Book 1 - The Billionaire's Caregiver-2

1973 Words
Nancy Jameson was in good spirits. She wanted to do more, but her body just wouldn’t allow her to. Besides, when she is here like this, Michael comes around more. He was her only grandson and always had been her favorite. She had three granddaughters, but they all had their own families, and were too busy to ever visit. Michael had always been special. He had dark coloring like his grandfather and was just as stubborn. She smiled warmly as Michael entered the room with a petite brunette in tow. Nancy didn’t miss the sparks that flew from the young lady’s eyes as Michael made some comment on how he could show her how to use the elevator if need be. “ Grandmother this is …I’m sorry what your name was again?” He did look guilty so Shelby took pity on him and extended her hand to Nancy. “ Hello my name is Shelby, how are you?” “ Well I’m in this bed deary so not very good, I suppose.” She winked at Shelby and smiled wide. “ My grandson feels like he needs to find someone to watch over me and make me do things I am not ready to do. I suppose that’s why you’re here my dear. Come over here and let me get a look at you.” Having taken an immediate liking to Grandmother Nancy, Shelby complied and walked over towards the bed. Nancy noticed how her grandson followed Shelby’s every move. This was interesting indeed and was exactly the distraction she needed! After a while of discussion and rules, Shelby stood to leave. “It was very nice to meet you Miss Jameson.” “ Now Dear, if you’re going to be here with me all the time, I insist you call me Nancy or Grandmother, whatever suits you.” “ Grandmother, no one has offered Miss Watson a job yet. I hardly think she needs to start calling you Grandmother.” Michael chuckled. “ Michael Dear, it is my money is it not?” Grandmother smiled up at him lovingly and patted his hand on the bed. “So, I say she is hired.” “ Shelby that is if you will take the job of course.” Never a person to have nothing to say, it took everything Shelby had not to laugh at the interplay. It would seem that Grandmother Nancy was the only one to bring Michael down a peg or two. If for that reason alone, Shelby would take the job. “ I would love to Nancy.” Shelby smiled up at Nancy and then at Michael. There was some mix of being irritated by his grandmother’s words and being floored by the smile that Shelby gave him. He didn’t know what to say. After clearing his throat, he kissed his grandmother on the head and turned to leave. “ Miss Watson, if you will kindly follow me back down stairs, we can go over pay and hours, and so on.” Shelby said her goodbyes again and followed Michael down the stairs. He even smelled good, like leather and soap. What was most adorable was the way his hair curled in the back of his neck just slightly. What in the world was wrong with her? Never suckered in by the connection between men and women, she usually had a fairly good grasp on self-control. Sure she had met a few nice guys and done her share of dating, but that was a long time ago and there had been no one in at least three years. Maybe that was it, she needed to get out more. Offering her a chair, Michael detailed the terms and pay of the job. More money than she could imagine, Shelby sat stunned while he rambled on. “ Miss Watson is that acceptable?” She glanced up at him sharply. Oh no, what had she missed. “ Yes of course, that’s more than fair.” “ When can you start?” He watched her closely. He could almost watch the play of emotions she was thinking and feeling. “ Anytime is fine. I don’t live far, even if I was late today. So I am free anytime.” “ I’m not sure if you realize that this job is more than just being here from one time to another. Obviously, you will have to move in here, as that is part of the deal.” He moved to gather up his things and glanced at his watch. He was already late and was starting to get irritated, as this matter should have been handled over an hour ago. “ Oh no, I can’t do that Mr. Jameson, I have my own place. I’ll stay there.” He was surprised. He had seen the worn shoes she was wearing, and heard the racket her poor car made as it climbed the hill to the house. He just assumed that she would be more than happy to move in. “ Suit yourself, but I may need you sleep over on occasion. Is that fair?” He caught her eye again and reached out to shake her hand. He was all business and it suited him. She reached out and felt the warmth as he took her hand in his. She felt like he lingered perhaps just a second longer than normal; but it was probably just her imagination. There was something powerful about the way he carried himself. Like right now, just staring at her. Closing her eyes for a moment, she managed to get out “Of course.” After saying their goodbyes, Shelby made her way to the car and headed home. What was it about Michael Jameson that made her crazy? He was arrogant, stubborn and bossy. He was also handsome, loving to his grandmother, and made her feel safe. All of that from one visit. Thankfully, he didn’t live in the house year round, or she would be in trouble for sure. The next few months were a flurry of activity. Shelby commuted every day to her job with Nancy which she loved, and had enough money to pay up her rent for a while. Michael and she spoke on the phone almost every day discussing Grandmother's day and how things were going. He typically had a joke to tell, but on some days, he was distant and moody. Either way, they had come a long way and she considered him a friend. Gone was the canned spaghetti, and Shelby was actually able to cook food for herself. Even Dobbs was happier. She had just settled down to watch TV for a bit before turning in when the phone rang. It was a frantic Michael. “ Watson, my grandmother seems to have had a heart situation of some kind. I am in town and headed to the hospital and she has asked to see you.” He was obviously in pain as he choked it out. Despite their differences, Michael had been nothing but nice with her and she didn’t want to see him hurt. Worry was a motivator for Shelby and she immediately started to change clothes as he talked. “ ..wanted to know if she had been acting differently lately or anything?” “ NO no she’s been fine, and we have actually been walking a few times and…” He cut her off immediately. “You had her walking? What in the world, Watson were you thinking? She wasn’t ready for that. Just come to the hospital as soon as you can.” He hung up leaving Shelby stunned. She was frustrated herself wondering if he was right. She gathered up her purse and headed downstairs. Trying to avoid the people in the halls, she made it to her car safely and let out a deep sigh. Unfortunately, it was not meant to be. As she turned the key nothing happened. Slowly, she laid her head on the steering wheel. What now? She jumped out to look under the hood. Apparently, sometime during the night, someone had stolen her battery… now she was stuck. Knowing she could never forgive herself if she didn’t see Nancy, Shelby made her way back to her apartment and called him. “ Yes What!” He yelled into the phone. “ Michael, please don’t yell at me.” “ Oh it’s you. I’m sorry, Watson. The number thing again. Yes what’s up?” After much explaining, it was settled that Michael would come by and pick Shelby up on his way. She wasn’t too far from the hospital herself but at night it was better to ride with someone. A few minutes later Shelby heard the knock on her door and opened it to a disheveled Michael. He was a mess, worry etched on his face, but handsome as ever. Michael took in the apartment, if that’s what you call it. Small but tidy, he imagined she could do just about everything. His issue was with her neighbors. “ where you live, Shelby?” He gestured to the occupants sitting in the halls and the loud music. “ Yes why?” Shelby had her pride. This was her place and it wouldn’t sit well if he was insulting. “ I’m terrified for my safety out there. I can’t imagine how you’ve made it all this time. You’re so small and there are at least 20 people just hanging outside.” “ I am not so small and I am just fine. Let’s go.” She crammed her gloves into her purse and yanked open the door leaving it open so he could follow. In the car Michael looked over at her. She had her signature bun in place and there was a pained look on her face. Obviously, he had hurt her feelings. “ Look Watson, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it. I just worry. I mean grandmother worries about you is all.” She had noticed the slip he made and smiled inwardly. He cared. They arrived at the hospital and Nancy looked tired, but was noticeably happy to see her two favorite people. These two sure move slowly and I’m not getting any younger, she thought. She smiled at them both. What a striking couple they make. This little heart “issue” was just what was needed to bring them together for a while. “ Oh my dears, I’m so happy to see you both. They say I’m ok but are keeping me for a few days for observation. Can you imagine two whole days? I’ll be bored out of my mind.” Truthfully, she was glad. She had been feeling uncomfortable today but she knew Michael was coming to town and wanted he and Shelby to spend some time together. “ I’m just glad you’re ok.” Shelby was concerned at how pale she was. “This is my fault. We shouldn’t have been walking this week.” “ Oh pish posh. It’s probably just gas or something.” Michael rolled his eyes at his grandmother. It was at that time that the nurse came in. “ I’m sorry, but you’ll both have to get going Mrs. Jameson need to rest...” They said their goodbyes and headed out front. Michael was very quiet, brooding again over some business merger gone wrong or something. She glanced over at him and he was caught up in thought, so she let the ride continue on in silence. They pulled into her apartment complex and Shelby began to open the door. “ Wait, Watson I’m going up with you. I need to make sure you get in there in one piece.” “ You don’t have to do that Michael, I’m fine.” She started walking and he followed anyway. As they reached the top stairs of the building, a man reached over and touched Shelby on her leg making her jump. Michael immediately jumped. “ Don’t touch her!” he moved between Shelby and the man. “ Michael it's fine. He is harmless.” Secretly, she was touched that he jumped to her rescue. Opening the door, they went inside. Michael was again impressed by the simple charm of her place. He sat down on the sofa and was greeted by a flying ball of fur. “Oh my, what is this?” He scruffed the dog on the back of the head and it bounced off.
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