Chapter 1

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Chapter 1   PALADIZZO CLUB MANHATTAN, NEW YORK Four years after…   IT’S ALREADY nine in the evening, and all the regular customers here in Paladizzo are starting to arrive. As I watched all the people multiply, the fear revived in my chest again. Fear that even a few years later, it is still not gone. Fear that whatever I do, I still can’t explain where it came from or why it keeps coming back. “Yesia! It’s your turn now,” Kenny shouted from the outside of my room. I adjusted my clothes for Vika and I’s performance. I’m one of the dancers on those final shows that happens three times a week, but I’m still not used to it. It was as if every time I stood in the middle of that stage, eyes were staring at me and watching my every move. I held my breath when I started to do some pole dancing and close my eyes like I was floating in the air. When I started circling here on the pole, I forgot about the people around me. Things and problems are troubling my mind. The more I hear people screaming, the more I want to dance. The fear and loneliness I had felt before had been blown away by the wind with each turn. “Woah! I love you, Yesia!” “Yesia, marry me!” Those are just a few of the shouts I hear from people around me. Shouts that remind me where I am and what my job is. No matter how many times I deny it, it is my life to be a dancer entertaining these rich people around me who don’t even know the word respect. When my set was over, Kenny met me downstairs and placed a robe on my shoulder. When I arrived at the dressing room, it was full of different kinds of flowers, food, and gifts. Maybe if it is like the first time I stepped into this place, I would gladly enjoy it all. But now, everything does not matter to me, and all I want is to finish every set of my dance every night. I just changed the clothes I was wearing earlier. A fitted denim pants that I paired with a black sleeveless t-shirt crop top and heels. Paladizzo has a dress code for customers and VIPs who come in. No outsider is allowed in here if you are not a member of this club—a club for elite and wealthy people who have many secrets and a messy past. I grabbed my vintage coat and black clutch bag before exiting my dressing room. “You were great before, Yesia.” “Thanks, Kevin. Do you already have a lot of customers?” I asked, sitting in front of the bar counter. “Of course, you all did great tonight.” I smiled at his remarks. Did I? I don’t think so. I looked around the middle of the bar, and everyone looked busy. When I looked up, I just winced to see the pairs of women and men almost eating each other while kissing. Those people below are busy dancing as if they are the only person in the world. I remember a couple I met while I was going down earlier. They barely reached the rented room as if in a hurry because the woman in the hallway was already naked. When I finished my drink order from Kevin, a new one landed in front of me. “Where did it come from?” I asked him. But instead of answering me, Kevin rolled his eyes and stopped at a man sitting on the other end of this counter. I stood up and picked up the wine that Kevin had laid out in front of me before walking over to the man. When I stopped next to him and put down the wine, he turned and looked at me. “You do not want?” “I’m giving it back. I don’t drink other people’s drinks,” I replied with a smirk and walked out on him. When I came back in front of Kevin, he just laughed at my behavior. They knew that after my job, I no longer accepts alcohol from others. I have been carried away by my one mistake before, and I do not intend to repeat it. Once is enough because the time I repeated it, it was no longer a mistake but a stupidity. I just said goodbye to them before leaving because my work, for now, is done. This place seems suffocating, so I don’t want to stay here long. I passed behind the building because I didn’t want Argus to see me, and for sure, he’ll keep on bullying me if we cross paths now. I met Vika, but I just told her not to make a fuss about me leaving. I still have to go to the grocery store because I don’t have stock at home. I don’t have work tomorrow, so I want to rest, and I wish no one would disturb my silence. “Good evening, Nia! Your early today,” Alma greeted. She’s living next to me and always cheerful every time I see her. “Good evening too, Alma! Yeah, I finish first. So I decided to go home and rest until tomorrow.” “Good to hear that. You also need some rest and don’t drown with your job,” Alma added. People living in this building know what kind of job I have. Most of them were not a fan of a woman dancing for other people. But Alma is one of the people who understand that this is just a job. It’s not who we are. I smiled when I saw the little one peacefully sleeping on my bed. Four years have gone by so fast, and I still can’t believe that this little girl is mine until now. I went through a lot in four years raising this child, and she changed a lot in my life. Things and beliefs I never thought I would handle until now. I swallowed some pride and resentment to give birth to her and live in this world. I smiled when she smiled and whispered, “I love you, Mum.” “I love you too, sweetie,” I respond and kiss her temple. I took off my clothes one by one and slowly walked over to the shower. A year after I gave birth to Ishie, we started to live here because my foster parent kicked me out of their house when I got pregnant. Fortunately, many kind people around me have been helping me out even though many misfortunes have come into my life. Good thing Alma is here to help me take care of Ishie when I have work to do.  It's hard to be a single mom, but all that hardship goes away when I see her smile and hear her little giggles. That's when all the tiredness, fear, and hardship that I experience every day disappears. She is the world's consolation in the turbulent life I have. Although the world I live in is not perfect, God gave me a small gift that I will cherish and love for the rest of my life. A gift unmatched by any wealth in the world. I grew up without a family, but now he has given me someone who will love me forever. “Good morning, Mum!” greeted a shrill voice from outside the kitchen.  “Good morning, sweetie!” I respond and kiss her on the cheek.  “It’s Ishie, not sweetie, Mum! Hmf!” she protested and frowned before crossing her arms in front of her chest.  I wanted to laugh because her snout almost stuck to her nose, and I needed to hold it back. Maybe when she sees me smiling, Ishie will get mad at me more. Even though this child is a snob, she is sweet and very combative, the opposite of what I was when I was a child. Exactly after I cooked, she set the table, and the two of us ate together. “Okay, let’s eat sweetie.” This is how we both live every day—spending each day as an adventure for both of us.  I discovered how a single mom and Ishie are learning how to live a life with a working Mum.  After we had breakfast, we prepared for him to go to school. They have a school bus coming in, but I take him and pick him up more often because that is also the only chance we have to be together. “Sweetie, is that all you need? Don't forget your lunch,” I reminded her. “Mum, don't pick me up later. Aunt Vika will pick us up, later.” She also reminded me of her party.  Oh, great! My daughter has a life, unlike mine. I forgot about that party. It’s a good thing I don’t have work today so that I can spend the rest of the day at home resting.  I just waved at Ishie before driving home again. I plan to bake cookies for their party and send them to Vika. So instead of going straight home, I went to the grocery store to buy some stocks too so that I wouldn't have to go out later.  I do grocery shopping when I’m not working with Ishie because it’s part of the bonding between the two of us. But now, my precious daughter left me for her Aunt Vika and Delaney for their pajama party. Sometimes I want to ask Vika if we’ve exchanged children because Ishie is even closer to her. But I can't tell Vika that because she will definitely tweak me. It takes me about thirty minutes inside the grocery before I get out. I also bought wine and steak because I will also date myself later. Ishie was gone, so I am free to get drunk at home. That's all I can do because I can't get drunk outside, especially with other people around. Trust is the first thing that I lost.  When someone hears what I am saying who knows the nature of my work, they might say I am a social climber. A dancer or entertainer in a bar but still high standard with so much I’ve been through in life who wouldn’t be skeptical, right? As I was about to enter 118th street, a red car suddenly appeared in front of me. Fortunately, his car was not moving fast, so the impact on my car was not that strong. I got out of the vehicle to check if the driver was okay. But when I knocked on the window of the vehicle, a man was still rolling his eyes in extreme intoxication.  Is he serious? Is he so drunk this early? “Hey, won’t you say sorry for what you did?” I hissed at the man sitting in the driver’s seat.  “Woah! Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'm in a rush. Just dial this number if something in your body hurts or your car breaks down. It'll make up for it in a major way. Bye.” As I watched that car speed away from me, my jaw dropped open. Wtf! I examined the piece of paper he had handed me. It's a business card, and the amusing thing is that it doesn't appear to be his yet. I simply stuffed it into my pocket and went outside to see my car, which had minimal bumper damage. I'm hoping I don't run across that jerk. Vika was waiting for me when I got out of the car. She gave me a kind wave and smiled before assisting me with some grocery bags. She also had a cup of coffee in her hand that was already cold. She seems to have been waiting for quite some time. “How are you? “What were you thinking when you bought so much?” “I'm going to bake cookies.” I'm going to ship it to your place, but since you're already here, just wait for it to finish,” I explained as I arranged the items I'd purchased. “That sounds appealing. It's a good thing I came to see you. Do you require assistance?” When she asked that, I grinned. If she helps me, at the very least, my workload will be reduced. “I'm not going to say anything, Vika. You knew I needed you all the time,” I taunt and wink at her, making her laugh even harder. I informed her of the driver who had collided with my vehicle. As a result, she burst out laughing. In my complaints to her, she claimed I appeared to have been robbed of something. “Perhaps the individual is rushed.” The way she supported the man-made me squirm. “He seemed to be in a rush. However, driving while inebriated is not acceptable, and he appears sleepy and inebriated.” When I was reminded of his face again, I frowned. I'm praying I won't run into him again. Because of Vika's assistance, I was able to finish the baking swiftly. She also went home right away because she was supposed to be setting up for our two Princesses' party. I just had a shower after cleaning the home and went outdoors to have lunch. I chooses a dress that was simple to put on and take off. My leg was covered by a black camisole and a pleated skirt. I simply wore it with a white sling bag and white boots. I began walking to Amy Ruth's after getting ready. It was soon after lunchtime when I arrived at Ruth's, so there weren't many people. I just got a rib-eye steak waffle with rum & 'd rum cake, as well as Merlot. I sat at a table that was a little further away from the crowd. I don't want to draw attention to myself, especially since I'm alone. I couldn't take my eyes away from the road while I was eating. Many people are out strolling and conversing, perhaps because it is such a pleasant day today. Almost everyone is taking advantage of the nice weather. Maybe later, before I go home and rest, I'll take a walk. I went for another walk when I came out of Ruth's. Before I went home, I decided to spend some time in Central Park. I also need to get Ishie's favorite cake, as I'm currently out of stock. As I walked, I came to a large fountain with a large crowd. I stood on one side, watching the individuals in front of me pass by. I felt as if I was drowning in the magnificence of the sky, which was like a sea in its brilliant blue color. I was admiring something when I heard a call and a poke in the rear. “Miss...” exclaimed the speaker. “Yes—” A lip met me and wrapped me in a kiss, cutting off anything I had to say. My eyes nearly opened with surprise at what he'd done. I summoned all of my strength to push him away, but he remained unfazed. “Do you think that's true? So, Margaret, don't bother me anymore.” He shifted his gaze to the woman sitting next to us, who was already flushed with rage. I did notice, though, that her eyes started to water. Is this man truly inconsiderate of women? Is it possible that he simply doesn't understand the concept of respect? I was so enraged by what he did that my fist sprang and slammed into his cheek. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and exclaimed, "What's that for?" as he clutched his cheek. “What are you doing this for?” Are you a moron? You're kissing a woman you've never met before. You're a jerk!” I screamed, skeptically, at him. “Tsk! It's only a kiss, after all. He growled, "You behave like I've taken your virginity." I was ashamed by how obnoxious this man's words were. He doesn't even apologize for what he's done. This is why I despise males and the idea of leaving the house. I'm constantly surrounded by jerks and d***s.
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