Chapter 4 - Just Visiting

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Caspian POV I rub my fingers across my forehead in agitation. How can this be happening? No rogue has been stupid enough to try and f**k with the Northern Kingdom since my father ended the war almost thirty years ago. Sure there's a pissed wolf from time to time who breaks the rules and gets kicked out, only to turn rogue after breaking the connection with their pack. But no one has tried to gather lone wolves together in decades. Peace in the north has been stable for years, and I will not be the King that watches it crumble. I have been starting at a map of my territory for hours, little red pins marking where there have been attacks on my lands in the last three months. Thirty-one. Thirty-one little pins and 12 deaths. It’s not unusual for attacks to happen and certainly not uncommon for a wolf to die in battle. But I just have this feeling. Something just doesn’t make sense. It seems too clean. The attacks are similar and happening in spurts. But what’s the pattern? What’s the reason? I scan the map again, hoping to find something new. I’ve looked a dozen times, but I’m tired and agitated. There has to be something that I’m missing. A low, threatening growl leaves me as I slam my fist down on the table. I can't let my anger get out of control. But this situation, whatever it is, is really starting to pi** me off. My phone vibrates, and I reach across the papers that litter my desk to pick it up, hoping to see a message from my Beta, Derek. I sent him out with some members of the Royal Circle. They're the elite warriors of the Nothern Kingdom and members of the royal pack. We're different from the other wolves in the area because we're descendants of the first wolf-like creatures, Lycans. We're faster and stronger, and our senses are no match for the other, weaker wolves. Most of the Lycans, my ancestors, stayed close to their packs. Originally there were four Lycan packs in the country, made up of what is now the four leading families—the Royals. Today there are hundreds of packs spread wide, either in the Southern Kingdom or the Northern Kingdom, my territory. The further away you get from the Royal Packs, the more fragile the ties to the royal bloodline become. This mission should be no problem for my warriors since I sent them out as a precaution. All they needed to do was gather as much information as possible about the attacks happening in the western part of my territory. Then bring it back to formulate a plan on the matter. Simple. *Hey Alpha, you need to head out to the Night River Pack. Something just doesn't add up.* Okay, not so simple. Great, I was hoping I wouldn’t be needed. This was supposed to be an intel job, with my men returning after a few days. Derek better have a good reason for calling me away. I’m needed here. Work is starting to pile up from requests from neighboring packs, upcoming Alpha meetings, and everyday things to keep my pack and territory safe. It’s never ending. But if these attacks turn out to be more than random hits from deranged wolves, I will have a much bigger problem on my hands. I grunt, standing up to leave my office and get ready to go. *I'll be there shortly* ***** 6 Hours Later Finally, after a 3-hour plane ride and almost two hours in the car, we’re about 30 minutes away from the Night River Pack's borders. My body is tired from traveling and being cooped up with insufficient room for my large physic. I've never visited this pack since I took over after my father four years ago. I’ve heard him mention it before, and I met Alpha Maddox and his Luna a few years ago. It’s secluded, tucked behind a vast mountain range, making it almost hard to locate. Good. At least if these attacks aren't random, it seems someone would have a helluva time trying to slink onto the pack land unnoticed. I never bothered coming out to packs this far away, but the elders advised me that if something were coming, it would be good to show face. Earn the hearts of the masses, and protect the peace. Maybe it isn’t such a bad idea to make an appearance after they lost a pack member. Especially since the report said, he was a valued warrior. My Father was better at the social aspects of being King. I’ve always done my best to steer clear of events like this. They had their perks- easy tail. But it got tiresome after a while, every unmated she-wolf throwing herself on me, trying to earn bragging rights that she banged the future king. Now, I can’t partake in activities so carelessly, no matter how much I may want to. As we round the mountainside, a strange feeling settles in my stomach. Nerves? What could I have to be nervous for? For god's sake, I'm the King of Wolves, a Lycan. Nothing and no one scares me. I shake it off and push the feeling to the back of my mind and out of my thoughts. I don’t have time for this. I need to get in, gather what I need, and head back home. Derek. I call through the mink link. My King, good to have you here. Welcome to the Night River Pack. Pretty kick-ass spot, isn't it? I ignore his remarks and jump straight to the point. Any news? No. But you may have better luck than I. Pfft, I may be King, but you are my Beta. You should be enough to get what we need. I know, but I think you should hear what Alpha Maddox has to say for yourself. It seems like there is more to the story than he lets on. Plus, there’s this female- I cut the link. Not interested in hearing about some she-wolf he hooked up with. We arrive at a gate outside the packhouse. It's not anything like I'm used to, but better than I was expecting, being this far away from the larger cities of the kingdom. As we pull up the drive, I take a look around. The house is three stories high, with marble pillars lining the front porch that wraps around the whole house, disappearing around the corners. The driveway circles a large lawn lined with wildflowers, giving it an authentic mountain feel. It's sophisticated but not over the top like some other packs that try to impress the Royals with their gaudy taste. As we stop at the front door, a thick man with dirty blonde hair that’s greying at the edges steps out, followed by a beautiful, slender woman with short blonde hair. Alpha Maddox and his Luna. Derek is right behind them. A few more people file out of the house behind my Beta and stand to the left of their Alpha. It must be his Beta and some of their warriors. As I open the door to step out, the feeling in my stomach intensifies. It's not uncomfortable, but a strange warmth starts to creep across my chest, reaching my arms. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Derek clears his throat, and I make my way out of the SUV. "Alpha Maddox, Luna Amelia, may I present King Caspian," Derek motions between the couple in front of me. They both briefly give a bow of their heads. Alpha Maddox extends a hand. "King Caspian, it's great to see you again. I apologize that it's not on better terms." I take his hand in a firm shake before turning to Luna Amelia and taking her hand, bringing it to my lips and giving a swift peck before she withdraws. "Thank you for opening your pack to us on such short notice." Just then, four more SUVs pull up, and my men begin filing out, some going over to greet Derek before standing off to his side. Others begin unloading the vehicles. Wonderful. They made good time, all coming in from different packs, looking for any information regarding the recent attacks. “I’m sure you are tired from your journey, King Caspian. Please come inside, and our house coordinator will set you and your men up with rooms," Luna Amelia turns and gestures to the front door, a path clearing for me to head inside. I make my way up the steps, and an omega opens the door for me, bowing as she does so, shaking slightly. No doubt she is intimidated by my size and build. Lycans are not only bigger than werewolves shifted, but we tower over them in human form as well. A slight smirk plays on the edge of my lips. As I walk into the foyer, a small but stern older woman is waiting for me. She seems tense, her eyes tired, but she doesn’t let it slow her. "Hello, King Caspian," she says, bowing her head, "You will be on the second floor in the main guest suite at the end of the left wing. Your bags are already being taken up." She writes something down on the clipboard she is holding and moves on to the next person. I take a moment to look around as I step further into the house. It’s spacious and somewhat modern, with clean, crisp lines mixed with traditional pieces and family heirlooms. Again, more than I was expecting. I walk down to the end of the hall and enter the doorway to a common area on the right of the main entrance. Some younger wolfs are sitting around talking or busied carrying bags. Luna Ameilia walks up beside me, smiling. "So, what do you think?" She waves a delicate hand in front of her. "It's lovely, Luna, thank you. But if you will excuse me, I would like to head to my room to freshen up before dinner.” "Of course," She nods her head. "Dinner will be served in the main dining hall in an hour." I nod at her understanding, and she gives me a warm smile. She points me toward the stairs before walking away into the house. Derek slides in next to me and grabs my shoulder. "Business before or after dinner?" He asks, his tone light, even though I can tell he is tense. "After. It's been a long flight, and I want to clean up." "You got it, boss. I have some things I want to run by you before we speak with The Alpha." I nod in understanding. “And Derek, keep it in your pants, will you?” He chuckles and turns to find the woman giving out rooms. "Oh, Elenor, what room am I in again?" He calls after her, wiggling his eyebrow. He disappears into the crowd. I groan and shake my head. Some things never change. Derek is an excellent Beta, but he never listens. We’ve been friends since childhood, so he gets away with a lot. Turning around, I make my way to the landing of the staircase. Out of nowhere, the warmth hits me again, this time more assertive. It sends a tingling buzz to my fingertips. As I stare down at my hands, flexing my fingers, the sweetest aroma fills my head. Lavender? Honey? It’s intoxicating. My inner beast begins to stir, rising to the surface and fighting for dominance. I force my eyes shut and exhale sternly. Could this be it? The mate bond I have been desperate to find? It's not possible. A Lycan royal hasn't mated with a werewolf, ever. This irresistible scent fills my head, pulling my eyes around the room. I look at every wolf, scanning their features and taking them in. Then I see her, and all I can think in my head is "MATE." SHIT. My body tenses as I fight against my wolf, trying to keep my composure. My mind is reeling as I stare at this female in front of me. Desire instantly blooms. How the f**k is this even possible? Why would the Moon Goddess send me a werewolf as a mate? Is this some sick punishment? I stand there, fighting my instinct. I want nothing more than to sprint to her. But I need more information before anything can happen. My breathing is ragged as I fight with myself to stay out. I call for Derek. Okay, you better explain some things right now. Hey, whoa. What's up, Cas? I shoot daggers at my Beta across the room. My eyes shift to peer at the beautiful, fit girl making her way to the door that leads to the side gardens. Her frame swaying, drawing my eyes to her full, round, bang-able hips. What? The dark-haired beauty? I give one curt nod, my lips set into a hard line, my body ridged, trying to control myself. Her name is Morana. She's actually the reason I told you to come. Well, one of the reasons. I c**k a brow at him, arms folded across my chest, waiting for him to continue. The heat in my chest intensifies the longer I look at her, and her scent fills my brain. She's an omega, but- I lose control as a growl rips out of my throat. WHAT DID YOU SAY?
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