456 Words
Things were going well at the Dempsey household. They were the ideal household. Even though Frederick Dempsey lost his partner to cancer, that didn't stop them from being happy. They believed that's what Alma his wife and mother to his kids, would have wanted for them— to be joyful even at her death. Frederick was the finest father any child would yearn for. He made sure he was always there for his children, and an excellent role model to them. All four of his kid— Talia who was the eldest, and the triplets; Jackie, Jamal and Jace were lucky to have him as their dad. Everything seemed to be going well until Frederick received an email from an unknown person who told him his best friend Clifford Reginald had gone behind his back to steal the project idea he had pitched. Frederick couldn't believe that he was betrayed by his oldest and most trusted friend. He decided to drive down to Clifford's home, which was forty-five minutes away from his home. He didn't care that it was already past eleven and it was raining severely. All he cared about was finding out the truth. Frederick, on his way to Clifford's home, started having numerous thoughts. He thought about how he had used his home as a collateral at the bank to get a loan, and how he had put all his saving into this same contract. He couldn't believe that in less than thirty minutes he had rendered himself and the kids broke and homeless. Not only that, but he was confused and, in that state, he picked up his phone and dialed Clifford's number. Ring. Ring. “Ugh, pick up your phone! You son of a b***h!” He dialed the number again. “You can't do this to me, Cliff. We’re supposed to be friends", Tears were already beginning to form in his eyes. The faces of his kids came to his mind. He wondered how he was going to explain all this to Talia, his favorite child. How was he going to face her? “How am I going to explain to my baby girl that my greed got us Into this mess”, he yelled. With all that on his mind, Frederick did not notice when he lost his hold of the steering of his car and crashed into a big truck in front of him. Fredrick was rushed to the hospital. The doctors tried everything they could to make sure he came out of it conscious. Nothing worked. He was later put on life support. The doctor in charge decided to put a call to his next kin to inform them about the latest development on Frederick's health.
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