Understanding The Con (2)

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CHAPTER 4: UNDERSTANDING THE CON (2)  *** “How about you tell me more about that organization she’s a part of?” Albert asked in the hopes of getting to understand conartists better, but it seemed to be the wrong question. “Asking things like that will get you killed. Also… don’t ever mention the organization to Amanda, she hates their guts, all of us did.” Mason said in short to warn the CEO of the danger that lurks by asking the wrong thing. “Then what can you tell me?” Albert was a man that liked going straight to the point, not so much beating around the bush as the man in front of him liked doing. “You’re really impatient, it will work against you. Well I guess all young people are these days…” Mason said as if including Amanda in his words as well. “Does she have a goal?” Albert asked. “You have no idea what kind of existence she is...” Mason paused for a bit, then shook his head and said: “I’d rather not tell you anything more for today. See you again another time.” He headed towards the door but before leaving decided to add one more thing: “Don’t meet with her today…” Leaving the CEO in his office alone to ponder on what he’d just heard. He resolved himself to not meet with the woman in question today. Since he already had enough work as it is, he didn’t even have the time to go regardless. * * * Several hours later at bar Heaven’s Door… “Hello my darling Amanda~!” Mason walked into the bar with a cheery disposition as always. “Hello! Mason, I haven’t seen you in so long!” Amanda seemed to be even more excited to meet the man. She went up to him and gave him a hug. It truly looked like they were father and daughter. “I’m glad to see you’re doing well~” Mason continued. “Of course I am! I’m the best bartender in the world!” Amanda said cheerfully, since it was the bar of course she wouldn’t call herself the best ‘con’ in the world. “You definitely are… Hey I came to ask you something actually.” Mason said with a bit more of a subdued tone. “Ask away! But first I need to know, how’s Lora and cute little Kaya?” Amanda asked about the man’s family. She seemed to be reminiscing of last seeing them in person. “I’ll bring them over to see you sometime! Kaya has grown so much!” Instantly he softened his tone once again after hearing the mention of his lovely wife and child. He was a happy man. “I’d love to see them! It’s been 3 years, I bet she’s already a grown woman!” Amanda said looking teary eyed and acting overly dramatic. The two people seemed to resonate with each other as both of them gave off the same cheery vibe. It made other patrons of the bar smile just looking at them. It seemed like such an endearing sight. “So what did you want to tell me?” Amanda went back to the topic and lowered her voice. She felt it wasn’t something to boast about. “Do you know a man by the name of Albert Cunningham?” Mason asked with a serious expression. “…Albert? Hm… I don’t know anyone by that name.” Amanda said while thinking on it. “Amanda…” Mason quickly realized what an obvious lie that was so he pushed for an honest answer. “Fine, I do. I ‘serviced’ him the other day. He continued to visit the bar afterwards, I guess he really likes it here.” Amanda said giving up on playing dumb after being so easily found out. “What do you think of him?” Mason asked like a father would ask his child. “He’s an interesting guy. I think I’ll play around with him some more.” Amanda said unashamed, her unblushing attitude was what made her the person she is. “So you like him?” Mason already knew the answer to that question but decided to ask it anyways. “Hahaha~ as much as I’ve ever ‘liked’ any of them…” Amanda said but it didn’t seem to be a genuine comment. “I see, so you wouldn’t mind if I ‘service’ him as well?” Mason asked with a grin on his face. “I thought you didn’t do that anymore.” Instantly Amanda’s expression shifted to a more serious one. “It will be my last time. Let a man live, will you?” Mason seemed to be standing his ground on this one. Just an odd conversation both of them were having. People from the bar were already leaving since it was getting late and a rain was going to start pouring soon. It made the atmosphere between the two people seem even tenser as they were left alone. Amanda walked to the door locking it and making sure the bar was empty. It didn’t have to many people to start with since it was a week day. She walked back to Mason and spoke with a much more threatening tone than before. “He’s my prey; you know I don’t like others touching my stuff.” “You just said you didn’t think much of him. You’ve left me play with your other prey. Why can’t I have this one?” Mason asked in a serious tone to match the woman’s. “If it’s about money I can give you as much as you need.” Amanda said while looking the man in his eyes. She didn’t seem to be ready to let go any time soon. “You know I don’t value that as much as I did before. I just want to play with him. He’s a CEO of a really big company. I want to see how he will react.” Mason said talking about the man in question as if he was but a mere object. Both of them seemed to be fighting for their plaything like children fighting for a toy. “Mason… I won’t let you touch my prey. I already set my sights on him.” Amanda seemed to be in a bad mood after hearing someone was trying to touch her things. She is a very territorial woman, with a deep dislike of anyone trying to take her things. “You seem to really like him.” Mason said while observing the young woman’s reactions. “…” Amanda however didn’t answer that and simply stood there thinking. “You’re only 23 years old. It’s far too early for you to be protecting anything. Do you not remember what I taught you?” Mason asked looking a bit disappointed. “…Never hold anything dear, it will be used against you.” Amanda repeated words she’s heard countless times before. Over and over, again and again, it was a lesson she would never forget. “Do you understand now?” Mason asked to confirm if the woman knew the meaning behind the words she had just said. “I’m not protecting him…” Amanda said as a retort to the man’s words. “Then you don’t mind if I take him?” Mason formed it as a question but at the same time it sounded more like a statement.
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