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Life for me seemed to be at a standstill until my Aunt decided that enough was enough. All I did was stare out the window and cry. They had to force me to eat and I wouldn't shower.  "Sheryl it is time to go back to school. Get in the shower and dressed. You have one hour," She said as she grabbed my arm and led me to the bathroom.  "I'm not ready."  "I don't care. You can't sit around here staring out a window all day. It is not healthy. Go to school, make friends and become the person your parents always wanted you to be," She said as she turned on the water and walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her.   I looked at myself in the mirror for the first time since they died and was shocked at how I looked. My hair was a mess, my eyes were red and puffy with dark circles under them and my face was thinner. I got undressed and stood under the water. I wasn't ready for school and I wasn't ready to move forward but my Aunt was always a pusher.  I finished my shower and grabbed a pair of jeans and a hoodie. I didn't bother with make-up or doing my hair all fancy. I didn't care. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen where my three cousins were eating.  Brody was a senior, Blake was a sophomore like me and Mia was a freshman. I sat next to Broody and began to grab food.  "You ready for your first day?" Blake asked as he put a slice of bacon in his mouth.  "Sure," I said as I buttered some toast and took a bite.  "You need more than toast," Brody said causing me to shrug.  I ate my toast and when I was done my aunt just shook her head and grabbed her keys.  "I will take you for your first day but grab a ride with Brody home," She said as she handed me my backpack and lunch box.  "Sure."  The five of us walked out of the house. Brody, Blake, and Mia got into Brody's truck and I followed my aunt to her escape. As we drove towards the high school my aunt began pointing to the building we passed and once we pulled up to the school she got out and I followed her.  We walked into the office where the secretary greeted us and gave me my class schedule, locker assignment, and map of the school.  "Try and have a good day," MY aunt said as she hugged me.  "Ya."  I walked into the hallway and looked at my schedule and map. I decided to stop at my locker which was easy to find. I had math first and it was on the other side of the building so I began making my way towards that class.  By the time I made it to math class, it already started and I will admit I got lost. The school was huge for a small town. They probably had students from other towns coming here.  I knocked on the closed door and a few seconds later a man opened the door.  "Can I help you?" The gruffy looking man asked.  "Is this Mr. Turner's math class?" I asked.  "Yes."  "I am new here and today is my first day." "Ah yes. Come in. Since it is your first day I will excuse your tardiness."  "Thanks."  "Take a seat."  I looked at the sea of kids and found an empty seat next to my cousin and another boy.  The teacher walked up to me and placed a book on my desk and began to talk.  The day seemed to drag and to be honest with you I didn't know what was going on. I couldn't focus. All I wanted was my old life back. Not cows, plants, and dirt roads.   By the end of my first week, everyone knew I was an orphan and some people treated me like I was glass. I had made no friends but I didn't care.  It was Friday night and apparently, the neighbors were coming over for their weekly get-together. This week it was my aunt and uncle's turn to host.  From what Mia had told me as she got ready the two neighbors had been friends for as long as she knew. Mr. and Mrs. Wolf had two boys. Drew and Markus but always wanted more. Since they had just the two boys they treated my cousins as their own kids. "How do I look?" Mia asked me as she looked in the mirror.  "Fine." Why does it matter what she looks like? I thought to myself.  Mia turned around with a smile on her face and then her smile fell as she looked at me. "you know mom won't be happy with how you look."  I just shrugged my shoulders and walked out of the room. I am not in a fashion show and in the home I am living in. I want to be comfortable.  As I walked down the stairs the doorbell went off and my aunt and uncle made their way to the door welcoming their guests. They were all talking and as I came into view my aunt looked at me with the most disapproving look.  "Sheryl Ann Cushmore. We have company. Get your butt upstairs and change."  "Told ya," Mia whispered as she walked past me.  "Nicole let up. Sheryl has been through a lot. Give her some slack."  Before my aunt could say anything the woman standing in the house smiled at me and then grabbed my aunt's arm and walked her towards the kitchen.  "Where's Drew?" Mia asked.  "He is dealing with an issue on the ranch," Markus said. Markus was in my government class at school and sat near me. He has always been trying to get me to talk to him but I just ignore him.  I watched as Mia and Markus walked away leaving my uncle and Mr. Wolf standing there.  "I am Leo Wolf. It is nice to meet you, Sheryl," Mr. Wolf said as he extended his hand for me to shake.  
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