
Nostalgic love

magical world

In the heart of Mexico the prophecy of a seer looms over the nation, foretelling the end of the oppressive vampire leader Jiah through the hands of a child born of two worlds. Evalina a 22yrs old lady half vampire, half were wolf is unknowingly the center piece of this acient prediction. Oblivious to her fate and struggling with the hardships of life, she works tirelessly at a lavish restaurant to provide for her ailing blue skinned mother, Yvonne and her siblings. Her father's absence weighs heavily upon the family. Fate takes a turn when Jason, a 24yrs old adopted son of a wealthy business man rescues Evalina from an assault, glimpsing only the blue light emanating from her neck. Jason is himself ensnared in a hidden agenda , adopted for a mission that might conflict with his growing affection for Evalina. As Jiah's minions scour the city, Evalina destiny hurdles towards her, bringing her face to face with her other wordly heritage and a love that could be everything. Together with a resilience band of allies, including her best friend, a savvy tech guru and a retired hunter with a deep seated grudge against vampire, Evalina must navigate through this tidal wave of destiny, love and conflict to decide the fate of all. WILL LOVE TRIUMPH, OR WILL DESTINY CLAIM IT'S DUE ?

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Evalina decided to walk past the closed-off area on her way to the restaurant, opting for the faster route instead of taking a cab. She often walked to save money for food on her way home in the evenings. Upon arriving at the restaurant, she noticed workers bustling around, preparing for something. Curious, she asked Aiden, a coworker, about the activity. He explained that they were decorating for the restaurant's reopening the next day, which surprised Evalina. She decided to lend a hand in arranging the place, intrigued by the news that the owner might be passing it down to his son. As they worked, Aiden remarked on Evalina's knack for sharing information. She just smiled in response, saying she was merely keeping informed. They didn't finish the arrangements that night, deciding to continue the next morning before the event. Before leaving, Evalina ran into her friends Mariana and Leo and they went for a walk in the nearby park. During their play, Mariana fell and injured herself, prompting Evalina and Lee to help her get treated before they all went home separately. As Evalina walked home, she found herself on the main road late at night. Suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her but couldn't see anyone when she turned around. Feeling uneasy, she began to walk faster, and her neck started emitting a magnetic blue light. Panicked, she ran, clutching her neck in pain. Unknown to her, someone was chasing her, yelling to catch her. Just as they were about to catch her, a car drove by, and Jason, the adopted son of the restaurant owner, recognized the mark on her neck from a previous encounter. He intervened, throwing a stone at one of the pursuers, allowing Evalina to escape. Once safe, Evalina ran home, where she was met by her siblings, Jesse and Margaret, who had been worried about her absence. She assured them she was okay but asked them not to tell their mother. She promised to explain everything later as they entered their house. A call came in from Leo telling her not to forget the party they are going for tomorrow, then Evalina told him that she might not be able to meet up because of the event at the restaurant, Leo was so upset because she had promised him and Margaret that she would attend. Evalina tried to beg Leo but he refuses to listen to her, he cuts the call. He call Mariana reporting Evalina, telling her that Evalina is always coming up with excuses when it's comes to them going out together, Mariana told Leo never to say that again because she might a tangible reason for that.

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