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CHAPTER FIVEDeegan spent a mostly quiet evening at home with Jake, his four-year-old. It has always been relatively easy to focus solely on his son during their evening routines, but tonight was an exception to that. His mind could hardly stay focused on anything other than the night’s previous activities and the woman who he desired most. He had always considered himself an honorable man, with morals that could stand the trials that came with the hard decisions in life. Now, he’s had to question that very foundation since he had basically thrown those out the window today, by not only encroaching into another’s marriage, but also allowing someone to breach that boundary as well. He had come to a point already that she has consumed nearly every thought he has during the day, even at night, as she has overtaken his dreams as well. The only thing he can focus on is when the next time he will be able to touch her smooth skin, to breath in her scent, when he will taste her luscious lips. Those lips, being one of the restrictions that he had managed to make her breach. How she allowed him to press his lips to hers and then her miraculously allowing him to enter her mouth with his tongue and explore it vigorously, yet softly. The sweetness that she was from there keeps him in a state of disbelief imagining what her real nectar tasted like. The night has escaped him and its later than he realized, having only gone through the motions of this routine with Jake, and he’d found himself staring blankly at the TV in front of him, not even aware of what was playing. He did feel the excitements of the day overcome him and move down him with an exhaustion and release. Feeling this, he headed towards the bedroom. Drained both emotionally and, well, quite literally earlier, he looked forward to a restful night’s sleep, where he could pretty much expect that his dreams would be filled with her. Sweet dreams for Deegan, indeed. After catching her breath and being able to steady her legs once again, Callie pushes herself up to her feet. She lets her hand run across Brad as she walks around him and lets him know she’s headed to the bathroom to shower. Looking around quickly for her nightgown, she finds it, grabs it and tosses it on to the sink, then turns to turn on the shower, much hotter than her normal steamy-ness. She goes back to sit on the edge of the bed and wait for it to warm up. She closes her eyes and holds her head back. The s*x she just had was more than just breath-taking, it was pure and utterly tiring. Her legs are still a bit shaky. Her mind races between the thoughts of what actually happened and what she was also thinking of while it happened. Having two men inside her in that way is something she’d wanted to experience for a long, long time. Thinking that there was a very real chance she could make that happen, stirred up things inside her she just couldn’t put out of her mind. As if having a life of its own, this agenda had stood its ground and persevered to stay put, till it got what it wanted. Feeling the steam wandering into the bedroom, she takes her cue to step inside the shower finally. The water runs down over her with its near scalding temperature and she feels a release of tension run over her. The water was hefty in its task to wash away the sins of the day. There were many layers of that for her today. She stands directly under the showerhead and lets the water drench her. Finally, she reaches up for the loofa and the soap and begins to make a good lather to really scrub the day away. The fragrance from the soap smells so nice and refreshing it reminds her of the honeysuckles that were lined against the fence that bordered the gymnastics parking lot, where she had spent an intense sensual hour earlier that day. Running her hands over the course of her body with those thoughts in mind sparked some tingles down below. Even she knows this is at best abnormal to still have a need for s****l actions, so soon and so close together, but it’s all she’s ever known. One might take this as a continual need to be fulfilled or satisfied, but it’s not the case here. In fact, she’s satisfied each time she has a session, but the need to be satisfied again with a quicker than normal turnaround is there. She gives new meaning to the term “sitting on ready.” It had been a while since she had partaken of anything sensual in the shower, but she was quickly reminded how great the slippery soap felt and helped her hands glide smoothly over all the necessary areas. Having started from her neck and the soap sliding down, she slowed to wash and caress her breasts and taking care to encircle her large, erect n*****s. They almost always stood at attention, so it was never hard to grab hold of them, but the soap makes her attempts to pull on them tricky. The repeated attempts to do so only gave way to sensational feelings of tingles as if she were purposefully flicking them. She could feel a deeper warmth grow between her legs that was not caused by the hot water. Slowly, she moved the soap down to cover her belly and let it continue down her legs. As per her natural routine of washing she lifts her left leg up on to the side of the tub and bends down to rub the length of her leg and slowly back up. Already intending to linger in the area to take care of business, her fingers find the sweet spot and begin to swirl gently. She takes her other arm and places it up on the wall of the shower at head level and places her forehead down upon it. Losing herself in thoughts of the two things she wanted most right now, her fingers begin to move in a more vigorous motion around a seriously erect c******s. Wondering what happened to his wife, Brad gets up to head to check on her. He’s often kidded her about her showers not taking very long and getting down to business with the cleaning and getting out. He had dozed off momentarily and when he came back to, realized she was not done. As he nears the bathroom, he can hear the shower still running. The door was already open, so he slipped in quietly, as he heard what he thought were moans coming from within, which naturally piqued his interest. As luck would have it, the shower curtain hadn’t closed completely to the wall, so it allowed a narrow viewpoint for him to look inside. Having her back to the outside of the shower, she continued her quest without noticing she had an audience of one. Watching his wife please herself, sent some throbbing sensations down to him and took him a bit by surprise, but he ran with it. He placed his hand down on his almost full d**k and began to complete its rise with long slow strokes. After only a minute, he was ready to go and he slowly pulled the curtain back, hardly making a noise and stepped in to get behind her. So engrossed in her own mission she didn’t take notice, even a little bit. The position she had already placed herself in made it the perfect angle for him to slip right inside her without even having to touch her anywhere else. It slid in as if it were a hot knife slicing butter, just so perfectly. The moment the head passed inside she gasped but immediately welcomed it to begin its thrusting to fill her once again. He takes her soapy body and puts his hand behind her head and pushes her down to bend her over to really f**k her. He is going to make her moan longer and louder than what he walked in on. Indeed, that is what he was doing with each pounding. Taken by surprise, she was MORE than happy to feel what she was already thinking. It helped her get to where she was headed a whole lot faster. While her hand never left her clit, it became so furious that it wasn’t very long that in combination from the pounding, her walls clenched down on his hard c**k and pushed him completely out with a fight to get back in. The soap mixed with her own slippery juice from her explosion made re- entry nearly impossible. So in an effort to finish himself and bring her one last orgasm, he grabbed her, pulling her in tightly he grinds out the last few pumps and explodes inside her and hitting just the right spot after a c******l orgasm pushed her over the edge with a g- spot one. So now not only is Brad’s load oozing down her leg the push from her explosion juice is sliding down as well. Brad grabs the loofa from her, adds some more soap and begins to wash down the rest of her body, if only to watch the soap beads glisten as the fall down her body, around her breasts and to the tips of her painted toes. He can’t think of a time when he’s looking at her that she doesn’t ooze some sensuality even without trying. She may not have a perfect body by most standards but it’s so perfect for everything s****l and sensual he could imagine. They hold each other and just stand under the now lukewarm water as the literal remains of the day go down the drain.
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