Chapter Four - Fighting, home life and bowling

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.Avery's P.O.V I headed home quickly wanting to make sure my mum was OK. She struggled with alcohol and pain killers. I always made sure I got back as quick as I could. She was not a horrible drunk or anything, just broken. She has been since I can remember. I was the only one she had in this world. I stayed not too far away from Hailey, so I did not have long to go to get back home. "Freeman!" I heard someone hiss behind me. I knew who it was, Joshua. I turned around to see him coming towards me with two of his mates. Here we go. He is going to try to play hard man cause he is with his friends. I was not scared of them. I chuckled as they came towards me. "What the f**k do you want?" I hissed. "I told you this wasn't over." He said smugly. I kept an eye on all three of them cause I know they are cowards who would probably try to attack me from behind. "Is this meant to scare me?" I laughed. "Who the f**k do you think you are, telling me to stay away from Hailey? I will do what the f**k I like. Geeze I could get her back in minutes if I wanted to, finally get what I was after all along." He said smugly.  When Joshua said these words to me, my fists clenched tightly at my side. The anger was building up again. He better get out of my way, or I will knock him out without even thinking about it. "Is that what you think? She is not stupid, Joshua. She will never go near you again. I will make sure of it." I said, glaring at him.  "You sure about that?" he laughed. "Yes, 100%. Hailey is worth more than someone like you, and she will see that." I said. "What and you are better for her? Does she know what you are really like Avery cause if she did, she would not even look at you." He said. "No, I am not. Hailey is worth more than someone like me too. Yes, she knows what I am like, it doesn't seem to bother her cause unlike you I don't treat her like crap." I hissed. The three of them were inching closer to me. I knew what they were planning, but none of them will get as far as they think cause all of them will be on the ground before they know it, all three of them. "She is pathetic, boring, a virgin and not worth anyone's time." He said. With that, my fist connected with his face. I punched him hard, making him stumble and groan in pain. His other two friends went to go for me but before they could I do the same to them, making them hit the ground. They were looking like scared like children. Joshua soon got back on his feet, managing to get two punches in. One burst my lip, the other right on my cheek. I hissed in pain a little. The blood was running from my mouth, but he was not going to win this. He should know that from the last time. I gathered myself, taking one more punch at him, knocking him to the ground. "Stay the f**k away from her, or I swear to God, it will be the last thing you too." I hissed, walking away from him. I do not know why I was strongly protective of her. Well, I do but let us leave that story for another day. I wiped the blood from my lip, pissed off, heading home. I took a deep breath, walking in with a fake smile on my face. My mum was on the sofa, passed out. I sighed, running my hands through my hair. I went over to her, shaking her gently. "Hey, sweet boy." She smiled weakly at me "Hey, mum. How are you doing today?" I smiled. "I am OK. What happened to your face? Please tell me you never got into a fight at school sweetie. "she said stroking my now swollen cheek. "It wasn't in school. It was on my way home," I said "Why?" she asked, sitting up. "I was sticking up for someone. Have you eaten today?" I asked, knowing she probably had not. "A girl?" she asked, a little excited. I chuckled, nodding my head, "Yes, a girl mum. It is not what you think." I laughed. "You sure about that, son? You don't usually stick up for people." She said, raising her brow. I laughed, shaking my head, not wanting to talk about it because my mother will get her hopes up. I decided to change the subject. "I will make us some dinner. You go get a shower." I smiled She nodded, standing up. She came over to me, kissing my forehead. "I love you, Avery." She smiled. "I love you too, mum." I smiled. Yes, I am what you call trouble and a bad boy. Though when it comes to my mother, I have a sweet spot. She is the only one I have had my entire life, and I love her very much. No one needs to know any of that. I headed into the kitchen, making my mother and me some dinner as she showered. When she arrived back, she looked a little better, smiling at me. We did as we did every night, sitting at the table having dinner together. "Are You going out tonight, sweetheart?" she asked, picking at her food. "Yes, later on. Please eat your dinner, mum." I smiled at her "Off anywhere nice?" she smiled. "Just out with a friend that is all," I replied She finally managed to eat her dinner. Once we finished with dinner, I got tidied up as she went up to her bed for asleep. She will probably be there for the rest of the night. I would check on her before I left. After I tidied up, I grabbed a quick shower, getting changed for going out later with Hailey. I knew what I did to her in the bedroom was a little naughty of me. I had to see if I was right. I had to see if she did want me, and now, I know she does. I would get her…eventually. Once I was ready, I headed up to my mother's room, checking on her and just as I thought she was out cold. I sighed, kissing her forehead. "Love you," I whispered. I grabbed my wallet and my cell, giving myself the once over in the mirror before jumping in my car to go pick Hailey up. I have a car, yes, I just do not take it to school with me. I pulled up outside her house, heading to the front door and knocking on it. I was thankful that it was Hailey that answered it, not her parents. "Hey." She said shyly, blushing again "Hey, baby girl. You ready?" I winked "Um…yes. I need to be back for eleven." She said. "OK. Well, that does not give us much time. We better go." I said She nodded, shouting bye to her parents before following me out to my car. I opened the door for her, letting her climb in. I found my eyes falling on her ass; she had a nice ass. "Mmm nice ass kitten," I growled at her. She giggled nervously, not looking at me. I knew her face would probably be bright red. I climbed in the car, turning to her. "Avery, what happened to your face? Are you OK?" She asked, sounding worried, running her thumb over my swollen, bruised lip. I forgot about that. I was not gonna tell her what happened. I decided to lie about it something I seem to be good at when I need to be. "It is nothing, I had a trip at home, hit my face on the floor," I said shrugging it off. "I don't believe a word you said, but if you insist. It is not my business, anyway." She said, turning away from me, staring out of the window. "No, it isn't," I said, starting the car. An awkward silence fell between us as I drove. I looked at Hailey for a moment to find her in her own little world. She was looking like she weights of the world on her shoulder. "Hailey I am sorry the way I spoke to you. You never deserved that." I said "It is OK." She said, looking at me, a small smile on her lips. I think that is the first time I have ever apologised to someone and meant it. Maybe she was making me soft. That would not do. I think I need to change that. I will work on that as the night goes on. I am sure I can play nice for a little longer. We soon pulled up at the bowling alley, heading in. I paid for us both much to Hailey's dismay. "Can you play?" I asked as we went to our lane "No, not really. I am pretty terrible." She giggled. "Well, that will make it a whole lot easier for me to kick your ass," I smirked. "I wouldn't be sure about that. I am a quick learner." She smirked back at me "Oh, is that so? Well, let us make this interesting." I said a devilish smirk on my face. "What did you have in mind?" she asked, seeming a little worried. "If I win, you need to let me kiss you. You win I will spend a full night watching those cheesy chick flicks movies that I know you like by your movie collection in your room." I said. "What?" she asked worriedly again. I chuckled, my head falling back. The look on her face was priceless. "I am not that bad, am I?" I pouted. "But…fine." She groaned, giving into me "I better kick your ass then." She added giggling. "We will see, won't we?" I winked. I was kind of hoping she was as terrible as she said at it. At least that way I could kiss her without any strings attached to it. "Stop looking as smug." She said, pushing me gently. "Don't know what you mean. Ladies first kitten." I said, handing her a ball. She took it from me, taking her shot and she was terrible at it. She only hit two pins, making me laugh, Hailey soon turning to me, glaring. "You aren't doing it right," I said going up behind her, moving her legs into the right position, her body too. I placed my hands on her hips, reaching into her ear, "Try now," I whispered, making her shiver, I am sure of it. I stepped back. I do not fancy getting knocked out with a bowling ball…sure that would be painful. She tried again doing a better job this time around. Why was I helping her get better? She gets better; she has a better chance of kicking my ass which means I do not get my kiss. It means I will need to spend a night watching chick flicks. Now that would be torture. The thought of it is unbearable. I will need to up my game, won't I? "Let me show you how this is done." I said, taking my shot, getting a strike, smirking at her, "one step closer to getting that kiss." I winked. She giggled, blushing when I said that to her, making me smile and laugh. I liked how I could make her blush like that. ********* "Not much of a smartass, now are you?" she smirked. I do not know how she managed it, but she ended up whipping my ass at bowling. I will need to work out another way to get that kiss, won't I? "Shut up." I huffed. "Sore loser?" she giggled. "Don't know what you mean," I said, crossing my arms over my chest, making her giggle even harder. "What movie shall we start with; I say the notebook." She said smugly. Oh, lord, kill me now. The notebook really, it is probably one of the chestiest chicks flicks out. "I will get you back for this." I laughed. "Yeah, yeah. If you say so." She laughed We finished up heading out. It was only nine-thirty p.m. which meant I still had time with her, wonder how this will go.
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