A Scumbag (1)

1252 Words
“Ah….if it feels nice…oh…argh…umm…” the pants of a woman could be heard from the hotel room. Sonia was enjoying herself riding on top, of a man without a care for anything in the world. Ryan Reynolds grabbed the breasts of Sonia and popped them into his mouth. Sonia let out a squeal. “Ah…you are such a bad boy!” She said coyly. “Move more for my sweetheart.....” Ryan commanded. ****** Thirty minutes later, the both of them lay drained on the bed, sweating profusely. “That was good!” Sonia exclaimed. “You really don't know how to hold back, do you?” Ryan asked with a teasing tone. “I'm not Scarlett! Of course, I don't know how to act like her. Hmph!” Sonia said. The jealously was clearly evident in her tone. Ryan pinched her face. “What has this got to do with Scarlett? This has nothing to do with her. No matter what, you are clearly better than her! You don't need to compare yourself to someone like that!” Ryan assured her. “I'm better than her? Then why haven't you broken up with her yet? Why are you still dating her? You keep saying that you are better than her, yet you won't break up with her. You are just trying to patronize me, right?” Sonia asked Ryan with a pout on her face. “Stop being like this, Sonia. You know why I haven't left her yet! It's because I still need her father to support my business. He hasn't done that yet! Once I get her father's money, I'll break up with her and be with you openly. Isn't that what you want? Besides, isn't Scarlett your best friend?” Ryan asked her. He was smiling gleefully. “What best friend? I've never considered her my friend! She is just someone who treats me as a charity case! How can someone like that be my friend?!” Sonia snapped. She really hated Scarlett. She was always acting like she was better than her because of her father. Not only that, but she was really waiting for the day when Scarlett finds out that she's been sleeping with her boyfriend of seven years! No matter how great she is, she is just the pampered daughter of a rich Billionaire. She still could not keep her man! “You women… I really don't know how to deal with the lot of you. You clearly pretend to be nice to her in front of her, and then you say bad things behind her back!” Ryan asked. Even though his words sounded like he was scolding Sonia, he was smiling. After all, isn't he doing the same thing? “You are the one to talk! You are her boyfriend and yet, you are sleeping with her best friend!” Sonia said. “It's not like that, Sonia. You are the one that I really love Sonia!” Ryan said. Sonia smiled. She likes hearing that. She liked hearing Scarlett's boyfriend tell her that she wasn't as good as her and that he loved her the most. Just then, Ryan's phone rang. He picked it up and Sonia leaned over to see who was calling. When she saw Scarlett's name, she turned away in disgust. She was clearly angry. Ryan chuckled before he picked up the call. “Ryan…you are coming back with Scarlett today, right? I'll be at the airport to pick the both of you up!” Scarlett said cheerfully over the phone. “Yes, Scarlett. I miss you a lot. You'll really be there, right?” Ryan asked her. He had to keep up the appearance of being madly in love with Scarlett on the phone. If she starts to suspect anything, his plans will fall through. “Of course I'll be there. You've been gone for so long. When you get back, let's see my father together. I'll tell him that we'll be getting married!” Scarlett said. Even Sonia could imagine the look of excitement, on Scarlett's face. She snorted in disdain. Marriage? Yeah, right! She would see how that will happen! Ryan was obviously excited when he heard that he would be meeting Scarlett's father. The richest Billionaire in Country M, how can he not want to meet him? He no longer cared about the second half of the sentence that Scarlett said. “Alright. I'll hang up now. Tell Sonia that we can go shopping when she gets back!” Scarlett said and ended the call. Sonia glared at Ryan. “So she misses you, right?” She asked him. “Of course, I miss you more!” He said and jumped on her again...... ******** Scarlett was in good moods when she ended the call. She was finally going to introduce her boyfriend to her father! Her father was always telling her that there was nothing that she could do right. He did not trust her choice of boyfriend. But she knew…that between her and Ryan…there was true love. The both of them have known each other since their high school days. They started dating about seven years ago. All that remained now was for her to get her father's approval so that she could get married to the man of her dreams. Her father won't be able to doubt her choice then! The door of her room opened, and her father walked in. Scarlett sat up and she smiled at him. She knew that the only one who would dare to come into her room like this was her father. The maids won't even dare if they wanted to continue to work here. “Dad!” She called out excitedly. Felix Kingston looked at his daughter. He had something essential that he wanted to discuss with her. But seeing how excited she was to see him, he immediately guessed that she wanted to yell him something too. He had always indulged this daughter of his ever since his wife passed away. Of course, he would surely listen to what she had to say first. “Dad… I'll be bringing my boyfriend to see you a few days from now!” Scarlett announced happily. She really wanted her father to see, that she and Ryan were deeply in love. In a relationship, the only thing that really mattered was the love of the people involved, right! She had such a deep love with Ryan! Felix was stunned. “What?!” He asked Scarlett. “Yes Dad. Both of us are really in love with each other. He loves me so much, and he's working so hard to get your approval!” Scarlett said. “I'm going to pick him up from the airport today, and we'll talk about when he can come see you tomorrow!” Scarlett continued. The excitement was clear in her voice. She was delighted. Felix really wanted to say something, but he did not know what to say to this impulsive daughter of his. He knew that he had watched over her too much, and so she had no idea about how people were really like. Felix was afraid that someone was using his daughter. Scarlett did not give her father the chance to say anything before she opened her wardrobe and started throwing out dress after dress on her bed. “I'm going to pick up Ryan today. I have to look my best for him." Scarlett said.
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