Chapter 3 - I seek no trouble.

1187 Words
Naya surveyed the surrounding forest around the community. She walked the perimeter after learning during breakfast that the place isn’t as big as it seems to be. Some young men entertained her questions about the place and the few odd jobs she can do to earn coins while staying. One of them suggested that she go see the carpenter. He’s one of the busiest men around and he requires helpers. She said her thanks but she decided to check it out on the next day. Her priority is still selling fruits. Having done this for years, she easily identifies a number of good trees and plants. They are bearing fruits but she can make them bear more. She lost count how many times she looked behind her shoulder and around her in the last hour as she harvested the fruits and loaded them into her bag. “New here?” An arrogant-looking young man asked her as she finished her sale, leaving her with three pieces of fruit she can manage to eat on her own. “Yes.” Naya’s left hand gripped the sword on her side. “A little arrogant, aren’t you?” She raised an eyebrow at that. You should look in the mirror, she thought. “I seek no trouble.” Naya shook her head to emphasize her disapproval. She won’t fight without meaning. The young man smirked before hurling the pole he’s holding against her. She drew her sword immediately and blocked the attack. She’s proud of the sword she holds. Her father made it more special than the rest of his creations. It’s sharp and double-edged, with a point meant for stabbing. He’s lousy and inexperienced with fighting. Well, more inexperienced than her. She had the point of her blade on his throat. “Are you seeking trouble?” Naya asked nonchalantly. The young man stepped back and she followed. “Hmm?” “No.” He answered. “Good.” Naya drew her sword back. “How about you buy my fruits? I’ll give them to you for two small silver coins.” She suddenly remembered. Though she can eat them, she still prefers to have coins. He pulled out coins from his pocket and Naya passed the fruits to him. “Be kind next time.” She reminded him. “Yes. Of course.” He’s clearly shaken and afraid. He didn’t even look embarrassed as his friends who were watching must be feeling the same way. They thought they would be able to hit and beat up a stranger. They’re just boys, she amended. Naya opened her mouth to exercise her jaws. She placed the sword back into its sheath before she walked around the town. It’s not mid-day yet. She has enough time to explore. She sat on a huge stone as she watched some kids playing a game. She remembers the time she was allowed to play with Penral. Her father said he’s kind. He is. She wonders what Penral thought of her. Her running away. And what he’s currently busy with. Soon, he’ll be a doctor just like he wanted. She wasn’t expecting the young boys to get back at her. A sack covered her head as hands gripped her own behind her back. Damn it, she thought as she caught her breath. She should have been paying attention to her surroundings, not daydreaming. She struggled lightly. Against a bunch of boys, she has no physical strength to resist. She could tell it was them by the sound of their voices. She mocked herself as she felt them kicking her body, even hitting her head. A sharp tug on her waist told her they took her purse. Her coins. Now is a good time to pass through solid matter. She tried to willed her power into existence but it didn’t come. She grunted as she felt the pain in her whole body. She lost consciousness as she wondered if this is a better way of dying than being executed. They didn’t take her very far. Her limp body can be seen from the path which travelers take. And half an hour later, men on horses passed by. One of them noticed her and he called everyone to a stop. He ordered someone to go and take a look. “It’s a person, sire. He’s badly beaten up.” The man reported. The young man stepped down from his horse to take a look and a few others followed him, surrounding him from a distance, providing protection. “Take the sack off his face.” The young man made another order. Though the youngest in the group, he holds the highest position, for he is the prince of the kingdom. He stood taller than his actual age. He’s not that much older than Naya. He’ll be seventeen in a few months. And the prince can tell that much when the battered person’s face was revealed. “Take him with you. Be careful of his wounds.” He ordered once again, before mounting his ride. “But my lord, he’s a stranger.” Someone pointed out. “And how many of you are here? Can you not take one wounded person down if he acts wrongly?” He challenged. He hadn’t liked the company of these people. As they are older, they treat him like a child. They treat him like he doesn’t know how to think. They think he’s rebellious because of his nature to reject their advices. Thankfully, his father, the King, understands him well. “Bring him.” He stated once more as he nudged his horse forward. They traveled far and arrived at the town next to where the palace is before night fall. “Shall we continue on, my lord? Or should we take shelter in this town?” He sighed as he was asked this simple question. “Take shelter. Or would you prefer to travel for three more hours?” He asked back as he dismounted his beast. “Where’s the doctor? Tell him to tend to this fellow.” “Yes, my lord.” The servants acted swiftly to secure a place to stay. The prince followed the doctor to the room where they settled the stranger, and a few of his servants followed him. He stopped by the door to squint in their direction. “We’re inside a house. Surely, you have the perimeter secured? What’s the use of following me into a room?” The men looked at each other. “The stranger might pose a threat to you, my lord. We can never be too careful.” He waved his hands at their answer. “I can take him down if he proves to be a threat. I am a knight, am I not?” They bowed their heads before agreeing and retreating a few doors down the hallway. He opened the door to find the doctor tending to the wounds of the stranger. Upon hearing the person enter, the doctor made his report. “Her wounds are superficial, my lord. She’ll heal quickly and be up in no time. She’ll need rest.” The prince stiffened at his statements. “She?” He raised an eyebrow, not expecting the stranger to be a woman. He stared at her face and tried to connect it to a woman’s. Knowing her gender, it became easier for him to discern the feminine features of her face, and the build of her body. She’s thin. He was fooled by her clothes and her short hair. 
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