Episode 1:The first girl

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Now let me tell you what young Brad is thinking at the moment. He is 13,his body is changing. He was only 5' 6" two months ago and now he is 5'8" .Gosh he is changing fast. Now it's not only his physical changes ,it's also his psychological thinking that's altering. Couple of months ago he liked going out with his father for fishing and his mother for shopping. Now however he only thinks about hanging out with his best friend Alan Timor. School life is hard for a boy especially when you are a loner. Brad thinks he is quite happy that he has at-least one friend in Alan and not just friend ,his best friend. They are like Laurel and Hardy or Dumb and Dumber except the fact that they are cooler than the previous four. It's Sunday morning. There is a bang in his door. "Badd Wake Up" shouts his sister Jane. She always used to call him Bad because of the troubles he had in his life. "Your friend is here" she adds. As Brad opens his rooms' door he sees his friend Alan smiling at him at the living room. "Alan you are here. This early" asks Brad. "Ya bud, But it's already 8.30.My folks were planning a picnic. You know how I hate going out with them. So I came here." Says Alan. Brad remembers Alan hated going out with his father and step mother. He always hated his step mother who was only 2 years older than his big sister. "So what you told them" asks Brad. "Well I told them your family invited me to a day out" Says Alan. "A day out what's that suppose to mean." Says Brad. "Well my father just wants to be with his wife .So he didn't ask" Says Alan. "Well I envy you man. You can slip out any time "Says Brad. "Not always. If my sister got only a hint. She will ground me" Says Alan. Alan's sister is 7 years older than him. But she was like a mother to him always asking him about his whereabouts. "So we can have cereals. But what's the plan?" asks Brad. "Well we can sneak in the 9th graders party this afternoon. I heard they have a big party" Says Alan. "Comon they won't let us in." Says Brad. "Just look at us .We are as tall as they are and you know what maybe even taller. The chicks will dig us." Says Alan. "Going to a farm today?" asks Brads mother as she enters the scene. "Hello Mr's Penn." Says Alan. "Hello young man. So what you boys up to today" "Well we are going to our friends house." Says Alan. "How nice of you. I am happy he has you as a friend. Otherwise he doesn't like meeting people" Says Brads mom. "Well he's friendly in School" Says Alan. "Is he? Well I wish he was here." Says Brads mom. "Mom. Cmon Alan lets go to my room" Says Brad as he pulls Alan to his room. ......... (Brads room) Alan: Hey bro. How about you try these(He pulls out a cigarette) Brad: My sister sneaks at my room. She will tell my parents. Alan: Well Cmon. In the attic?? Brad :I guess dad won't be here till Thursday. We can go but we will wait till my sister goes out. Alan: Stop being a chicken. You are going to be a man now. Brad: Well I got still 3 years. Dad told me we reach adulthood when we are 16. Alan: Ya so why don't you wait until 16 to grow a p***s. Brad: Ok The attic now. Brad and Alan are smoking in the attic.Brad is taking a puff from the cigarette. Alan: Hey C'mon share. Brad: Sorry. Hey do you have some more. Alan: See madness is like all you need is a push. Brad: No Well I already put myself in danger. Even if i smoked another it doesn't change the fact. Alan: See when I think I m the one who's cool, you always steal my wind. Brad: Only gonna steal that smoke. Alan: I hope it's not the same with the girls bro. Brad: Girls. I thought we were only gonna check them out. Alan: Ya check them, flip them and fill them out if you know what I mean. Brad: I don't know what you mean but it sounds I like what you mean............, Alan and Brad are seen jumping from a wall into a house. Alan points at the gates of the house. Alan: Ok Brad. That's the party. Will Thomas that 9th grader who thinks he is smart. I m gonna show him who is smart. Brad: Ya he did pull your collar but that was like 6 months ago. Alan: Ya But 6 months later who is taller and stronger and smarter. Brad: Ok that girls will be our diversion. Wow who is that. Alan: Which one? Brad: The pretty one. Alan: Both are pretty. Brad: The one with the green dress. Alan: Ok let's run now Alan and Brad run through the gates as the watchman is busy talking to the girls. As they enter the gates they are seen by Will Thomas. "Well what do you know" Says Will Thomas as he looks at the two boys. Alan and Brad enter the party unaware of the fact that the organizer Will Thomas saw them.They see young boys and girls drinking and dancing. They join them. Alan:See I told you they'll let us in. Brad:You're the man. Alan:We are the man.And we are going to rock all night baby. Brad:Hey that's the girl I saw earlier. Alan:Hey I know her.Her name is Violet. Brad:Pretty name pretty girl. Alan:You want me to set her up. Brad:Oookkk. Alan goes to the girl and talks with her and then calls Brad. Alan:This is my best friend Brad.Brad this is violet. Brad:Hey Violet:Hi!So Alan's your best fren. Brad:Well if he says so Violet:(laughs)you're funny.You want some drink. Alan:Hey just one ok.We got the whole day. Brad:Hey man.Be cool(Whispering) Alan:Ok.You fool. ........ Violet:So I heard you can drink? Brad:You know me? Violet:Well Brad right? Brad:No I mean about drinking Violet:Well I saw you and Alan at the gutter bar near school. Brad:Sometimes. Violet brings a bottle of vodka .She pours in a glass. Violet:How about a shot? Brad:Ok Brad drinks the shot.Time lapse as Brad has already drunk 3 shots of vodka. Brad:Wooh.Iam moving. Violet:Ya you are. Seeing Brad drunk she kisses him.And begins to shout. Brad is confused as to what is happening.Moments later a muscular young man appears. Man:So you kissed my gf punk. Brad:Wait.What? Man:You know I can call the cops for trying to harass a girl.But you know what I'll do this. The man punches Brad.Alan comes from behind and attacks the man.Both of them are beaten up by 3 other strong built men. Will:Ahhh..Intruders.First they come and now fight ehhh. Brad:I didn't .He started it. Will:You intrude,then try to rape and now lie. Alan:Your girl was the one who kissed him. Will:Did she? Violet nods her head as she winks at Brad. Will:You don't understand do you?You kids are not allowed into our party. What makes you think you can be here. Alan:May be because we got big balls and hair around than you. Will:Haha.Look collar guy I m don't like beating kids. So next time when you enter any party. Make sure that it's yours Brad and Alan are tossed from the wall. Brad begins to think whatever happened he felt good. He never had touched a girl in his life and now he had kissed one.And not just one,a hot one and a senior. Alan: Hey you look happy. Was it the kiss? Brad: Ya I think so. Alan: Well that's one phase of knowing a woman Brad :Maybe. Alan and Brad return to the playground knowing that both smell of alcohol.
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