Chapter Two

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" I came, I saw, I made it awkward. " -unknown FINNICK GREEN I didn't literally pee myself, I think I would die right then if that happened but my face had flushed till I was tomato red and my organs melted into a puddle. I wasn't even able to move from where I was due to my muscles deciding to go absent. My heart was beating so loud my head was hurting, I swallowed slowly. Killian stood, the guy he was beating up hanging by his collar that Killian had a tight hold over in his large fist. I lay on my back by Killians feet, my glasses slanted by the impact of what happened. My heart jumps out of my throat when he releases the guy from his grip and he goes falling but quickly scrambling up and rushing away. The crowd was watching with such intent, curiosity and beady eyes that it was getting to me and my anxiety was bubbling up my throat and waiting for me to release in a form of a panic attack. I began an breathing heavily on my own accord as I tried to get my heart and nerves on the same page as me. I cannot have a panic attack in front of all these people. I cannot embarrass myself like this and become known as a freak. I can't, I can't... My eyes flickered around catching the eyes of everyone watching the display and my chest felt even more constricted. My eyes flickered over to Killian and I paused as I saw his dark black eyes fade into these clear blue orbs that I've never seen before in my life of living. My heart calmed on its own and my breathing gradually became normal. Squinting, I could see a brief flash of indecision in his eyes but it was gone as soon as I saw it and he turned and began walking away. The crowd began bumping into each to quickly get out of his way and many people knocked heads with each other and fell just to avoid even brushing shoulders with him. I frowned and I began to feel sympathetic for him. My heart constricted, I knew that feeling all too well. My shoulders were shaken by someone and I turned my head to see Kai. He hoisted me up and dusted off my bag. "Damn, I've never seen anything like that before," he said with a playful smile. "What?" I asked him, thoroughly confused. He slung his arm around me and we began to walk together. "What I mean is either luck is on your side or he was feeling tired," he choke held me and I coughed feeling constrained and tried to pry his arms off my neck. He suddenly released me and started walking backwards in front of me. I rubbed my sore neck and attempted to glare at him but it looked completely non threatening and he could see that by the grin on his face. "Damn Bolt, this must be new kid magic," he laughed to himself,"any guy that even momentarily stops him from shredding his prey would become his prey as-well." I didn't know what to say to that, I could only awkwardly blow my curly locks out of my eyes and trip in the process causing me to blush mildly and frown. Kai laughed loudly with nearly tears coming out of his eyes. He was so smiley, I looked at him and admired how carefree he seemed to be. "You think I'm cute?" He said suddenly and my eyes widened, my cheeks flaming. "W-what?" I stuttered quickly coming to disregard his claim. "I mean I know I'm attractive but there's no need to stare that much, Bolt," he grinned cheekily and I actually reached out to punch his shoulder. "Shut up," I mumbled. He chuckled once more and turned starting to walk with me. My head shoots up to look at him as I remember that we have a class to get to. "What period are we in now?" I ask him quickly. He takes out his phone and checks the time. He shrugs. "Third period," he says uncaringly. I quickly pull out my schedule from my pocket and check what class I'm meant to be in. I'm supposed to be in Physics right now and looking at his phone we're already fifteen minutes late. I freak out naturally and look at him. "Do you know where room 313 is for physics?" I ask him, his eyes brighten. "Thats my class," he tells me, snatching up my schedule in his hands and skimming over it without permission. I'd grumble over his bad habits but I was more worried I'd make a bad impression on the teachers who'd be instructing me this year by being tardy. He wore a smile. "Looks like we're being seeing a lot of each other, Bolt," his smile turned into a smirk,"and Killian as-well." My eyes widen as my cheeks tinted pink. "K-Killian, why?" I ask nervously. He flicks my nose,"you'll see." I huffed, dissatisfied as we began walking up steps. He shrugged his shoulders and I looked at him. "Or maybe not, he hardly even comes to school," he told me. I raise an eyebrow at him,"you seem to know a lot." He chuckles bitterly, looking slightly annoyed. I peer at him worriedly, as if I crossed bad territory I wasn't meant to cross. I was surprised I was talking this well with him and actually socializing with another being that wasn't family. Kai was just so...easy going, it wasn't hard for me to speak with him. "My sister is obsessed with him," he breaks me out of my thoughts,"it's insane how much she's raves about wanting to suck his d**k and be around him even though she knows how bad he is." My mouth forms an, O. Suck his what? My face flushed as I remember what that vulgar slur meant. Since I was basically caged most my life, I wasn't exposed to everything that was out there and that meant curse words and derogatory terms. I decided to teach myself the words that were out there, I shiver recalling what came up when I searched a few of the words. "I think there's more to him," I mutter quietly, avoiding eyes. He grabs me and spins me around to face him. "Bolt," he says seriously and I squirm awkwardly in his hold,"Don't." "Don't what?" I look away from him. "Don't test your luck. I actually like you, don't get yourself destroyed," he told me letting me go and continuing to walk forward. "You like me," I smiled shyly and he turned around to look at me. "That's the only thing you heard?" He tried to feign annoyance but he wore a grin. I blush despite knowing he was being playful and we arrive in front of the classroom. I pause and freeze momentarily. My heart beat accelerated and I began involuntarily wiggling my toes in my shoes while my teeth chewed on my bottom lip. "Bolt," I look at him quickly,"don't freeze." Laughing silently, I reply in an accent, "I never freeze." He smiled widely and opened the classroom door and I was grateful he lessened my nerves, though they were still very much there, I don't think I'd collapse anymore. We walked in and I instantly scanned through the classroom set up. The desks were lined in rows, five to a row and the teachers desk was to the front. My eyes secondly caught sight of the students who's eyes stared at me as if I had committed a heinous crime. I twiddled with my fingers and looked down, I was beginning to shake as I did always when I felt I was the sole attention of the room. "Your heavily late Mr. Coachman," I could hear the casualty in the teachers tone, almost like this was a daily thing. "Well can you blame me? We have a new student and I was showing him around, principle orders Ms. Fidel," Kai included lies in his truth. The principle didn't order he show me around but I was most definitely new. It was quiet and I assume the teacher was contemplating what Kai had said. I heard an annoyed sign from the woman. "Take a seat Kai, have a seat Mr..." Ms. Fidel trailed off and I nervously looked up but didn't meet her eyes. "F-Finnick, F-Finnick Green," I mumbled. "What? I can't hear you," She hollered louder than necessary and I became even more nervous as I heard snickers from some students. "Has your age affected your hearing? His name is Finnick Green," Kai said loudly with annoyance and I shuffled with a red face. Did he just stand up for me? Is this what friends did? I smiled lightly but felt bad for the teacher. I looked up for once and saw her glaring at Kai who rolled his eyes. "I'll deal with you after class, Coachman. I'm sorry Mr. Green, I'll have to grow accustomed to your quiet voice but for now have the available seat beside Coachman and try not to grow close to him, he's trouble," Ms. Fidel grumbled. I quickly waddled my way to the back of the class and to the desk that was beside Kai. I looked at him and he was glaring. "Dumb hag," he muttered. "That's disrespectful. What happened to respecting your elders?" I reprimanded him and he scoffed. "I'll respect my 'elders' when they respect me," he reached up to twist one of his curls between his fingers. I pulled out my notebook and attempted to begin writing down the notes on the board but Kai kept throwing crumbled pieces of paper at me and kicking my desk. I grumbled and turn to look at him with a glare on my face in annoyance. "What?" I bark. "Anger is not your forte, Bolt, you look like a kitten," he laughed with amusement. I blush and glare despite what he says. He shifts his desk so it's closer to mine and I look at him with a confused expression. He leans into me and I back away with caution. "Are you gay?" He asks me quietly and my face flames red and I shove him away. "N-no!" I stuttered louder than I meant to causing a few heads to turn to look back. I blush even harder and mess with my fingers. It's not like I had anything against people who were gay or anything but I wasn't gay. It was a misconception that guys who were shy and quiet and small were naturally gay. Thought I don't have much experience with sexuality, the last person I had a crush on was a girl so I identified with what I knew well. When he laughed I looked back at him. "It was just a question, Bolt," he snickered before shrugging,"I had a feeling you'd react exactly like that which made me ask you for that very reason." "Stop teasing me," I mumbled as I grip my pencil tightly in my hands. "It's hard not to," he chuckled and laid his head down on the desk. He took out his phone and shoved earphones in his ears blasting music that even I could hear despite him plugging earphones in. The class rolled by as Kai listened to music and slowly fell asleep giving me allowance to do the work that was assigned and given to the class. The bell made me jerk in my seat in surprise and I packed away my journal as students got up and rushed out of class. I stood, sliding my bag on both of my shoulders and adjusted my glasses. I poked Kai but when he was extremely unresponsive I shook him as hard as my muscle-less arms could. He blinked, lifting his head and taking in the nearly empty classroom. He yawned taking his bag in his hands as he stood from his seat and stretched his arms. We began to walk but Ms. Fidel promptly stopped us both. "Seems that you forgot you were suppose to see me Coachman," she said with arms crossed. Kai threw his head back groaning. He scratched his head before sighing and turning his head to look at me. "I'll catch up with you later, Bolt. It's lunch break so sit at a table and I'll meet you there," he told me. I nodded silently and turned to walk out but I felt myself being jerked back by my bag. I turned around to see him clutching my bag. "Walk down to the right, down the stairs and to the left and you'll see vending machines, follow the vending machines and you'll see two doors that lead into the lunch room," he instructed and I nodded extremely grateful to him. He released me, waving at me. I timidly waved back and opened the door to leave the room and silently hoping he wasn't in big trouble. I'd feel bad if he got in deep trouble for defending me. My mind drifted without my consent and I began wondering about Killian and I small blush on my face. I was one to believe rumors were just rumors and when it came to him I had this thundering feeling that there was some truth to those rumors about him but everyone has their own story. I felt bad mostly for him, it must be a burden to be constantly looked at as some beast who's only goal was to hurt others. I wonder how long it's been since someone's looked at him with an expression other than complete fear. Has anyone ever smiled at him, comforted him or showed him compassion? I blushed at my thoughts. What are you even thinking Finnick? I bit my lip, unable to help myself. He must keep walls around himself for a reason. I chewed on my lip, why did I feel like I wanted to break down those walls when it wasn't my place? I shake my head. Your new Finnick, are you trying to get yourself killed? But he won't kill you, a small part of my head said and I groaned quietly. Why was I such an optimistic and hopeful creature? I let out a cry as my face connects with a rock solid hard wall. I lift my hands and touch around the wall but as my hands reach outwards I feel biceps and I realized with a red face that this wasn't a wall but a person and a large person at that. I quickly shuffle back and look up but feel my throat dry as I find myself looking directly at Killian. And I pee my pants...again. Would'ya look at that. Another chapter. Let me know what you thought pls. And yes, that was a Black Panther quote that I included lol, if you caught onto that your great. If you start shipping Finnick and Kai I swear lol. Xxx, Babybird.
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