3- Failed Experiment

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Lincoln stood up quickly to press the button near the couch to call the help in. In just a few seconds the door unlocked and in comes Ben and Shane. Abby stood up and rushed towards Ben the second she sees him, jumping into his arms and burying her head in his shoulders. 'What happened, Abby dear.' he asked in shock. 'What's the matter, your highness.' 'I'm not sure. I thought I finally got her to open up but she withdrew again.' Lincoln explained. 'Oh, I apologise your highness. I will get you another little if that's what you would like.' 'No.' Lincoln quickly protested. 'I like her. I just need some more time. Maybe you could give me some tips on how to calm her down. Maybe on the things she likes and dislikes. Or how I could get her out of her headspace so we could have a talk first.' Ben looked at Lincoln with hope in his eyes. Abby will be adopted. Finally. But speaking of her headspace, he looked away guiltily. 'Of course. No worries about that. I do have a small little detail to disclose with you first before you make a decision.' Ben said. He passed Abby to Shane and instructed him to put her down for a nap before the adoption process begins. Everyone left the room leaving Ben and Lincoln alone. The two went to take a seat on the couch. The human poured himself a drink while the prince refused a glass. 'So about Abby, I'm sure you noticed that she is a little different then most littles.' 'I just figured maybe she isn't here willingly.' Lincoln replied seriously. 'On the contrary. She is doing everything not to leave here.' Ben said. 'Abby grew up here. I found her as a baby on my doorstep and took her in to be brought up amongst the Littles.' Lincoln stared at him with wide eyes. This was the first time he had heard of a human baby growing up among Littles. 'At first, the board of the company rejected this idea. Saying that there would be complications. I tried to tell them that it would be a good experiment to try out. Abby is the perfect little. She was brought up to behave the way she does. There was no training needed, or any mental stimulation.' Ben got excited as he continued explaining to the prince. 'She doesn't know anything besides being a Little, that's what makes her so special.' Ben paused. 'But she was deemed a failed experiment.' 'What makes her a failed experiment?' Lincoln furrowed his brows. 'The board agreed that a little without a headspace is just as similar as an actual human child. That's a fine line they weren't willing to cross.' Ben sighed. 'That's why she was never adopted because word has gotten around that she was the defective piece.' 'So you were gonna sell me a defective piece?' Lincoln asked offended with a slightly angry expression. 'No, Prince Lincoln. Next week, the guards are coming to get her to be transported to the blood bank. They are going to use her as source for the market. They figured it was no use for us to keep her here. Normally Littles who don't get adopted after a while they get sent home but nobody knows who her true family is. I can't let that happen to her.' Ben quickly said in a frenzy. 'But if you take her they wouldn't be able to touch her.' 'What makes you think that?' Lincoln frowned and looked away. 'You're the prince. You have the power to protect her . She needs the kind of protection your royal title can give. I've done all I could do now. If you don't take her today they will.' Ben said desperately. Lincoln's brows furrowed as he thought about the situation. Is it really worth it to take her in? He did wanted a little, and that's what she is. But people get sent to blood banks all the time. What's the big deal? Knowing how Abby is however, she wouldn't survive a day. They would kill her immediately, if her fear doesn't kill her first. Lincoln moves his hands through his hair in frustration. 'I'll foster her.' 'What?' Ben said looking at him. 'I'll take her in. But if it really doesn't work out then I'm sorry but I won't be able to keep her.' 'That's good enough! Thank you, your highness. In the meantime I'll find her a home. Just in case. I promise.' Ben said and bowed, showing gratitude and respect for the prince. Lincoln sighed and stood up. 'I'll be waiting downstairs in the car. Get her ready in an hour.' Lincoln said moving to the door. 'What's cotton?' he halted and asked. 'Her blanket. One of the adopted little left it behind and she claimed ownership of it.' Ben explained. 'Put that in her things.' the prince ordered before walking out with his men following behind. __________________ How are you guys liking it so far?
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