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Details… One of my life's obsessions that I could indulge in for all eternity if I had the chance. Who knew hair possessed so many of them? A bunch of strands belonging to the warm body next to mine fell freely through my fingers as fascination plagued me in the morning light. There where no traces of the dreaded salt bits yet. Only so many interesting shades, at different stages. Each strand held an interesting uniqueness that I thought deserved a worthy description, but sadly, all that had been swallowed up in a single word…brunette. Nothing wrong with that, but I just thought reducing such a fascinating bunch of details to just that hair colour was somehow boring. But such was life and I had accepted a long time ago that not everyone saw the world as I did. Not everyone was me. Not everyone could be an artist. It was Ironic though, that as fascinating as the strands were, I had to admit that they were not my favourite colour as far as hair colour went. Not that I knew what that was either. But like with everything else, like the way I was able to pick that master piece of art, I would know when I saw it. Not that I was in the habit of staring up at women’s heads searching for it. I just knew that when I saw it, I would know. When I saw it…time. Thoughts trickled at the one luxury I had come to know I did not have enough of. Bringing with them a familiar dread I did not need today and the one burning question whose answer had eluded men for so long, me included. How did one stop time? I had done it before…in a painting, in another lifetime. If only I could wave a brush and stop it in reality too, then life would truly be perfect. At least my life. I chased away the gloom that creeped up on me at the impossibility that I'd many times wished was possible. Today was not meant for what could have been or what could be. Everything was perfect today. Needing distraction, I ran my fingers down a flawless part of skin, noting its perfection as the warm body stirred to life and looked up at me. Their smile was enough to stick my wandering brain in the now. "What would I do without you?" I caressed the one face I knew I would never forget even if I wanted to. "Not much. Which is pretty much what we are doing right now, so maybe I'm not that useful after all and you would do just fine." June, my nurse, pouted. "After last night, I'm sure I could put up a very convincing case that would prove you otherwise." I pulled her in and brushed my lips over hers lightly, earning myself a sexy grin that made me want to wish the morning away so that we wouldn't have to be getting out of my bed anytime soon. "Are you deliberately trying to make me fail at my job Mr. Harris? My boss is a very unforgiving man, you know?" Okay, so she was more than my nurse, but we'd agreed that that was all that could exist between us. Every other benefit did not need to be defined. Here, in my bed, she could be anything she wanted, but that is where everything started and stopped. "I happen to be a powerful man too, you know?" I raised the sheets for emphasis. Hands reached out and I cursed when they made contact. "Show me." "Gladly." I flipped us over so I was staring down at June who, as always, was ready for one more ride. "Do you have any other wishes today? I'm feeling very generous." "Mmmm… anything?" Mischief clouded her eyes, sending my blood pumping at an insane rate. "Anything." "Just how powerful a man are you?" Hands squeezed and I cursed at the ensuing effects. "Make me yours. Over and over again." That, I could do. "As you wish, my lady." I dived in, lips first, but the most annoying knock paused what was going to be a delicious assault. "Good morning, Mr Harris." My personal assistant sounded sharp as always, making me groan. "I know you are in there." "Tell me why I have not fired her again?" "In your own words, everything would crumble in a day." June chuckled. "Yeah right." Knowing my P.A was probably here to speak of my one important engagement today, I flung myself over the bed and grabbed my shorts. Opening the door, I pasted on a smile just in time to face Pam's pointed look. "Hi honey." One perfectly shaped brow shot up at my use of her name's meaning, transforming that pointed look into something more expressive. "I guess that means it's a good morning." I opened the door wider and ushered her in. "You should have been down an hour ago." Her scolding tone was always a familiar feature when she was displeased with me. "I was uh… busy." Pam came to an abrupt stop and swung around to face me. "I can see that." Her look turned judgemental as it always did in the presence of my current company. "I'll just uh…go shower." June took the hint and slipped off the bed, grabbed a gown and walked over. “Sorry.” I mouthed to her and she only shook her head. "You are invited…whenever you can." June traced her warm fingers over my naked chest as she whispered that, but before I could give my very interested response, someone scoffed. “Yeah, good morning to you too, Pam.” “That wasn’t a greeting.” Pam scoffed as June headed off to shower. “You’ll never bring yourself to like her, will you?” “Not if she keeps ruining my perfectly planned schedule.” Pam powered up her tablet, effectively declaring the June subject closed. I knew it was more than the schedule, but as always, whatever it was, Pam refused to talk about it. And June? Well, we just never talked about such things with her. And as long as I was never caught in the middle, I'd let things be too. I, however, could also point out that I was in this as much as June was, but I knew better than to call on the woman’s early morning wrath. Which was what would come forth if I even hinted at defending my nurse. “Hit me.” I plopped myself onto the bed instead, ready to give my P.A my full attention before the calm I knew she had only mustered while coming up to my bedroom ran out. “All is set at the charity and they only await your presence. They are happy to inform you that they are fully stocked and you are in for a treat.” “Great! Anything else?” Pam frowned at my question. “This is your only engagement for the day, sir.” Her face seemed to contort at the very idea. “Oh, yeah, sorry. Habit.” I grinned and for the first time something resembling a smile tugged on Pam’s lips. “Is today my birthday, perhaps? I was expecting to be scolded.” “Of course not.” Pam rolled her eyes. “But it might as well be.” A box materialized from under her tablet and she handed it to me with an unsure smile. "Congratulations on the uh…successful…uh…well, this for you." She shoved it in my hands as if she was afraid of changing her own mind. I bit back a chuckle at the rare sight of an unsure Pam. "Why thank you P–" My throat tightened, trapping my words as I stared at her gift." "I wasn't sure what kind of gift to get you on this occasion, but every article said something about not exposing yourself to too much light, so I thought–" I pulled her in for a hug, half afraid of showing all the emotions assaulting me. “You know?" I had kept the details of my eye surgery very very private. Hell, I'd kept this part of my life so hidden from the world not even Pam was supposed to know. I was tempted to ask how she knew. But that would only bring up stuff I did not want to talk about. "I'm not blind Sir– oh my God– I'm sorry. I did not mean it like th– God, I'm so stupid." Horror and panic were written all over my personal assistant's face I actually felt sorry for her more than I did for myself. These were the kinds of looks and awkwardness I had worked so hard to avoid. Pam was someone close to me and if this was her reaction, I knew for the rest, it would just get worse. I didn't even dare think of those that would use this to make fun of me, treat me differently or ruthlessly taking me out of business because of it. "It's okay, Pam." "I swear I didn't mean to–" "These are perfect." Aiming to steer away from the awkwardness and the threatening emotions, I waved the designer shades I knew she'd spent a small fortune on to get me. "You shouldn't have though." "Of course I did." She flung herself at me catching me off guard. "Wow! Two hugs and a smile? Definitely more than my birthday." I mustered a grin. “Well, don’t get used to it.” She pulled back and straighted every invisible crease on her suit. “I’ll be downstairs. Don’t make me come up again.” “Aye, aye captain.” I saluted to her warning, earning myself another eye roll. “And Pam…” She stopped, hand on the door’s handle. “Thank you.” “You are welcome, Sir.” She slipped out the door, quicker than usual, making me think she was hiding something. A tear perhaps? I laughed at how ridiculous that sounded even in my own head. That was simply not Pam. But neither was she the woman I just saw. And despite the emotions, I smiled at my present, deciding to make it part of my ensemble I would be putting on later. “That was quick.” June walked back in, wrapped up in nothing but a towel that was a perfect distraction from my own emotions. “If she could strangle someone over such an open schedule she would have.” I shoved wet strands to the side and placed a kiss on June’s neck. "You coming?" I mumbled as I left a trail of kisses on her shoulder. "You want me there?" The utter surprise sent me freezing and looking up at her. Despite the surprise, her expression bore anticipation too. Okay, so I did not think this through. I blamed it on all the emotions that had been stirred even after I thought I had locked them away. "Why not?” Because I had already put a foot in my mouth, so why not chew on it too. “This is your celebration as much as it is mine." Surprise swept across her face yet again, but it was quickly replaced by a broad smile that I kissed right off her pretty face. "I want you there." "Alex… Are you sure? I mean–" "Let's say you are my guest, okay? No one will get a wrong idea that way." Something that resembled hurt painted her face but before I could point it out she smiled and met my lips with hers. "Okay, boss. Just give me a sec." I watched her disappear out of the door, thankfully. "What the hell was that Alexander?" I crashed back on my bed, cursing myself for nearly coming close to falling into that hole I had avoided for most of my life. I didn't need anyone. Most importantly, not her. I needed to steer this ship back on its intended course. June understood me, understood my needs and was always willing to help me out without expectations, I needed to leave it at that. "Let's just get through today and everything will go back to the way it should be."

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