
1549 Words
*Eighteen years old* My body felt sluggish and weak. Dante was a cruel and heartless vampire. He came earlier into the little hidden room in the wall where he kept me locked in and sank his fangs into my neck, draining me of my blood. He wanted more from me. He wanted to fûck me until I passed out, but I was protected by some spell my mother did years ago. He gets so angry when he wants to fûck me and knows that he can't take the one thing my mother protected so heavily. My virginity. My auntie told me some of the story, but she was always so vague about it. She said she promised my mother she wouldn't tell me everything. My mother said I would know when the time was right. I know my mother abandoned me when I was a baby because, according to my auntie, it was dangerous for me to be around her. To be honest, I don't even know if her or my father is still alive. What makes me mad about it all is why she didn't come with me. Why didn't she hide with me? I mean, I know they said it was dangerous, but still, I am her daughter. She should have stayed with me and not left me alone. Auntie made sure I had my mom's necklace. She said that when the time was right that all my questions would be answered. Auntie even placed a spell on the necklace so that no one could take it away from me. HA! That went over really well when Katasha, one of Dante's loyal servants, tried to take it away from me. She got so angry that she couldn't have that, and she whined to Dante about it. She lied to him and told him that I refused to give it to her. She pouted and cried as she threw her fit. Dante demanded I give it to her, but I told him I wasn't able to. I tried to explain why, but it ended with me being beaten brutally and without food for three days. Katasha smirked evilly and left the room after that. I miss Auntie so much. She was a very powerful witch. One day, Dante and his coven attacked her house and killed her in the process. I still don't understand how that happened, but it did, and now I am a prisoner to Dante. His blood servant forever. They told me that it was my fault because they could smell my blood, and Dante refused to be without my blood. So they killed auntie and took over her house. I was only ten when my auntie died. Dante said I was something very special because my blood was very potent and rich. I don't really believe that I am someone special, because if I was I wouldn't be alone. When I was twelve, though, I had this dream of a boy. He seemed familiar even though I had never met him before. He made me feel strange things inside, but also he felt like home. He was so handsome. He had a secret, though. When he looked at me, his eyes would glow purple. During the dream, a demon like creature stood behind him with his hand on his shoulder, but it didn't seem completely demon. It was almost like he was part of something else, but even so, he was an amazing and stunning creature. I was enamored by him. I wasn't sure if the demon was part of the boy or someone he knew, but the creature stared into my eyes and whispered the word "Mate." That word brought something out in me, but it faded when I woke up. * * * * * * * "Ohh... Pet, it's feeding time." Dante cooed softly. I gulped inwardly and felt my body begin trembling. I knew better than to argue with him. The last time I did that, I was beaten black and blue, and then he took my blood anyway. I dropped my head in submission as tears streamed down my face. It hurt every time he fed from me. Like he was taking something that didn't belong to him. Like it belonged to someone else. I didn't understand these feelings, but I shook them any, none the less. There was no need to think that. There was no one out there for me. I was meant to be alone. He reached out and placed his fingers under my chin, lifting it up and forcing me to look into his eyes. They were crimson and glowing brightly. "I love to watch you cry, my beautiful pet." He said cruelly as he leaned forward and licked my tears away. "Here, open your mouth. I must feed you sometimes, shouldn't I? I don't want you to die." He chuckled darkly. He hardly fed me at all. I was so skinny. I was skin and bones. He only fed me enough to keep me alive and to feed him. He kept me weak and vulnerable so that I couldn't escape. Which wasn't an option anyway. He kept me in this hidden room all the time. I was chained to the wall with an anklet on my ankle. The only time he let me out was with a collar and a leash because I was his pet. Just hearing that made me nauseous. I opened my mouth, and he placed a single grape in my mouth. I chewed slowly, savoring the flavor. I moaned softly as the flavor burst in my mouth but stopped abruptly when I heard a low growl. "Are you trying to tease me, pet?" He wrapped my hair tightly in his fist and pulled my head to the side harshly. 'I'm s-sorry." I whimpered painfully. He placed his nose on my neck and inhaled deeply. I didn't mean to tease him, but that grape was so delicious. What did he expect when he didn't feed me? I was only human. Right? "The smell of your fear is intoxicating." He moaned loudly. His nails extended to a sharp point, and he ran it over my shoulder, slicing through my skin. I cried out as blood began pouring from the wound. He lapped it up until the wound healed. He reached over to the plate next to him and grabbed a few slices of an apple. "Eat this, my beautiful pet." He whispered softly as he pierced my neck and began suckling my blood. With trembling fingers, I lifted one of the slices of apple to my mouth and took a bite. The juices were sweet and bitter simultaneously. It was the best thing I had tasted in a long time. By the time I finished the few slices of apple, my eyes began to droop from the loss of blood. Dante licked the wound to help it heal as he gently laid me down on the bed. "That's my good little pet. Sleep well. Tomorrow, I have something special planned." I tried to fight the darkness, but it was futile. I was too weak. The dark consumed me, and then there was nothing. * * * * * * * * * The next morning was worse than I could have even imagined. Dante beat me black and blue as soon as I opened my eyes, then let his coven drink from me as I helplessly laid there while he held me down, laughing cruelly. He said I deserved it for teasing him yesterday. Once everyone was done, Dante's fangs elongated, and he pierced my wrist, injecting something into my bloodstream. My whole body tensed, and immediately, it felt like I was burning from the inside out. It felt like a volcano erupted, and lava filled my body. "Do you feel that pet? Does my venom make your insides feel like they are burning from the inside out? Tell me. NOW." Dante growled viciously. "Y-Yes. It h-hurts s-so bad. P-Please make it s-stop." I sobbed painfully as I looked pleadingly in his cold eyes for mercy but found none. "No. You will feel this pain until I deem you worthy enough to stop it. You need to feel this pain. If I was able to take it out on your cûnt I would, but unfortunately, that is not on the table. You will accept this punishment, and once it's over, I will feed from you again because make no mistake. YOU. BELONG. TO. ME." He said with a dangerously low voice. He got up and left my room, slamming the door in the process. I cried and cried in anguish with no reprieve of comfort. The hours passed, and I couldn't move. I wanted to curl up and never wake up again. My life was not my own, and I would never be free of Dante and his coven. No one would save me from his grasp. All I wanted to do was sleep so that I could see that boy and his demon friend, then I could feel the freedom that showed in their eyes for once in my life. All I wanted was to be loved and cherished by someone who loved me unconditionally. Was that too much to ask?
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