☆The Call☆

1187 Words
Talia Dempsey is a ninteen year old psych major at the University of California, Berkeley. She’s a sophomore who wants a fresh start. To be a different Talia, do the things kids her age do. To finally make some friends apart from Lucy, her best friend and go out all night and then have her very first boyfriend who was going to be her first kiss. She had everything planned out. But never for once did it occurred to Talia that a single call would change her life and that of her siblings forever. Like every other day, Talia was on her way to class. She had her earphones plugged and the music was blasting against her ears at the loudest volume. She danced lightly to the rhythm of the music. A phone call came through, disrupting the state she was in. “Dad, is that you?” She smiled as she fished her phone out of her jean pocket. The only people who ever really called her were Dad and her siblings. When she looked at the screen, the caller was an unknown ID. She stared at the phone for a bit before swiping the green side. “Hello, Talia here. Who's on the line?” “Hello, Talia. My name is Doctor Jameson calling from Northwestern Memorial Hospital,” The caller said. Why is a doctor calling me? She thought as her heart stopped for a minute. She shook of the horrible thoughts. “Okay, Doctor Jameson. Why are you calling?” her voice was somewhat shaky. “I'm sorry to be the one bringing such news to you, but your father was involved in an accident and he is in a critical condition. You need to come down to the hospital.” Time stopped for a minute. Her heart stopped beating. She was unable to feel anything. “What do you mean?” She muttered, her throat tightening. “I know it's difficult for you to accept. But your father really needs you right now, Talia,” The doctor replied. “I. . . I will take the next available flight home,” Her hands trembled as she hung up. With blinding tears, she swept through the students in the halls and walkways. She ran into the streets, boarded a taxi and went straight to the airport. She buried her head in her hands, dampening them with tears as she prayed that her father responds to treatments before she gets to Chicago. ☆☆☆☆☆FIVE HOURS LATER☆☆☆☆☆ When the taxi pulled up at the hospital, she rushed down from the taxi without paying. “My dad. Where is he? Where. . . where is he?” She stopped every hospital staff she came across, her eyes puffy from all the crying. She kept asking until she saw Jamal trying to get a drink from the vending machine. She charged towards him. “Jamal" " Jamal” she held his face “Dad, where’s dad?” Jamal’s eyes were wide with surprise. “Talia, what are you doing here? How did you get here?” “Answer me!" “He’s in the ICU. Talia, I’m scared. The doctors said Dad isn’t doing well.” Jamal’s face drops and Talia picks it back up. “Where are Jackie and Jace? Find them and you all should sit together. Don’t worry about anything. I’m here now,” She hugged him tightly before hurrying to find the ICU. She stumbled into the wrong unit twice. She eventually found the right room and barged right in. She scanned the surprised faces looking at her, as though she had any idea what Dr. Jameson looked like. “Jameson. Dr. Jameson, where is he?” “Talia?” A slender man approached her. His hair was a dusty brown, with a few visible strands of gray. “I’m Dr. Jameson.” “I'm Talia. You spoke to me on the phone,” She looked at him expectantly. “I know, and I need you need to calm down,” His voice was calm and assuring but it did nothing but sent Talia over the edge. “How do you expect me to calm down? My dad is lying in here lifeless!” she sniffled and tears ran down her face. “Please, please Doctor, tell me my dad is going to come out of this. Tell me he’s going to respond.” “I'm sorry, Talia. But right now, your dad is on life support and there’s a two percent chance that he can come out of this. It would take a miracle, Talia.” Every other thing Dr. Jameson said was blur. Talia had stopped hearing, sensing, she had stopped living. Her thoughts were running wild, what could she possibly do without Dad? She didn’t know that her siblings had entered the ICU. “Talia, why are you crying? Is dad going die?” Jamal’s voice brought her bad to reality. Hearing such words from a twelve year old was heartbreaking. She faced the three of them, squatting so she could look into their eyes. “No,” she smiled “Dad is not going to die.” “Then why are you crying?” Jace asked. “Because I’m happy. I’m happy to see you guys. Come here,” she pulled them into her arms. Tears were threatening to fall again and she tried to hold them in. “Okay, but is father going to be alright? When will he be able to leave the hospital?” Jackie asked. She pulled away from them and patted Jackie’s head “Soon baby, soon,” She placed kisses on their foreheads before hugging them again. The taxi driver who picked up Talia from the airport finally saw her after going around the hospital looking for her. He stared angrily at her as she sat with her siblings. Jace noticed the way he was staring at Talia. “Uhmm Talia, a strange man over there is looking at you weirdly,” He said, pointing towards the direction of the driver. She turned to see and when she realized it was the driver, she rushed to meet him. “I am so sorry sir. I didn't mean to leave without paying you.” She opened her purse and started to take out some dollar notes. “You should be ashamed of yourself! Did your parents not bring you up properly?!” He spat, stirring the attention of the people around. “I said I was sorry, okay?” Talia snapped. She dragged his palm and placed the money into it. “You better be thankful my parents taught me how to be respectful towards my elders. I would have knocked those decaying teeth down your throat!” She glared at him. The man wet his fingers and counted the notes. “You are crazy,” He said before leaving. Talia took a deep breath and returned to her seat as she didn't want her siblings to see her in such a mood. More than ever, she needed to be a good role model for them.
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