A strange encounter

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"Do not utter this oath unless you are absolutely certain. These words will bind your soul to mine for eternity. We will be connected in body and spirit forever," warned Luci, her gaze fixed on Nicholas, searching for any hint of hesitation or doubt. "I am deeply in love with you and willing to do anything to spend an eternity by your side, my love. I am not afraid. You are the one I have been waiting for all my life. Without you, my existence would be meaningless," Nicholas replied, his hands tenderly caressing her face before planting a kiss on her lips. A smile of pure happiness illuminated Luci's face as she looked at Nicholas, her eyes shining with joy. "Very well, then speak the words written on the papyrus, my love," Luci said, her voice filled with anticipation. "I, Nicholas Palmieri, take Lucifer Asherah Morningstar as my soulmate, eternal lover, and partner. I swear my undying loyalty to her, and I bind my soul to hers and to the hell dimension for all eternity," Nicholas declared with conviction. As he spoke, thunder roared, and the papyrus he held burst into flames, disintegrating into ashes. "It is done. I am yours, and you are mine. Together, we will rule hell, my king," Luci said, her smile satisfied and triumphant. "All hail the queen and king of hell," chanted the entities present, their voices filled with reverence, as Luci kissed Nicholas once again. Luci summoned a portal, and as they prepared to step through it, a figure materialized in front of them, accompanied by lightning and thunder, blocking their path. A force pushed Luci and Nicholas back, and the entities fell to the ground, their faces covered in submission. "Yahweh?" Luci whispered in horror. "You defile yourself with this mortal? This marriage is a declaration of war. Now I see there is no redemption for you, Asherah," Yahweh proclaimed. "You have no right to threaten her. She owes you nothing," Nicholas defended. "You defend her, mortal? Do you not know the woman you have bound your soul to? I spent countless lifetimes with her. I too loved her and sought her redemption, but to no avail," Yahweh spoke, his gaze fixed on Luci while she firmly grasped Nicholas's arm. "Soon, you shall see her true nature, and you will flee." "I will never abandon her. Unlike you, I love her," Nicholas declared defiantly. "We shall see," Yahweh responded before vanishing. Nicholas turned to Luci, holding her tightly in his arms. "My love, I fear this is the beginning of another war," Luci said, gazing up at him. SIX MONTHS EARLIER The alarm jolted Nicholas awake, and he quickly sprang out of bed, realizing he had only a few hours before work. It was 5:00 am on a Monday morning, and he needed to hurry. Hastily showering and getting dressed, he managed to squeeze in a hot breakfast before returning to finish up his project for the magazine company he worked for. As time slipped away, he glanced at his wristwatch and panicked, rushing to complete his preparations and head to work. Nicholas, a handsome Italian man, had moved to America three years prior after graduating from university, with aspirations of becoming a writer. Leaving his one-bedroom apartment, he made his way to the elevator and exited the building, knowing that his usual routine involved taking the blue bus from the nearby stop to reach the train station for work. Walking toward the bus stop, he noticed the heavy traffic that already plagued the streets at 7:33 am. That was precisely why he avoided driving to work in New York City; the aggravation and frustration it brought him were unbearable. With a deep sigh, he resigned himself to the tediousness of the daily commute. The bus stop was situated across the road, and Nicholas patiently waited for the traffic to clear before attempting to cross. Suddenly, a car came hurtling toward him at an alarming speed, causing him to freeze in shock. Just as he anticipated the impact, the driver slammed on the brakes, bringing the car screeching to a halt. Nicholas stumbled, drawing the attention of onlookers who had paused to witness the scene. Stepping out of the car, a woman hurried toward him, concern etched on her face. "Oh my, I am so sorry! Did I hurt you?" she asked anxiously. Nicholas, still recovering from the shock, managed to mutter, "What in the devil possessed you to drive in such a reckless manner, knowing how congested New York is?" But as he looked up at the woman standing over him, his words trailed off, leaving him speechless. She was the epitome of beauty. Dressed in a tasteful blue dress that hinted at her cleavage without being excessive, her brown bronzed skin possessed a captivating golden glow. Her enchanting green eyes held him in a spell, and her blood-red lipstick perfectly accentuated her lips. With a stylish black pixie haircut, she exuded an air of elegance. Her intoxicating fragrance further enthralled Nicholas, leaving him in a trance-like state. "I sincerely apologize, sir. I was in such a hurry. I'm deeply sorry for causing you such discomfort. Are you bleeding? Are you hurt?" she inquired, her concern genuine. Nicholas, finally snapping out of his daze, managed to gather himself and replied, "I'm fine, miss. It's okay." He dusted himself off and picked up his satchel, trying to regain his composure. "I insist on at least taking you to a doctor to ensure you're okay," she insisted, her worry evident. "It's really unnecessary. Your apology is sufficient. Just remember to drive more cautiously in the future to avoid causing harm to someone," Nicholas replied, appreciating her concern. "May I know your name, sir?" she asked. "I am Nicholas Palmieri," he answered. "Will you join me for dinner tonight, Nicholas? It will be my treat. It's the least I could do," she offered unexpectedly. Nicholas was taken aback by her proposition. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman, and the sleek Tesla she drove indicated wealth and a high social status.
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