Lance retracted his hand back before staring stone-cold into the cynical rascal’s eyes.  “Hadn’t you received enough chastisement?! First you disrespect the King and the kingdom by trying to sell valuable insider information to the pirates. And now, this? Wasn’t banishment from the royal court alone punishment enough to snap your head back to your senses?!” Lance yelled with fury, his lips twitching with outrage. Zion just remained silent with his devious smirk still etched on his evil face. It seemed like he enjoyed being the center of attention, even though it wasn’t pleasant. The fool didn't hesitate in putting himself into further trouble to have his revenge. But what else could one expect from someone who allied himself with the likes of pirates, rats of the sea, the detested enemies of the kingdom   “Who, you ask?! My daughter, you fool! Where is the princess?!” the king growled, tugging him closer to his anger-stricken face. “The princess? Oh, she’s not here,” Zion shrugged his shoulders and took a step back.   “What do you mean she’s not here?” the queen questioned, stepping forward towards him, in concern.   “My Queen, your daughter, the princess, is no longer around!” The perpetrator declared before erupting into a fit of manic laughter.   “No. No! You monster! How dare you?!” Queen Priscilla exploded, hurling at Zion before fainting to the ground, covered with cold grass.   Lance and the guards dragged Zion away as the king took his beloved queen in his arms, wiping away his tears sneakily. The guards dug out the garden and searched the whole kingdom for months but there was no sign of the princess, dead or alive. The events of that night burnt into the memory of the king and queen as they wallowed in their grief.   That was the last anyone had ever seen or heard of Princess Charlotte Edward, sole heir of Renevia.   Or was it?
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