Little Lily and The Alpha

2685 Words
---POV Terra---  “She’s my brother’s daughter.” Mason chimed in, with Mya leaning on his chest. He came to sit next to her, and they were just too cute. From Lily to the blushing couple, the adorable atmosphere was overwhelming at this table. It made my cheeks flush. It sometimes made me want a – no. I’m not going to get distracted. No bonds needed here. “She only comes out for main parties and with high supervision.” Makes sense. The security was really tight today and when I asked Bryce about it, he looked too stressed to notice I was even there. Then, when I was behind the tables earlier, I saw even more security than before. All were ranked warrior wolves by the smell of them. “Well, that explains it.” I said out loud, then clamped my hand over my mouth. Sometimes, my thoughts don't necessarily stay my thoughts. This flippant attitude of mine will get me in trouble! Ugh, I can’t...nobody can disrespect the Alpha. What's worse, I don’t even have a pack to protect me. Mason laughed and everyone else followed. I dropped my hand to my lap, and I could feel my cheeks redden a bit. I'm glad I didn't seem rude to them. "Don't worry about it. It is a bit much, but Lily means the world to all of us. We will do anything to protect her." Mason said, nodding toward his niece. Before I knew it, the Alpha’s daughter was standing in front of me with her tablet hanging out of one hand. For most children, this doesn’t seem doable at such a young age of probably three, but we are born with most of our strength. Usually we gain more with age, and sometimes we lose more with disrespect toward our wolf spirit. It really depends on how much we respect our wolves. At least, that’s what I grew up to understand. “What’s up, Little Cub?” I asked, looking over her face with inquiry as her nose wrinkled and her cheeks scrunched together. I wonder what she wanted to ask me so badly. Finally, she let out a breath and she smiled brightly. Lily put her arms up, completely disregarding the $800 tablet that was dropped, to be caught by her uncle, before it shattered on the ground. Okay, maybe I wouldn’t have wanted one of those. I almost had a heart attack when she dropped that thing. I can’t imagine what my parents would have done if they spent that kind of money on me and I was so careless. I chuckled inwardly, then winced at the thought. I don't care what they would have done. If I could have them here instead of what I got in return for their...absence, I would be overjoyed. Even if it was only for just a moment. I looked over at her a bit confused, but also grateful that Mason had good reflexes. “Up, pweaase.” I shrugged, thinking nothing of it and easily put her on my lap. Everyone froze. She started to play with my curls before spinning small circles with her finger in my palm. I smiled happily before I heard my wolf growl and immediately shot my head up to face the paled complexions. I tilted my head slightly confused. Did I do something wrong? “What’s going on?” Wait, why was my wolf so defensive of Lily so instinctively, was the real question. “Dude.” You could literally hear a pen drop through Mya’s words, even the background of the club seemed to go silent. “What?” By now, Lily had found the henna drawing on the back of my hand and began to draw along the outlines with her tiny fingers. When my arms were bare, I enjoyed adding designs to fit my mood. Henna was the best option and I graced it over my left arm from the edge of my palm up to my elbow. I grinned down at the sight, and all over again, it felt so calming. I wonder why? What is the deal? “Petty leenns…” I tapped her cheek a bit and decided to ignore the stares. She was too cute for me to be distracted. ---POV Ayden--- Lily was...happy? My little girl was happy. Not like she is with my mom or me, but like what I'd hoped she would have been with her mother. I winced when I thought about her, but I was brought out of my own nightmare as I witnessed the worried looks on my pack members' faces. Many are currently screaming at me and asking if they should do something and I chuckled. I actually chuckled. Odd. "Don't worry. Terra seems safe enough. Go about your business." I called out to the group. They all understood me, but they seemed to hesitate. Worry prominent. However, it didn't seem to affect the woman - whom I now know is named Terra - in the slightest. She decided to look away from the shock and continue to entertain Lily. I stood from my seat, no longer able to keep my distance. I have to talk to her. I walked up to the table, and everyone seemed to be tense again. One glare from me and everyone forced themselves to turn and look away. Once I made it next to Mason, he looked up and nodded at me, then back to Terra and Lily. The most amazing site to see. I shifted my weight, and she froze. Slowly she looked up toward my figure and cleared her throat. I ran my hands through my short black hair, not really caring where it may lie as she glossed her chocolate orbs over my gray suit. My breath hitched when she almost reached eye contact with me. Almost. She flinched immediately and looked down and away from my eyes, as if there was something there she absolutely could not look at. I smirked and shoved my hands into my slacks’ pockets. “My daughter has taken a liking to you.” I couldn't help the grin that was spreading across my face. I was finally talking to her. She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. It was like she wanted to fight this, but she didn't know how. I wonder how long this can go for. She tilted her head a bit and a few of her curly locks fell into her eyes. I wanted to brush them away and feel her soft cheek under my fingertips, but Lil' surprised us both with a declaration. “Dadddyyyyy, petty leeennss!” She giggled and smiled up at me as she tried to say, ‘pretty lines.’ She pulled Terra's hand towards my chest and we were only inches away from each other. “See?” The sparks ignited and we hadn't even touched. “Yes, they are lovely.” I confirmed, getting a blush from my mate and more giggles from my Lil'. My mate smiled up at me and I instinctively grinned right back. I got a bit sidetracked until she looked down at my daughter and shifted Lily in her lap. Oh, I hope this isn't a fantasy or a trick again. I just knew it wasn't, but a bit of me couldn't help but wonder. She really was perfect. However, I was snapped out of my imagination by Terra's sudden outburst. “Well, thank you and, I have taken to her. She is adorable, but I do have to run. The set is about to be up. Don’t want to keep anyone waiting.” She gently pulled her hand away from Lily’s tiny grip and shifted her to her hip seamlessly as she rose to her feet. She's a natural. She still looked away from me and that little sense of doubt started to increase. Maybe my pessimistic side was right. Maybe the scent isn't real. Lily squealed like she was having the best time as she was handed over to me. I quickly grabbed hold of her, and Terra took this chance to disappear. “Goodbye.” She mumbled. I wanted to go after her to see what her deal was, but now I have a squirming three-year-old to deal with. ---POV Terra--- That scent.... That perfect scent! The scent of a fresh spring meadow and pine trees overlooking the soft dew-covered grass. My mate’s scent. As he tried to have a conversation with me, I could smell the undertones of a good whiskey and warm coffee on a cool fall day. Everything about that man screamed for me to run to him. I guess whiskey and coffee are going together with him further than whiskey and brandy. I mean I would have been blind not to see that perfect hair and clean-cut beard. Oh, and don't even get me started on those muscles. "If you won't, I will." My wolf purred as the both of us continued to steal glances at the man now keeping his full attention on me. Chiseled muscles and all. "Please, I beg you. Ignore him!" I shouted again at my wolf, who seemed to think it would be better to just ignore me entirely at this point. Great. Lucky me. Ugh! That whole encounter was so awkward. And him, oh lord that man, I can’t. I won’t get attached. I didn’t want to run away, but I had to. Everyone around me dies. Those around me now don't really see what that statement actually means, and I hope they never do. I hope they never turn out like my old pack. So many were slaughtered and whomever was left, scattered. There is nothing left, but I’m not a small child that needs to be protected anymore and I'm not going to inflict my burdens on anyone if I can help it. Especially him and his daughter…. I can’t add more possible victims to my list. My sneakers squeaked as they stuck to the alcohol-soaked mat. I let the music flow out into my second set and turned it up. I pulled my headphones over my ears and kept my head down for the rest of the night. I switched my tracks and edited out the language as best I could, knowing there was a child present. I kept it clean the whole night and no one was any the wiser. I don’t know how I’m going to do this at the wedding, but I will do my best to stay away from him. The music danced the happy souls well into the night and finally cleaned up around two. I slid the used records into my bags and my laptop in the top compartment. Then, I turned and hightailed it out of there. “He is your mate.” I heard Bryce behind me, and I literally almost phased in that moment. We were in the parking lot…in the dark…seriously?! I mean, I know he usually stays until everyone is out, but he usually doesn’t play the whole stealth ninja thing with me in the middle of an empty parking lot. I never shift around others, but if my wolf could sense something that was a threat or out of the ordinary, I have to will myself to keep control. Sneaking up on people. Rude! “D**nit Bryce!” I shouted. He threw his hands up and stepped back. “Sorry, Terra, but by the looks of it, he couldn’t stop looking your way for the rest of the night.” I guess that is right. They decided to open the curtains around eleven and I really did my best not to look that way, but it doesn’t mean he wasn’t looking my way. “Momma Rogue had to take Lily back early ‘cause she wanted to play with you, only you. Even Ayden couldn't calm her down. Do you know she hasn’t sat with anyone besides her dad and Momma Rogue like that….ever. You know…since her mother...passed away and all.” I blushed a bit when I heard his name. It was like a drug to my wolf. Then I digested the last sentence, and I realized something that broke my heart. Her mother was gone, just like mine. I closed my eyes, trying to forget. Maybe that’s why we bonded so well. “So, what does that have to do with me? And who said he’s my mate?” With that accusing statement, the staring match began. He snapped the glare that we kept between the two of us by turning his head and scoffing at the wind irritably. Finally, breaking the silence. “When have you ever been tongue tied? Look T, I’ve known you for two years. I know you enough to know that much. If you want, I can see if he wants to talk with you.” Talk with me? No. Thank you! “No…don’t cause trouble Bryce.” I edited my response, remembering I was also talking to my manager, not just my friend. His burly laugh echoed through the parking lot. “I wish I could say you had a choice here but, he wants to see you. Tomorrow morning…well, in a few hours. I assist with the...finances, so…I’ll see you around the building. How does 10:00 A.M. sound?” Of course, that wasn't a question. I blinked, slightly confused. “Building? What building?” Sometimes, I wonder why things happen to me. Now I’m mated to a guy who owns half the city. Asking what building seemed like a valid question when it could be one of his simple offices, or the skyscrapers downtown. Either way, with him around, subtly is impossible. Bryce shrugged his shoulders and gave me a card with an address. Of course, when I look at the card, it says RI on the front in holographic font. Perfect. “Show this to the receptionist at 10:00 A.M. Oh, and don’t be late.” “You know, not everyone can go without sleep!” I growled curtly. He doesn’t need to know about my insomnia. “Lucky you, today’s your day off. Get some sleep afterwards.” I tried to rebut, but he was already jogging back to his car and…he was right. I needed to talk to him whether I wanted to or not. Though, I was picking the latter adamantly. “D**nit!” Him being right had my wolf chuckling in my mind like a cackling hyena. I chose to ignore her and fiddled for my keys to unlock my trunk and doors. My car wasn’t the newest thing, but it got me around. The gear fit nicely in the trunk and off I went to get at least a couple hours of sleep. I pulled up to my apartment, lugged all my club items up the stairs, until I hit the 6th floor. “And this is why I wear sneakers.” I mumbled to myself. I took a deep breath in front of my door and turned the key in the lock. The door creaked open like usual, and I threw a bag in the corner next to the door to my small bathroom that worked just for me. It was a small studio, but I didn’t need much else. There was a small kitchenette that I did my best to cook in so I could save a bit of money, and my queen-sized bed that fits perfectly in the middle of the living area. I don’t really have a couch or a TV because I’m not here much, so, this is what I call home. I sighed and carefully placed my laptop and records in the other corner before kicking the door closed. I turned to snap the deadbolt in place before just walking over to my bed and kicking off my shoes. I didn’t even bother to change. It would take away some of my precious sleep time. Once my body hit my worn comforter, I was knocked out.
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