
Rise Of Asanel Newton


Strong like a werewolf, fast like a vampire, Asanel Newton is said to have cheated nature by getting all the good things. But unable to harness them, she becomes a subject of bullying. After being pushed too far and forced to lose loved ones, she is forced to fight back and this time, she proudly accepts the name, Evil.

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The hot afternoon sun was enough torture for anyone but somewhere within the vicinity of Bureau Of Magic, a girl was being bullied. And it was none other than Asanel Newton. "So other than milking people dry of their blood, what else do vampires love doing?" The one in front who held the hair of Asanel, asked in disgust. "We also love snapping necks. Krrm! And you're dead. Works every time." Asanel replied, grinning evilly. Victoria suddenly laughed and shoved Asanel backward. "Your kind always bullied mine. It's heartwarming to see the table has turned." "Oh, darling Victoria, werewolves will always be the lesser ones compared to us, Vampires." Asanel scoffed. A throaty laughter sounded from Victoria's oesophagus, one which made Asanel's right hand clench into a fist. The next second, she moved in Vampire speed, but got knocked down the very next second by Victoria. "You seem to have forgotten something." Victoria taunted and lowered herself to Asanel's level, "You're a goddamn hybrid! An abomination your mother created!" The second girl, Flora, who was not paying attention to them, raised her head at the sound of 'Hybrid'. Flora dipped her phone into her pockets and walked towards them. "Don't say that Victoria. Don't associate Werewolves with such a weak fella." The two couldn't continue bullying Asanel as the bell for the next period went off. Flora, who hated Asanel more, grabbed her and tied her up with a cursed rope. Then she shook her head sadly. "How I wish you can burn to ashes in this sun." Flora wished with regret. "Leave the sucker alone, we'll be late for class." Victoria said with a nudge. And Flora had no choice but to leave with her. As soon as the duo was gone, Asanel heard a soft laughter behind her: Panicked, she called out threateningly, "Who the he.ll is there?! Show yourself before I suck you dry!" " t's such a funny scene to see a weak person threatening me." A masculine sounded from nowhere. "Look me in the eyes if you dare!" Asanel still yelled. "I'm afraid my appearance will scare you to death if I show myself. Or are you ready to die?" The man asked. His words did shake her a little. So much that she no longer said a word. "Silence means yes, so I guess it's a dare." The man concluded. Asanel only felt a soft wind blow past her and standing before her was a pale faced man. Recalling his words earlier, she shut her eyes tightly, obviously scared of dying. "Here I was thinking I would be dealt with for troubling a vicious Vampire. Totally had no idea it was a cute bunny." The man who turned out to be extremely handsome, joked. "Bunny? You think I'm a bunny?" She lashed out, her eyes flying open. However, when it collided with the man's red eyes, she shut it back tightly. "Weren't you rumoured to be... Dead yesterday? She asked in fright. "As you said, it's just a rumor. How can I, Terry Whirlwind, be dead?" Replied the man proudly. "I don't know. It was rumoured in school throughout yesterday. If you don't believe me you can ask anyone." "I wasn't saying you were lying. Because when I woke up this morning, I found dead bodies beside me." Asanel's expression didn't change. instead, she opened her eyes and peered into his face. "You were such a notorious assassin. What do you say about recruiting me as your student?" "Someone who can't beat two average werewolves her age doesn't deserve to be my student!" Asanel's face fell at his words. "Fine! Can you untie me?" She groaned. The man smiled evilly and proposed, "If you can untie yourself, I might consider taking you in as my student." "Untie myself? That's ridiculous!" Before she could whine further, the man was gone. Only after he was gone did her expression relax. She opened her eyes and focused it on the ropes. In a matter of seconds, it loosened but it left her gasping for breath. Terry had been watching from an unperceived distance, so the sight didn't escape his eyes, neither did the sight of blood trailing down her nose. "I must say, you did quite well. I guess you can be my student now. My only student." "Iknow I'm supposed to say I'm glad, but I don't think it's worth saying it since proving myself to you has zapped me of my strength." Said Asanel, her voice laced with sarcasm. "That reminds me, I saw you use magic. Never seen a hybrid dabbling with magic." He said. "If you ask me, I'll tell you there's nothing a cursed hybrid like me can't do." Asanel chuckled lightly. A light smile hung on the man's lips as they made their way to the dorm. Seeing they had passed the doors he was sure was the rooms and was headed into a dark corridor, Terry stopped. "Where are you going?" "My room. Where I stay." Asanel replied, not stopping. Something about the way she said it made him narrow his eyes suspiciously. They stopped in front of a black door. Something about the door made Terry reach out his hands to push it open. "Ouch! What was that?" "It's a spell. As you may know, I'm often a subject of bullying and it won't be nice for those who hate me to be in my room while I'm having my rest." "Yeah, it's not. So how do we go in?" Said Terry as she glared at him. Asanel reached into her pocket and took out a needle, then she pierced her thing and placed it on the door knob. Just like that, the door clicked open. Hesitantly, Terry reached out and pushed it open. "How did you do this spell?" He asked. "Read it in a magic book and found out it really worked." "You know, other than witches, or those authorized to use magic, it's punishable by our world to use magic." Terry reminded. "I do. No one really sees me use it. It's just something I play with whenever I'm bored." With their quick hearing, they both heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Terry turned to look at Asanel. "You said only your blood can open the door, right?" Terry said in surprise. "Not if it's my sister." She replied worriedly. As soon as she finished speaking, the door was pushed open and an elegant girl walked in. Due to his sensitive identity, Terry had taken off without Asanel's knowledge.

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