Chapter 2:

1208 Words
Ten Months Later. Lorraine's POV… "I, LORRAINE ARAGLAV, REJECT YOU, STEFAN BOLLINAC, AS MY MATE. FROM THIS DAY FORTH, I SEVER ALL TIES." My heart felt like it was being torn to shreds as I spoke the words. The sharp tips of my nails digging into my palms were nothing compared to the searing, crippling pain in my chest. It felt like fireworks were going off in all directions, making it difficult to breathe. Yet, I stood tall, determined not to give in to the pain and retract my words. Why must I be thrust into situations like this? It wasn't so long ago that I dealt with the matter of a chosen mate. Now, I have to deal with my true mate as well. A shudder rippled through me as I realized too late that I had been staring at his lips. The man is definitely a looker. However, I wondered if I'd have rejected him if he came from some unknown pack in Europe or somewhere far from here. Yes, I would be doing the exact same thing. Men can't be trusted, period. "Lorraine, please reconsider your decision. He is our mate..please, Rainee..please," Snow pleaded. But I ruthlessly shoved her out of my mind again. I thought about the irony; Snow had stood firm against Kenzo, protecting me as best as she could. Now, it's my turn to stand firm and protect her. I bit down hard on my lower lip, trying to fight the need to go to him instead of running away from him. Snow pushed the memory of being in his arms into my head. One slight touch was all it took, and goosebumps spread like wildfire all over my skin. His touch is definitely fire; all that was just from his forehead touching mine. Even if he isn't from a family on my hate list, the truth is, the fear of losing myself to him, in him, to the bond, to my needs, would never let me accept him. My knees threatened to buckle under the scrutiny of his soulful eyes. But I am made of sterner stuff than pretty eyes, so I drew in a harsh breath, straightened my spine, lifted my head, and turned around to walk away with dignity and strength. But the agony was too much to bear. If I thought pain was what I felt when Kenzo marked his mate, then I know nothing of the word. The first time I set my eyes on him, he smiled at me. It was a smile of home, and I lost my heart. But thanks to fate I still have my head intact. The man is definitely eye candy, but it's a specific type of eye candy; it's the type that's specific to me, the potent type, with an air of danger and recklessness. Thoughts of him, his scent, and his deep, silky voice had that spot at the juncture of my thighs getting warm. I ruthlessly ripped my thoughts away from those dangerous zones and back to reality. I reminded myself that i had just rejected my mate; My heart is on fire; I am the one who set it, and rightfully so. So, instead of caving into the pain and the pressure, I ran, sprinting into the forest, hoping to outrun the pain. If anyone asks, I'll puff up my chest and say I never run away from anything, anyone, or anything challenge. But deep down, I know I am running away from him, our bond, and myself even. But what the f**k really is the plan, huh? , to ruin my life? How can I be mated to him? I questioned angrily. Himm !! of all the freaking beings?!! I screamed out my despair in my head. "Lorraine, pleaseeee. We can find another way to work things out, Please. Let's try to sort things out," he pleaded, his voice cracking with desperation. But my mind was made up. Our bond was very strong, but I couldn't let it be. The mating is wrong. The fates have got it wrong. My heart was threatening to combust, my soul aching from the pain I was feeling, and slight tremors zipped through my body like I was being lashed with high-current electrical wires. But I didn't stop running even though, at some point, I couldn't breathe anymore. I didn't stop because somehow, hopefully, there might be a way to outrun the pain. It was the only way I could think of to protect myself from the pain that was threatening to consume me whole. "Please, please don't do this," he begged in my head, barely above a whisper. "It's done already, and it can't be undone. Accept your fate. Then get off my property," I hissed out at him before kicking him out of my head and blocking his mind-link. Soon, I began to hear footsteps behind me. I didn't like that at all, and I didn't like that he was following me despite my orders. The pain and heartbreak of the rejection were already more than I could bear right now. I just need him to give me some freaking space! I screamed out in my head. "Is that too much to ask?" I wondered inwardly. My heart was pounding so hard that I knew it would burst out of my chest any minute. But I didn't stop running. I raced through the odd twist of thick trees that led to the River in the blink of an eye, but I didn't stop; I couldn't. I sensed a presence following me. 'This act of desperately chasing after me was becoming an annoying habit of his.' I thought to myself as I decided to confront him again. So I slowed down to a crawl as I approached the water bank, stopping just out of reach of the water, and waited for him to join me. He stopped just behind me, and I stiffened, sucking in some air through my teeth as I mentally prepared myself to face him again. If he so much as touches me again.' I growled in my head as my body wound tight in anger, my teeth grinding together. "Stefan, I am certain I was really clear some minutes ago. This is done!! Over!!" I said in an irritated tone "Yes, it is indeed over." I heard a voice whisper behind my ears just as I felt a thick, sharp blade pierce through me. I gasped in surprise. Looking down at my white dress, I realized it had rapidly changed from white to a sharp, blood-soaked red and now to a sharp blue. "The poisoned blade," I muttered in shock and confusion. "W-hyy, help… help," I muttered under my breath as a different kind of pain exploded inside of me. "Please," I mumbled, my body weakening as I fell to my knees. Silent tears rolled down my cheeks. And just when I thought maybe I could plead for mercy or compassion, the knife was twisted in further before I was kicked into the River. 'At least this is a beautiful way to die.' I thought to myself as I took in the serenity of the River, drowning deeper until all I could see was darkness.
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