Mr. Atticus Owns A Gun?

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"Consequences? You'll punish me for attacking your secretary when she was the one who insulted me!" Mrs. Ford growled, wincing in pain and I rolled my eyes. Even I am shocked, Mrs. Ford. You're not the only one. "You don't touch or threaten people who work for me, Mrs. Ford. And she is my personal secretary. So keep your distance from her." He said, making me blink rapidly. Oh? Was he being nice to me? For me? Maybe. Or maybe not. I didn't knew. "And you f*****g kidnapped my husband, Atticus! What about that? And since when did you buy my company? It's fraud! I'll take legal action against you!" Mr. Atticus laughed maliciously under her threat. And honestly, I pitied her too. Not only had she managed to make Mr. Atticus smile, but also she managed to make him laugh. And the malign essence in his laughter wasn't less scary. You'll be missed, Mrs. Ford. As a s**t, of course. "Criminals don't take pride in legal works, Mrs. Ford. Go on, file a complain. We both know Pheonix Atticus has a clean slate. I don't dirty my hands, Mrs. Ford. Especially when I have people like you to do heinous works for me." "I'll fucking......" "Tone your voice down, Mrs. Ford. Have you forgotten who I am. When commoners make mistake of infuriating me, I understand they are naive." Mr. Atticus said, this time looking at me. Very briefly, may I add. As if he was giving me a threat secretly. "But when people like you, underestimate people like me, it makes me laugh, Mrs. Ford. Remember when I'm the whole universe of our world, you're just a star. Soon to be another falling star. So instead of being an i***t, be rationale. If you wish to save your husband!" "What do you want me to do?" She suddenly asked him as she sounded defeated and I rose my brows in shock at how easily she accepted her defeat. "Now that's the question I like, Mrs. Ford." He said with a mocking gaze. "Let's start with having croissants. I have payed my precious money for them. It would be a shame if my guests leave my office without eating their favourite thing." He said with an evil glint and I suddenly had my doubt if he .... if he had added something harmful in the croissants. But he just said he, himself doesn't do any immoral and illegal work. But he can always make other people do it. A shiver passed down my spine as I looked at the tasty looking croissants on the table. Maybe they are poisoned. With a deep breath and shaky hands, Mrs. Ford picked up a croissant and took a bite of it, only to grimace but one glance at Mr. Atticus and the whole croissant was gone in a split of second. Wow, maybe he really is a dangerous man. "No, Mrs. Ford. Don't stop at one. Have every croissant kept on that plate. You know how I feel about wasting food." He said, logging in his computer as he started to type something. My legs had started paining from how long I had been standing. I shifted on my feet, making my heels to make some noise. Mr. Atticus clenched his jaw and looked at me, making me raise my brows at him. What? "Stop moving, Miss Wilson. And stand straight. I don't pay you to slouch." He said to me bitterly, but less dangerously than how he had talked with Mrs. Ford. With her, he looked like a dangerous man. And with me, a miser businessman. And honestly, latter was much more bearable than the former. "You don't pay me at all, Mr. Atticus. And I have been standing since what feels like more than an hour with absolutely no work." I complained and he rose his brows again, looking up from his desktop to glare at me. Mrs. Ford was also listening to our conversation with keen interest. Just eat the damn croissants lady and leave! My legs are hurting from standing for so long. Especially in these damned heels. "I will pay you on the month end, Miss Wilson. If you work upto my satisfaction. And you are complaining too much for my liking now." He said, getting back to work. "And Mrs. Ford, just stuff your mouth fast, I don't have too much time to waste on you." Mrs. Ford hastily grabbed second last croissant from the tray and placed it in her mouth. At this point, I honestly cared less about anyone but myself. My feet were killing me. So were my heels. Who even invented those f*****g things? "Why have you kidnapped my husband, Atticus?" She asked him quietly, trying not to gag on the sweet and I looked at my boss in curiosity. I was also interested, indeed. "I am taking what's mine, Mrs. Ford. That company and firm you're running belongs to me. And he was ruling it illegally. So were you though. And when I very politely asked him to return what's mine, he thought it would be alright to deny me. So, I had to show him, whose the boss." Not even once did his eyes left the desktop. And I looked at Mrs. Ford, who was trying hard to control her anger. But she could barely control it. The way she was looking at him, it made me stand straighter than before. Like she wanted to murder him. "The firm never belonged to you, you rascal!" She said, trying to attack Mr. Atticus and I gasped when Mr. Atticus held her hand the right time before she could have stabbed him and removed a gun from the back of his suit and pressed it against her head. I stood there frozen. Unable to beleive that my boss had his gun pressed against Mrs. Ford. One sharp tug on Mrs. Ford's hand and the knife fell down on the floor with a loud clink and on another tug, I heard Mrs. Ford's wrist bone cracking and I closed my eyes at the horrible sound of Mrs. Ford's bone cracking. This man is so much more dangerous than I had initially thought he was. He possesses a gun, which he had pressed against Mrs. Ford's head. And he also broke one of her bones. This is.... this is crazy. Insane. He is insane. "Don't repeat what your husband did and thought was okay. I don't take disrespect and betrayal too nicely, Mrs. Ford. Now listen to me carefully if you wish to walk out of this office without any broken bones." He warned her gently and she cried out in pain and I turned my back from them. What the hell was going on? "I have some stuff to sell behind the curtains. I want you to go and get them for me and then sell them in the black. If you try to even steal one penny of mine, I'll throw you inside my personal lake of crocodiles. They are not even fed from quite some days." He said and she was quick to whine in agreement as she was in too much pain and honestly, I felt bad for her. Poor wrist bone. You'll be remembered for your bravely. "If you can't feed your pets, you shouldn't keep them." I didn't knew why I said that. But when I realized what I had just said, I turned around to look at Mr. Atticus glaring at me. Bad timing, Bellarosa Wilson! Bad timing! "How about you be my pet's next meal, hm? Considering how concerned you are for their well being." He said darkly and I bit my lips, looking at him with the same amount of coldness. "It's okay, I know how costly meat are these days. It's not like they'll die from starvation. You only need them to threaten people. Ha. Ha. Ha. We'll think they are on diet." I said and he rolled his eyes, releasing Mrs. Ford's hand and she was very quick to cradle her broken wrist to her chest as she looked at Mr. Atticus bitterly. "Crack more lame jokes, Miss Wilson and you'll be quicker to witness how I threaten my people with crocodiles, hm? I even have a tiger and lioness in my farm. You want to meet them, Miss Wilson?" He asked me, giving me his full focus and my eyes widened as I shook my head, smiling nervously at him. "No more jokes, Mr. Atticus." "Better." He said to me and then turned around to look at Mrs. Ford. "What are you waiting for, Mrs. Ford? Leave. You have some important work to do in order to keep your husband alive." And with that Mrs. Ford was hot on her tail, exiting his office like she was on fire. But her wrist was. I cleared my throat, looking at Mr. Atticus. This time with a different gaze. I always saw him as a businessman and a very rude boss. But now I also saw him as a very dangerous man. "I'll also leave now." I said hurriedly but before I could've left his office, he called me, making me clench my eyes shut. Here we go again. "Did I ask you to leave, Miss Wilson?" He asked me and I turned around, looking into his eyes to show him that the scene he created with Mrs. Ford a few minutes ago didn't scare me. After all, it's normal for employees to have their Bosses threatening random people with a gun in their hands. Very normal, of course. "No, Mr. Atticus." I answered boldly and he nodded his head. "Then you'll stay, Miss Wilson. That woman has made a mess out of my office. Get every file and every other thing in their right place and throw that crumbs of croissants in the dustbin and get my dustbin cleaned and sanitized. And once you're done with my office, go and fetch me a coffee from the cafe and take my order of lunch and order it asap." "Sure thing, Mr. Atticus. What should I order?" I asked him and he shook his head, pushing a business card towards me and I looked down at it. It was of a restaurant. His restaurant. "Just call them and ask them to send mine— Pheonix Atticus' regular meal. And they'll send the food." He said and I nodded my head, taking the card from him and kept it inside my pocket. "Anything else, Mr. Atticus?" I asked him once I was done cleaning his office and ordering his food and he looked up from his desktop, nodding his head. What now? "Mrs. Ford didn't hurt you too much, right?" He suddenly asked me, taking me by surprise and I shook my head, almost in daze. What has happened to him? "No, Mr. Atticus. I'm fine."
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