
The Billionaire's Ex-Wife's Ruthless Revenge

second chance
kickass heroine
blue collar

"What sick game are you playing Grace?" Maxim asked me.

I kept my cool, I have imagined this moment for years now, and it's here. "You think it's a game? I am telling you the truth that Kate had cancer" I said and he shook his head. "That's not possible, I know Kate, Kate would have told me if she had cancer," he said and I chuckled at this.

"Maybe you divorced her before she could. And how would you know? you didn't even know that Kate was dead. That she died in a fire, so tell me Mr Callas, how would you know?" I asked him.

"You Mr Callas are nothing but a man whom a life of regret is befitted. You know nothing" I said and then looked at him.

He claims that Kate was the love of his life but even now he doesn't even recognize that the ex wife he thinks is dead is standing in front of him. Honestly Maxim, what is it that you know?

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Kate’s pov “Really Daisy, do we have to sneak in? Can't you just call him and ask?” I asked Daisy, who shook her head. “If I ask that son of a b***h he will just deny it. I need to catch him in the act.” she said still dragging me by my hand. Honestly breaking into one of the most prestigious Colleges in the world in the middle of the night isn’t how I imagined spending my Friday night. I just wanted to stay in my dorm room, have a couple of beers and just unwind. I knew that I shouldn’t be friends with outspoken girls who have anger problems. “Come on, now tell me where should we go next?” she asked me. I really don’t want to be doing this right now. “Hey, you know I can’t do this without you.” she said, and I nodded. “If you were going to act this way why not come to this college as well? Why go to a college different from your boyfriend?” I asked her as I led the way. “Because you honestly don’t know how stuck up these rich kids are. I can’t stand them.” she said, and I shook my head at this. “You are one of them. You are extremely stuck up.” I said, and she turned around and looked at me. “I know, which is why I went to a normal college. So, I can shine even more.” she said with a wink. I led the way. “I honestly can't believe you. You really are amazing. One look at the plans, and you have completely memorized the layout of this place.” she said as we were walking. “Isn’t that why you are friends with me? because of my photographic memory?” I asked her, and she just winked. I led the way, and we ended up in the boy's dorm rooms at Hilton College. Hell, I never thought I would find myself in the dorms of such a college. The annual fees of this school could feed my entire family for years and years. Not that we are poor, my father is an accountant at Callas Corporations. He makes enough to feed us and so that we can have a roof over our heads. Just enough so that we can all go to college, although he is still stuck in his wheelchair because he can't afford the surgery that will help him walk again. Daisy opened the door, and instead of an empty Dining room, we were welcomed by a large crowd. All the eyes in the room turned around and landed on us. Although this was the dining room that was supposed to be only used by boys, there were girls in there as well. They were drinking and all sorts of things, some were even making out as well. Daisy’s eyes started scanning for her boyfriend. “That asshole isn’t here, and I will go and look for him. you stay here, and I will be right back.” she said before running off and leaving me alone here. “Oh, hey Kate, come and join us,” Christo said, and I shook my head. “I am just here to help Daisy deal with her boyfriend's problem.” I said, and Christo rolled his eyes. “Come on, you know that those two will probably take forever, you might as well take some time and play with us.” Christo said. Christo is Daisy’s older brother, and also the heir to the Durand Empire. Actually, looking around, all I see are heirs and heiresses, the people who will be my employers a few years from now. “What are you thinking, Christo? Inviting her here? look at those worn out jeans. They are hanging on by a thread.” some girl said. I didn’t mind their words, so I didn’t say anything and just kept my calm. “And look at her. She goes to some useless college your sister goes to for fun. She probably doesn’t know the first thing about chess.” a girl with red hair said. The venom in her voice and the hate in her eyes as she said that surprised me. How can someone hate a person that she just met? “Are you kidding me? Kate is a chess prodigy and genius. Hell, even Maxim doesn’t stand a chance against her.” Christo said throwing me into the fiery pit even more. I just want to leave this place in peace without being eaten alive by some rich kids. “Do you hear that, Maxim? Will you let him talk such trash about you? That a nobody girl who goes to a no name school could beat you at chess?” the girl with red hair from earlier said. All the heads and eyes turned, and they all looked at one corner of the room. So I followed their gazes. Sitting on a couch in a corner was a guy, or should I say a man. The aura this person has, he is holding a large textbook and he closes it at the mention of his name. He looked up, hair as dark as night and blue eyes. He then looked at me, like he was sizing me up, and smirked before opening his book again and reading whatever he was reading. “Look at that. He didn’t even want to waste his time on you.” the girl with red hair said. Christo was about to say something, and I glared at him, telling him to be quiet. I play chess with him every time when I go to have a sleepover with Daisy at their house. And I win all the time, its actually funny the faces he makes when I win. I once got up and went to the bathroom in the middle of the game and he tried to cheat. You should have seen the look on his face when I put all the pieces in their right places. There is one thing Christo was right about, Daisy will probably take forever so I sat down. The only empty place was next to the boyish man in the corner, so I picked up a book and just sat there. I looked up when I felt someone’s gaze on me. “Have we met before?” he asked me, and I shook my head. I have a photographic memory so I would remember if he were someone that I have met before. I turned back to my book. “Come on Kate let's get out of here.” Daisy suddenly said out of the blue. I on the other hand was more than happy to get the hell out of this place. “Come on, Daisy. I mean it.” her boyfriend Alec said. “Fine, I will do anything you want.” he said, and Daisy looked at him with a smirk. “Fine, I want you to beat my friend Kate here at a chess game. You have three tries, if you beat her even once then I will know that you mean it.” she said looking at me. Now because of her causing a scene, all eyes were on me again. “Beat your friend at chess? I have gold medals and a rank in the chess community. You want me to go up against your little friend?” he asked her. Her boyfriend is called a chess prodigy. “Leave me out of this please.” I said, and Alec looked at me. “Fine, let’s do it then.” Alec said making a sigh. “Yes finally, come on Kate. What are you so afraid of?” Christo asked me with a huge smile on his face. I was taught one thing by my father, one shouldn’t befriend the rich or make them their enemies. That you should look the other way when you meet one, that is exactly what I was doing. It is just that Daisy and Christo are different from the rich people I know so I couldn’t help but befriend them. “This Is for my honour, so don’t you dare go easy on him.” Daisy whispered in my ear. “This little girl is nothing against me.” Alec said with a smirk, and everyone got out of the way. We sat down and were surrounded by his friend like we were about to fight or something. But I guess that is what chess is, it’s a battle of intelligence. “How did you do that?” Alec asked a few minutes into the game. “It doesn’t matter what move you make next; I have won the first round.” I said. The room was now quiet everyone watching us play. “What? How is this even possible?” he asked looking at me like I was a science project he couldn’t c***k. “I guess Kate wins this round, I gave you three chances. All you have to do is win only one game.” Daisy said with confidence. We played the second round, I won even that one, and Alec kept looking at me. “What the hell, what are you?” he asked me as we were in the middle of the third round. “I guess if you are a prodigy then I would say I am a genius. Not bad for a girl who wears nameless brands and goes to a useless no name college.” I said with a smile. “Play one round with me.” a voice suddenly said, and I looked up to find Maxim looking at me. “I will even sweeten the deal for you. If you win then you can go out with me for a day.” he said, and I frowned. How does that sweeten the deal? He is handsome for sure but everything about him tells me to run in the opposite direction. “No thank you, we need to get out of here before we are caught.” I said to Daisy getting up. “You play one round with me, or I will call the guards and tell them you broke in.” he said. “Fine, but when I win just know I have no interest in going on a date with you.” I said, and he smiled. “Everyone wants to go on a date with me.” he said as he sat down, and his eyes landed on me. Who the hell is he?

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