Episode 1

1573 Words
A thick fog clouded the whole features of the dark forest, the only sounds one can hear are the crusty sounds of the falling flowers and the silent whisper coming from the small hut in the middle of the forest. "Father, I cannot do this, I cannot do it!" Cassia, a young lady dressed in a combat kit with her arrows and hunting equipment sitting fitted on her back said to her father, anyone could tell that he's her father as they have so much in resemblance. "It's either you kill me or you kill him!" Her father suddenly said, keeping her on a tight edge, an edge where she has nowhere to run. The right side isn't favoring her and likewise is the left side. She run her fingers in her full lengthy black hair as her eyes suddenly changed, it's now surfaced with pain and fear. How's she supposed to do this? How is she supposed to kill her lover with her own hands? "Unless you want our hunter family to end, you'll have to kill the evil man!" "He's not evil father, he's not evil" Cassia countered. "Did you lose your mind along with your virginity??" He suddenly grabbed her shoulder and gawk hard into her eyes. "You'll do it and I'll be here watching!" That was all he said before pushing her out of the hut. Her hands trembled against her thick shirt as she stepped forward since she has planned to meet him there and her father is using that to his advantage. She tries to hold back her tears with words of regret filling her mouth. "Why do I have to be born into a hunter's family?" She asks herself, pacing to and fro as she awaits his arrival. "Why can't I just be a normal girl that can love and hate anybody I want?" Cassia was deeply praying something will hold him back from coming or he'll sense that something was going to happen once he sees her. But the case wasn't for today as she felt her heart shattered into unsorted pieces when the young man with golden eyeballs and a very sweet smile waved at her from the top of where he was, she forced herself to smile when her father signaled to her not to make him feel suspicious. "How long have you been waiting here?" Ezra, the Alpha of the Shadow pack, a man with a very sexy and hot Aura uttered as he approached her. "Not too long" Cassia replied, raising her brow as she was trembling underneath her skin. Ezra who didn't notice that something would soon go wrong pulled her closer to him and ran his fingers on her soft skin, he teased her lips by brushing his fingers against them. "Just kiss me if you want to" she uttered, why give a darn about a kiss when this might be the last time? He nodded his head with a smile and crashed his lips on hers, folding his arms around her waist as he sucked her lips and explored his hands on her back. Cassia was fully in tears as she couldn't even reciprocate the kiss, Ezra didn't notice until he felt the tears on her cheeks touch his cheek. "What's wrong with you?, Why are you crying?" He asked, worriedly as he has always done. "I...step away from me!" She yelled loudly. "What are you saying?" He asked, unsure of why her mood was suddenly changing. "I...." She couldn't bring herself to tell him what she was about to say. Cassia compressed her lips with tears rushing out of her eyes, she dipped her hand inside her pocket and brought out the lock bracelet. Ezra was more concerned about the tears in her eyes that he didn't realize she has worn a bracelet in his hand. As he tries to take a step to the back, he found out he's unable to move any part of his body. "What did you do me??" He asks, looking at her as he's not ready to believe that she has betrayed him. No, I cannot do this. Cassia said to herself and was about to remove the bracelet until her father rushed out of the hut and shot a deadly arrow that went right into his chest. "Argh!" Ezra screamed in pain, his eyes widened in disbelief. "Ah...How... could...you...do..this...to..me?" Blood drizzled from his mouth as he was unable to say his words neatly. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I..." "This is our chance before his pack members get here, dig the dagger into his heart!" Her father said, pushing her since he knows she was the only one that can end his life fully. "Father, this is too much for me, please, he'll..." "Cassia, he killed your mother, your sister, your brother and they've been killing our generations, if we let him go, he'll kill both of us!" He said words that'll make her change her mind. "You can hate me all you want but I have to do this" it was as if the tears in her eyes dried up as she suddenly becomes the Huntress that her father has always hoped she'd be. She dropped her satchel and brought out the ancient dagger, rushing towards him and as their eyes met again, she began to cry. "Did you love me to kill me?" Ezra asks, he's helpless as he has been caged with the bracelet. "No, I love you, but this is my purpose and I'll do it!" She said and cast the spell they normally cast on a dagger. "Cassia!?, do it before they get here!!!" Her father yelled at top of his voice. She shut her eyes and raised the dagger, hot tears streaming down her cheeks and in one shot. She drills the dagger into his chest, her hands gripped to it. "Arghh, Arghh" He screamed in pain, his eyes has become fully red and he was covered with tears. "For the evils that I did not do, I suffer for it!" Ezra knew his time has come, she cannot pull the dagger out as she was just staring at him with tears in her eyes. "For the evils, your generation did not do, they'll suffer for it too!" "For the pains that you caused me, Your generation shall live in pain!" "For the love, I have for you, your generations shall never find true love!" "For ending me, your generation's life shall end in the hands of a Werewolf!" "Cassia!!" Ezra called with pain, she was tearing up and wished things could overturn but the deed has been done and it's useless now. "I'm sorry Ezra, I'm sorry, you know I do not want this!" She said, snort drizzling down her nostrils. "I'll be born again with the scar that you have embedded in my heart!" That were Ezra's last words before he slumped to the ground. "Noooo, Nooo!" She falls to her knees by his side after pulling out the dagger, shaking him as if that'll bring him back to life. "Well done my daughter, let's leave here!" He said and tries to walk closer. "I'll kill you if you ever come near me!!" Cassia said loudly without turning back. "You made me do something against my will, you made me kill the man I love against my will" she swears at him with hot tears as she holds Ezra in her arms. "You lost yourself a man that made your daughter happy, you'll lose your daughter and live a lonely life!" She suddenly jerks up whilst grabbing the dagger. "Do not try to hurt yourself? You did the right thing, they're evil!" "You're the evil man, you're the evil one here and I'll make you witness how bad it hurts to watch someone you care about to die!" She uttered in a soft tone, bringing the dagger closer to her neck. "No, No, Cassia, you cannot kill yourself" He tries to rush toward her. "Do not come closer!, Do not come closer!!" She said to him. "There's no reason for me to keep living" she uttered and knelt beside Ezra. "We should have never met!" Cassia uttered and closed his widened open eyes and in the next breath, she slashed her own throat with the dagger. "Cassia!!" He screamed in pain and rushed to her, she was long gone, sleeping right next to Ezra. "Our Alpha has been Killed!!" The loud voice from the top of the hills got to Gideon and he knows he'll never leave the forest alive if he stays any longer. He took the daughter from his daughter and took off to where he'll hide before coming to pick up her corpse. As the pack members approached the dead body, they cannot help but feel derailed and they didn't know Cassia killed him because he was also dead. "Whoever did this shall never have peace, their generation will not know what rest is called!!" As soon as the Beta said those curses, the cloud suddenly turned dark with heavy sounds of thunderstorms and lightning strikes. Soon, there were heavy rainfalls. ~~~ Gideon has slept off from where he was hiding and when he comes out to get his daughter, there was no trace of her. "You'll live a lonely life !" Cassia's voice resounded in his head as he falls to the ground and began to sob heavily
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