First Encounter

2134 Words
Jessica’s POV On a hot and humid summer night in the mountains, Jessica spent the day searching for herbs, exhausted and with blistered feet. She took off her shoes and socks and put her feet into the river to enjoy the coolness. Jessica was studying the herbs she collected and took out a medical book from her backpack for reference. A cute pair of spectacles sat on her perched nose and her long brown hair was tied in a bun on top of her head. She was engrossed in her study when suddenly, there was a roaring noise behind her, getting closer and closer. A helicopter flew over, getting lower and lower until it was almost skimming the grass. The wings stirred up a hurricane, the violent wind making the weeds rustle loudly. Jessica was blown away and could hardly keep her eyes open. Bang! With a loud noise, the helicopter crashed 20-30 meters in front of her. The helicopter was a very sorry sight, it was still emitting smoke. Jessica was immediately scared and also stunned. Someone might still be inside and may need medical help. Vaguely she saw some movement in the cockpit, in the dim light. She was right someone was inside and as a doctor, she should go and help them. One, two, three minutes passed and Jessica hesitated, she was unsure whether she must go and check the helicopter and save the person. finally, her doctor’s insights made her take the risk and save the person inside the crashed helicopter. As a doctor, Jessica could not stand by and watch this happen! She didn't even bother putting on her shoes but rushed towards the helicopter. Her only thought was to save the person inside! The rescue was not easy. She was a woman with limited physical strength. She frantically started banging on the tightly sealed cockpit door and immediately got a reply from inside with a light tapping and after a while, there was a clicking sound. Fortunately, he was still conscious and hence could open the door. The door opened from inside revealing a heavily injured man, who was trying to crawl out. His legs seemed to be injured as he couldn’t move. Seeing him Jessica was petrified. She rushed in and tried pulling him out of the pilot’s seat. She realized he was a tall man, with a well built body. His arms were muscular and they weren’t fitting in her small hands. Though he was a nice specimen of a man, right now she was having difficulties because of his well-built muscular body. After a little bit of dragging and pushing, she finally managed to bring him out of that damned helicopter. As soon as they were on the grassland the man’s robust body fell onto her body, making her fall on the grass, crushing her with the man’s weight. Jessica groaned, “You are so heavy”. She somehow managed to push him off her body and was about to check his vitals and injuries when suddenly the smell of oil became stronger. Jessica was afraid now, she suddenly remembered a film where there was such a scene of a helicopter landing that failed and within a few minutes, it exploded, killing the female lead. Jessica felt numb, she quickly stood up and grabbed the man by his shoulders, and started dragging him away from the helicopter. He was in a semi-conscious state and due to his injury she couldn’t ask him to get up and run, therefore dragging him with all her might was the only option left for her. He had a hat on that was covering half of his face and from the angle Jessica was looking at him, she could only see his chiseled jaw and mesmerizing soft lips. ‘Shut it Jessica, what situation are you in? How could you think about such things’ Jessica chided herself in her mind, focusing on the job at hand. She twisted and struggled but she supported the man and stumbled toward the riverbank. She had just dragged them about 20 meters away when she suddenly heard an explosion behind them. Indeed, the helicopter had exploded, just like she imagined. The powerful shockwaves made Jessica to tumble down on the man’s body. “Arghhhh!!” he screamed in pain. “Oh, I am sorry, sorry sorry….” Jessica immediately got up from him and started checking him up. He had a big gash on his thigh, which was bleeding profusely, which was the reason for his current weakness. He had lost too much blood. His body’d temperature was also abnormally high. Jessica immediately brought out some blood-replenishing pills from her backpack that was near the riverbed. She took out all the necessary items from her first aid kit to heal him. She fed him some blood replenishing pills and anti infection pills (anti-bacterial pills). She was working on him in the wild, as it was night time she had to focus on one problem at a time. The fire was still burning high from the previous explosion which helped her move around and heal the man with ease. He was a very handsome man, with a good height, a tanned, muscular body with black raven hair. His eyes were closed so she couldn’t see his eyes. But the reminder of him that she could see him was sufficient enough to make any girl fall in love with him. But she already had a boyfriend whom she loved dearly, she dismissed these unwanted thoughts and focused on stitching his wounds one by one. Jessica was tired and she went near the river to take a sip, when she suddenly felt the man leaning on her back, he had the audacity to twist her face towards him and kiss her on the lips so deeply that he almost squeezed the air out of her. Jessica pushed him with her hand and twisted her body trying to get back up, but he was just too heavy. The man didn't move. Jessica frowned, struggling harder. Suddenly, she felt his arms going around her waist and she paused struggling. Her heart racing a mile per minute. The man behind her exuded an abnormal heat. ? She immediately tried to check his pulse and immediately understood he was drugged by a very severe drug that induced wild passion. “Don't move!” The man's low, hoarse voice sounded from the back of her head. As a medical student, Jessica naturally knew what that meant and also knew that the situation was not good for her now... Did she risk her life to save a wolf? Jessica turned back to face the man. Due to their close proximity, she was in a very dangerous position. She was now encircled in his arms, his hot breath blowing on her face and she was mesmerized by his baby blue eyes. Although she was feeling fuzzy overall and her brain wasn’t functioning as it should be, she still had the peace of mind to tell her that this is wrong. So, wrong. “Hey, I just saved your life……..Mhmmmmm!” She couldn’t complete her sentence as she was directly kissed by the man. They kissed for a long time and when he felt that she couldn’t breathe, he finally let go of her. He kept a finger on her still moist lips, swollen by his kiss, and said, “Shhhhhh, Mate.” Jessica was totally immersed in him, his muscular, hot body was flush against her own feminine one, his hands roaming all over her body, his breath washing over her neck, while his lips, ‘oh his lips’ they were wreaking a havoc in her mind. He was gently kissing, nibbling, and biting her neck area. He suddenly made her lie on the grass below them, and slowly slowly started undressing her. Every garment he took off revealed soft, supple, and fair skin that made him go mad. Her white skin against the backdrop of night coupled with the light of the fire burning nearby, made things more difficult for the man to control. Jessica had long turned putty in his arms and was reveling in the joy of being touched so intimately. The man in front of her hadn’t spoken for a long time, but he kept staring at her as if she was his prey. She was about to ask him what was wrong. But before she could utter a word, he came back to her, in her arms. Kissing her with so much ferocity that didn’t seem human. Jessica had totally given herself up and was enjoying every ministration he did to her. Every touch, every kiss was like an aphrodisiac for her. She was intoxicated by him, his manly smell, his aura, and his masculinity. Suddenly she felt him touching her, stroking her and she felt herself go weak in her knees. She was wet with arousal and was panting, She wrapped her legs around his waist, giving a silent consent to him. He did not waste a single moment and rushed himself inside her only to be stopped by her cry and her barrier. “Breathe, baby breathe. You will feel good. The pain will pass.” He said. Jessica held her cries and after a while, it did feel good. She had closed her eyes when the pain had begun, she slowly opened her eyes and looked into his. There was worry in them, below all that lust. She gave him a short nod and he took the signal and started thrusting in her. She was delirious with the pleasure and couldn’t hold her moans in her anymore. She was moaning and panting until she felt herself reach the peak. The man was still f*****g her, he had sweat rolling down his body, and his eyes were closed as if trying to hold back something. Jessica was a shy and reserved girl. She would never have done something like this. But here she was, having s*x with a stranger she just met, and in the wilds under the moonlight. Suddenly, she felt his fingers rubbing against her, just above where they were joined. The last straw that was holding her broke. She screamed her pleasure loudly and felt him release himself inside her and at the same time, she felt a sharp bite on her neck and she lost consciousness. Eric’s POV Eric looked at his little mate, who was exhausted and unconscious. She is so beautiful. He had been waiting for her all along. He remember the way she was worried about him just now and how she treated him. Her scent was so damn special, he knew he had lost control just now and he shouldn’t have mated with her just like that, but what can he do? He was drugged, and the joy of finally finding my mate led to this. But he was happy, he wanted to shout and tell everyone that he has found his mate. But he did not do it, instead, he wet his handkerchief and wiped his mate clean. Looking at all those marks and hickeys on her body, he felt some pride knowing that he had left his mark of ownership. He caressed her face and kissed her on the forehead. Suddenly a thought arose in him, about how was he going to deal with the aftermath. Thinking about this he found her phone, the phone had no lock so he could directly operate it. He found her information. “Jessica…Jessica..” even her name was so beautiful. He liked the way it sounded. He immediately found her contact information and also added his contact details, with the id as ‘Husband’. He had long understood that she was a human and wouldn’t understand the concept of mates. So he deliberately did this. He couldn’t take her away with force. He had to woo her. He took out a copper necklace and put it on her neck. He also took out his ring that he always wore in his neck chain, and slipped it on her fingers. It fit well and he was satisfied with it. He then made her wear her clothes back, afraid she would catch a cold. Suddenly, he felt her stirring and then she opened her big brown eyes, staring at him in confusion. He gave her a gentle smile, but then she suddenly got up and pushed him away. “No! No! James, what did I do? “ she was mumbling something and then she looked back at him and suddenly started running away from him. He wanted to run behind her, comfort her. But he had heard her words just now. She was feeling regret, and who the hell was James?
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