
Alpha Asher

first love

When Lia Summer Founded out that her childhood best friend was a Werewolf, nothing could stop her from thinking of him as something more than friends. A possessive friend, who loved her.

It was no dream that I saw him yet again behind me .

His silver eyes gazed into mine through the mirror.

My breath hitched as he leaned in and whispered ,

"My Lia "


Lia Summers a 19 year old teenager who was abused by her parents and yet again by her boyfriend.

She ran away hoping to find a better life ..

Striving for her life and trying to persue her future she wanted no more drama in her life after being abused by her professor.

Being a victim of bullying she lost her witty natural and turned into a timid person ...some what opposite to her own .

Asher King , the shy boy was a victim of bullying when was 15 years old turned into a dangerous man .

Then one day his eyes set on the one girl who help him in his life .

Lia Summers


"Lia Summers , you are mine "


#cliché moments .


#Abusive language

# Cover By @Magenkop

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*5 years ago* "You know that the second graders are coming with us for this field trip, right?" Kelly asked. I shook my head. "Really? I thought it was only for us," I say. "Well ... they are," she said. Walking in the botanical garden, we walked through several herbs and I saw someone looking at me. I look back to see a boy with brown hair and grey eyes looking at me.  Grey eyes ...so beautiful. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. "Who is he?" Kelly asked. "I ... I don't know, he must be one of the second graders," I said. She nodded. I then saw him walking towards me. I tensed up. He smiled."Hi," he said. "Hello "I talk back blushing. "I am Asher King ..." he said, holding out his hand for me. "L-Lia Summers: "I spoke, shaking his hands. "Shall we be friends?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Hey, a little nuts ... enjoying Mr. Asher's company? " I saw a guy come from behind and keep his hand on Asher's shoulder. Asher's body tensed up, and he lowered his head. "I don't think you should talk to this dork. He is a loser," that guy said. "The only loser here is you," Kelly said. "Really?.. Ok, how about we show them who is the loser here, Asher? Hmm?" The guy said. Asher kept his head down. "Leave him alone," I said. But that guy ignored me and spoke. "This nut here, is a worthless loser, stupid head.." the guy said, hitting his head. I took a step forward, worried that Asher might get hurt while he stood there tensed the entire time."Leave. Him. Alone, I'll call Miss Pearl if you hurt him," I said. That guy looks at me and smirks. He then turned around and walked away. "You ok?" I asked. He nodded. ""I-I am sorry ... bye," he said and walked away as well. While Kelly and I stood then were still confused and worried that the guy would hurt him. But for some odd reason, I felt like we could be good friends.I don't really get attracted to shy boys ... but he seemed exceptional. "Hey, dork! come here and pick this s**t up," Ken said. I looked over to see if they were troubling Asher again. I stood up and walked over. Picking up his pen, I slam it on Ken's table. "There you go, " I said and took Asher's hand, pulling him out of the class. "You don't have to do that," he stated. I smiled. "Friends help each other and besides, Ken is a jerk," I stated. He chuckled and kissed my cheeks, making me blush like a beetroot. "Thank you, Lia," he said. Did he ... he just kiss me? Oh, my god !! I hate to admit it, but this timid boy got my cheeks red. He wasn't an exact definition of strong but I still like him. * "Did your mom shout at you again?" Asher asked.I nodded, wiping my tears. He sat beside me and kept his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry..she is only caring for you," he said, little did he know that I was being abused by both my father and mother. But I stayed silent. I didn't want it to get between us. He was with me ... that was all I needed * I shut my locker and chuckled as Kelly huffed."What?" she asked. "You look dead," I taunted. "Well, duh, I couldn't sleep because I kept searching dresses online for prom. " I nodded and laughed. Prom huh? Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I looked back. Only to be met with my half-crush. Asher King. "Hi," he spoke. Even though he was timid, shy, and sometimes a victim of pranks, I still liked him. He had silver-grey eyes, making me look at them until night. I bet they would shine in the darkness, oh how I wish he was just bold enough to stand beside me and ask me out But he just won't do it. "Yes?" I asked. "Um, I was just .... will ... will you go to prom? ... with me?" He asked. My eyes went wide. Yes, of course!! Before I could sit down and reply with a yes, Asher received a harsh bump on his head. "Hahaha, you- you dared to ask her out? You are such a dork," Ken said.I frowned. Why is he always targeting him? "Leave me alone," Asher said. "Oh, okay, I will, not before.." Ken stopped and punched him.I gasped and immediately held Asher's elbow to support him. "What is your problem!? Leave us alone! You know very well Ken what Kelly and I can do," I threatened him. He ran his hand through his hair and walked away. He once slapped a girl when Kelly and I took action and ended up getting suspended for a week. Since then, he hates me and doesn't look at me. But he never bothered me either. "Are you ok? Oh no, you are bleeding... Let's take some medication," I said and helped Asher up. "Come with me Kelly," I said, and she walked with us. "It’s okay, I can do it on my own.." Asher said, but I ignored him and continued patting his nose with cotton. "And about the question, yes.."I will go to the prom with you,” I replied. He looked up and smiled. "You don't have to. I don't think your friends will like you going with a boy like me," he stated. I smiled. "I don't care what my friends think, and you are something more than those idiots, you are sweet ...I like it," I said and stood up. "Uh ...uh t-thanks," he said, blushing. I smiled. "Ok ... see you tomorrow," I said and walked out * I walked out to the front door to see him dressed in a suit. His tie complimented my red dress. "Hi," he said. "Hi " I reply blushing a bit. He looks handsome. "My sister is taking us there by car," he said, walking to a black car with me It looked expensive. Oh, ya ...it will be since his family was rich. Don't ask me how I know that invisible person. We sat back and his sister chirped a hello before driving off. "Um ...here. " Asher handed me a box. "What’s this?" I asked. "For you," he said, rubbing his neck. I opened it to see a pendant with a small diamond blue orchid on it. "Wow," I exclaimed. "I know you like orchids ...so," he explained. "Thank you," I said and wore it. His sister dropped us off and we walked in to be greeted by my friends. "So ... the dork is finally here," Ken said. I glared at him and held Asher's hand, pulling him to my friends. "Guys, this is Asher," I introduce him. Before they could say anything, they threw a bucket at Asher full of red water. I gasped as he coughed. "Asher ... oh my god. STOP IT KEN!," I yelled at him. But he just laughed. I take the juice from the table and throw it on his face. I glared at him and took a step back as I turned my head to see Asher walking out. I walked out with him down the road. "Asher stop!!" I shouted and ran behind him "Asher!!" I called again, but he kept walking I ran and caught up with him. I rested my hand on his back, but he nuzzled me off "I guess you should leave me alone. No girl wants to be with a guy like me. I can't even defend myself," he said. "Doesn't matter," I said. "It does Lia " he spoke loudly and gritted his teeth. "I can't stand for myself ... where in the world will I stand for you when you are in trouble. ... I can't speak up ... I’m just too scared too.. leave me alone," he said. I shook my head and rested my hand on his shoulder. "You are strong... but your strength so big, that it’s yet to come out," I said. "You should go.." he said. Ignoring him, I speak again. "Nobody is perfect Asher, never will be and if people don't acknowledge your true personality, they aren't your type, ignore them, be yourself, I like you, that's why," I said, blushing "If you think those idiots will impress me, then no I’m not, I’m impressed by you.. your kind attitude towards others," I confessed. He lowered his gaze. "Thank you," he said. I smiled and nodded. "Lia," he called and I looked at him. " I’m moving away ..." I frowned. "Don't be sad, I am with my family, but promise me you will always keep this with me and never forget me," he said, pointing at the pendant. I took in my fingers and nodded. "I will come for you and show you how strong I can be. Thank you for encouraging me," he said. I smiled more. He leaned in and kissed my cheek nervously. I blushed at him. "Promise? I promise you will come back? At least to see me?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. "I will," he said. My cheeks kept burning until I reached home. Prom wasn't what I expected it to be. But his touch sure made a circus in my body. I wanted to see him again. But the next day, he was gone. And he never came back.

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