3. Apple Mogul Revealed

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Sanaah was fuming. She had every right to after that stupid attractive farmer gave her a snide look and climbed back in the truck. What? You can still hate someone and think they are attractive. Her jumpsuit was stained because of the wet soil and she was hungry and pissed. Not the best combination. "Are you done?" She banged at the door again. It elicited a grunt from inside and she bit her lip to hold back the smile. That guy seemed to have an unusual amount of love for the truck and whenever she did that he frowned. He rolled down the window and pushed his head forward, his nose scrunched, "Will you stop with that?" She crossed her arms together and gave a look at the spot she had banged, "I will after you get it out of my way" He gritted his teeth, his hands gripping the window of the truck, "I'm trying" "Try harder" He made a face, "Are you always this annoying or am I getting special treatment?" She blinked her eyes at that. No one dared to call her annoying before. She was a delight thank you very much. Most of the people from her school would agree to that. "Aww for someone with a broken truck you flatter yourself a lot. Now get back to work" His lips pressed together and he mocked her, waving his hand and saluting her, "Aye aye captain" Before she could remark him with another snide comment he closed the window of the truck and locked the door. Just then she noticed a man approaching the truck, phone pressed against his ear. She noticed that it was an iPhone and he seemed to be wearing knee-length boots. That was first. Maybe that man can help her find Apple Mogul's place so she can get it done with. The last thing she wanted is staying for more than a day. The loud roaring of the truck made her jump. She stumbled back as the sound heightened. That guy sitting inside the truck was laughing at her state and she felt extremely ridiculed and furious. Unable to hold herself she gave him and finger and angrily walked back towards the car. As she was storming away she realised that it was new for her. Losing her calm and showing a finger like that. Only a few hours in and she was already losing herself. It was so not done. She needed to get out of Minnesota as soon as possible. *** It took the driver another hour to finally drop her to the cottage. Sanaah was tired by then and her head started pounding from the earlier shouting match. She tipped the driver and asked him to show up the next day in the morning. Her energy was drained and there was no way she could meet the Apple Mogul looking like that. The cottage was compact yet luxurious. She had ensured that. Of course, there was no air conditioner but atleast they fixed the air cooler. There was a large living room with a dining table in one corner and couch on another side. A television was in the middle with some random art on the wall. The living room led to the kitchen followed by a single bedroom and bathroom attached to it. It wasn't much but she was staying only for a day and the hotels were far away from the orchard. Sanaah was able to shove her luggage in the closet and rushed to the bathroom. A hot shower is what she needed after having such a long day. As the water touched her body she relaxed, slumping against the wall when the grey eyes flashed in her mind. She tried to shake the image of him staring at her, his eyes raking all over her body. Her breathing felt ragged as she imagined pulling at his thick locks and being pushed in the corner by him. She couldn't help but admit it but he did have a strong muscular body under those suspenders. "I'm losing my mind" She exclaimed pushing at the knob of the shower. It was probably because she didn't have s*x in a while. One year to be exact. Her ex-boyfriend cheated on her, no surprise there with get this, his f*****g slut secretary. When she found out about it she wanted to laugh at the cliche. It hurt of course and that's why she couldn't focus on trying to build the relationship. Pushing her hair back she stepped out of the shower and hurriedly slipped into her nightie. For once she was glad that she packed extra stuff. Her bag was filled with shoes, nighties, shorts, tanks, suits and her make up. She needed all that stuff even though her mother told her she was being over cautious. She slipped her flip flops and padded towards the kitchen. Her stomach was going to eat itself if she won't eat anything soon. Christian had instructed his friend to clean the cottage and stack up some food for her. She was set. Her phone rang in her silk nightie pocket. She sighed but picked up anyway. "Hello?" "Hmm" She mumbled noticing the lasagna tray in the fridge. It smelled fresh so she pulled it out. "Sanaah?" "Yes mom" "Did you reach safely?" She hummed, setting the oven timer and pulled a bar stool to sit. There was a commotion in the background and she could hear her brother and sister bickering. "Yes I reached just now" Her mother made a sound, "Were you stuck somewhere?" "Flight delay" "That explains it" "Hmm. So what's up?" "Nothing just wanted to check up on you. Your brother and sister decided to join us for dinner today and you are the only one missing honey" Sanaah wanted to roll her eyes at that. She was the youngest of them and so they always ganged up on her. It seemed like they purposefully choose that time to have dinner with mom and dad. These things used to affect her before but she was over those now. "Mom..." She sighed, "This is not my vacation. I'm here for work" "I know and we are so proud of-" "Mom!" There was a shriek and her mother ended the call quickly saying she had to attend her granddaughter. Of course no surprise there. Saraah, her sister might have bought her kid along. With a huff, she stood up and pulled the lasagna tray. Atleast she could be thankful for one thing. *** The next day she was dressed sharply by eight in the morning, ready to go meet the Apple Mogul. Maybe it's time she started referring to him by his name. Zander Rizzo. The driver was standing by so she gave him the address and nervously tucked herself in the back seat. She had the papers in her file and stomach in knots. It always happened to her before important meetings. Sanaah opted to stare out of the window, trees passed by and she felt different. The air was fresh and nipping at her skin. There was no trace of excessive pollution or loud honking. Her mind felt loud with thoughts. It was exactly the opposite of New York. For the first time, she didn't feel like going back to that chaos. Sometimes silence felt nice. "Madam we are here" The driver interrupted her thoughts. She got down from the car and stepped inside the mansion. It was huge and definitely not something she was expecting. Elijah, Zander's assistant made it clear that he would be on leave and she should handle the things by herself. She rang the bell and nervously looked around. The place was huge and not to mention squeaky clean. Surely the guy was Mogul so it was expected. "Good morning" She chirped as some maid opened the door. "Morning" "I have a meeting with Mr Rizzo" She politely moved away, "Please come inside" Sanaah hummed and stepped inside the mansion. The maids were cleaning around so she tried to steer away from that area and sat on the couch. "Madam, can you wait for a while? Signor is at the orchard and it may take him a while to get back" Sanaah twisted her lips at that. She thought the assistant would have informed Zander to stay back home. If there's one thing she didn't like was waiting. Why can't people be normal and punctual? Was it too much to ask? She tilted her head up and grunted, "Sure" "Gracias. Can I get you something, Signora?" "Coffee" "Si" With that the maid rushed back to the kitchen. Sanaah stood up as her eyes caught the array of photos lined up over the fireplace. Maybe she can finally find out how Zander looks like. As her eyes fell on the first picture of a teenager grinning with few friends beside him she shook her head. She moved her head to the other photo and colour drained her face. No way. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. It was the grey-eyed man. The grey-eyed stranger was the Apple Mogul and she ruined her chance to talk with him. She embarrassed herself in front of Zander Rizzo. Sanaah wanted to hit herself for the way she behaved with him. Why did she yell like that? He was dressed in those hideous suspenders. It was not her fault. She tried to convince herself. Swallowing loudly she stared at the other photos and noticed the man with the iPhone in some pictures. She had to get out before Zander meets her. Looking around she noticed that no one was really staring at her so she walked out of there. ***
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