
The Ascendance

female lead

Joffiel is a miracle baby born from a couple that were both barren. Due to unknown reason, Joffiel died at a very young age. When she gained consciousness, she was already in heaven together with many baby angels. Later, she learned that she can become an angel just like the other beings there if she could finish all the tasks that will be given to her.

The tasks will take place in Earth where she will meet many people, many challenges and many hardships. However, the existence of angels would mean that demons could also be there. Would other beings such as demons hindered her in achieving her goal? Or would she easily finish all of it?

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Chapter 1 - Hope
Third Person POV   It is now 3 o'clock in the afternoon when Jopphia and her husband, Samuel, arrived at the hospital for a checkup. It was indeed a hot afternoon, but Jopphia was feeling cold because she was very nervous.   Samuel noticed bits of sweat on Jopphia's forehead and he wiped it with his face towel.   "It would be alright," Samuel said, as they walked through the hospital door.   They are already married for 2 years, but Jopphia and Samuel still cannot bear a baby. They are afraid of the possibility that one of them is barren.   A doctor's assistant ushered them to a nearby seat, where they waited for their doctor.   Anxiously waiting for the doctor, Jopphia is praying for her and Samuel. She prayed to God, hoping both of them are in good health.   A few minutes passed when one of the assistants of the doctor went out of the room and called them.   "Miss Jopphia and Mister Samuel?" the assistant called.   Samuel held the hand of Jopphia, who is now nervous. Samuel smiled at Jopphia as he felt the shaking hands of Jopphia. They walked toward the doctor's assistant and were led inside the doctor's room. Both of them were asked by the doctor if they have medical histories, like any type of illness, prescription of medicines and if they had past surgeries.    Honestly speaking, they said that they are both healthy and they did not go through surgeries in the past, except the medicines. Sometimes they often take medicine for common illnesses, such as cold and fever. The doctor told them that this was normal.    Another question the doctor asked, "How much do you take caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, or any forms that are included with chemicals?"   "I honestly love to drink coffee every morning and afternoon. Other than that, there is no more," Jopphia said, sighing.    The doctor turned to Samuel, who is looking at his worried wife.    "How about you, Sir?" The doctor repeated his question to Samuel.    "Drinking alcoholic beverages everytime stressful day occurs, is my hobby. I do drink coffee which contains caffeine, but not the same quantity as my wife," he answered, slowly losing some hopes. "We are just living a simple life and buying other drinks and foods that may contain high chemicals is not our thing, except for alcohols and coffees," he added.    They both comforted each other as soon as the doctor wrote all the things they had said earlier. They held each other's hands.   "You may find it awkward, but how often do you have intercourse with each other?" the doctor frankly asked.    Samuel scratched his head. He shyly answered, "We are already married for two years, Doc. Miller. Doing it twice or thrice a week hoping that Jopphia will get pregnant."   Jopphia hesitantly looks at the floor to ease the awkward moment. She knows it herself that she and her husband married each other at a young age. She was only 23 years old that time.    They are both in love with each other and both of their families approved their wedding.    "Any past relationships involving s*x? Of course, I also want to know if both of you do not have existing transmitted diseases from different persons," Another question with no hesitation from the doctor.   The couple looked at each other. Deep from their heart, only one person captured their eyes and heart. Both of them are each other's first love.    "We do not have any past relationships, Dr. Miller. I am sure of that. He is my first love, as I am also his first love," Jopphia proudly said, forgetting that she is nervous at the moment.    The doctor repeated all the answers they said to him, just to make sure that all details were correct and clear.    "We will require both of you to take a laboratory exam. I will give you the schedule of these examinations, so that you can prepare yourself. Don't be so anxious about the result. You are still young, Miss Jopphia. There were few cases like yours that I have encountered, but they were luckily given a child." The doctor comforted the couple who looked like they were losing some hopes. "It may take a few months or years, the thing is, you just need to wait for the right time. Keep your faith and hope stronger," smiling, the doctor added while tapping the shoulders of the couple.    A little comfort made them collect all the hopes that were gone.    The doctor's assistant assisted them to take some laboratory exams that are available for today. All the instructions that were given to the couple were clear to them.   They do not care how much it will cost them, as long as it will give positive news to them. They need to find out what are the problems that hinders them to have a baby.   After completing the activities and tests in the Hospital, they went to the nearest Church. They prayed, giving thanks to God for giving them all their needs. They also prayed to God to give them a child.   After sitting quietly for a few moments, Samuel sighe then he takes the hand of his wife and looks at her.   "I know that there is a reason why we still do not have a child. Maybe God is preparing us for something big, maybe a bigger blessing for us," Samuel said, still being hopeful and faithful. "I promise to myself that all the bad habits, such as drinking alcohol and other bad things I do in God's sight, I will completely avoid," he proudly added.    Jopphia looked at Samuel with a sweet smile. She can see how determined her husband was.   "Someday, we will call him or her Joffiel. Definitely the most beautiful gift that will ever be given to us from above," with teary eyes, Jopphia said. She happily imagines her life with her own family, living a simple and happy life.   They hugged while uplifting each other for the good possibilities that may happen sooner. They both grasped hope and faith, hoping that one day their family will be complete with a child.   "Joffiel, our little angel," Samuel said while silently crying.   

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