A new day, a new friend

1039 Words
“We are done for today. Remember, by Monday you must have a team for the project," the teacher informs as the first lesson of the day finishes. “Miss Stockley, please help our new student catch up”. “Of course”. Answers a blonde small girl sitting on the front. I finish packing my things and wait on my seat until the blonde girl comes. She appears to be the class president. “Hello” I say, stretching her hand while kissing her cheek. “What´s up? I´m Astrid”. “Natalie, it's a pleasure”. She smiles. “The principal has already told me about your situation. We have the same class next, so we should hurry in order to get good seats”. I nod, taking my backpack. “Sure, let's go”. We exit the classroom, entering the sea of students calmly flowing in the halls. “Give me your number”, she instructs, giving me her phone. I take the device and start pressing the keys corresponding to my number. I save my contact immediately, even though I wait until we arrive at the next classroom to give the phone back to its owner. “Here you go”, I say after we left our stuff on, what could probably be, the best seats in the still empty classroom. “Cool”. She checks that everything is fine before leaving her phone on the desk in front of us. She then takes out a notebook from her bag. “I made sure to write every subject we checked in class. I also wrote a list with all the teacher's emails in case you need to contact them. In the afternoon I will send you all my notes.” she concludes, giving me the sheet she just pulled from her neatly organised notebook. I take the piece of paper between my fingers and I start reading it. “Wow, you are really thoughtful. Thanks a lot”. She smiles shyly. “It's nothing. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you for the rest of the week. I can give you a lot of advice about our career.” “Of course not. I need all the help I can get.” We both laugh. The classroom it's already full of students without us realising. Next class starts in just a couple of minutes. Even though Astrid seems to focus way too much on school, she has a great sense of humour and her personality makes the classes entertaining. I sigh when the last one ends. “Is there anything wrong?” My new friend asks with worry. “No, there is just too much homework”, I answer, not even trying to hide the lack of enthusiasm in my voice. She shows her disgust with a wry face and, after thinking for a few seconds, she says: “I could help you daily starting tomorrow, or just the weekends, or just Saturdays …” “More hours are better”, I interrupt with a smile. Astrid also starts smiling. We hurry and start packing our stuff when we realise the next group has already entered the classroom. We exit the room so fast that we are surprised by the presence of a boy next to the door. “Astrid!” he yells, making both of us jump. “Oh my god, Matt!” Astrid yells with a hand over her chest, gently punching the boy in the arm. “You’ll kill me one of these days.” I shake my head while gulping. When I notice that Matt is offering some tulips to my new friend, it doesn't take me long to deduce that Matt has a close relationship with Stockley. “I´m sorry bear” he apologises, giving her the flowers and kissing her forehead. I clear my throat, getting the attention of the girl. “Ah, sorry.” She puts a lock of hair behind her ear, and takes a step back. “He is Mathew Simmons, he is the love of my life”. I didn't expect Astrid´s soulmate to be someone like Matt, but I cannot question destiny, they look cute together. “It's a pleasure, my name is Natalie”, I introduce myself, stretching the strong hand of the muscular boy. “Nice to meet you”, he says with a smile. “You are the new girl, right?” “That's right”, I replywith confidence. “Have you got some advice?” He shrugs, surrounding his girlfriend´s waist with his arm while he thinks what to answer. “Just don't get in trouble and don't draw attention” “Ok, noted.” “Nat!!” I hear someone shouting from afar. I look over Simmon´s shoulder and I see Amelia waving between the rest of the students. “I´m sorry, I must go. I will text you later, Astrid” I say with half a smile on my face. “Sure, see you later.” We say goodbyes before intercepting Pages. “Finding you ended up being harder than I thought” Amelia states while searching for something in her backpack. “I can assure you I wasn't trying to hide”, I state jokingly, placing all my weight on my right foot, waiting patiently for her next action. “You look good today. Less fruity.” She rolls her eyes, still searching, until she finds what she was looking for. “Thanks a lot Nat.” She says giving me the trench coat I lent her yesterday. “Wow”, Is the only thing I can say before showing my gratitude. “Thanks for returning it so fast.” I take my coat in order to confirm my suspicions. She has washed it, and it now looks brand new. “It's the least I could do”, she responds, lowering her gaze. I smile. “Hey, do you want to check if we have free time at the same time?”
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