
The Betas Tribrid Mate


Welcome to the next book in the Werewolves Of Lykos Series!

Jai Dalgaard is the second son of Leander and Sara. Unlike his older brother, Jai is a Beta, but that doesn't stop Jai being a man of power. Not only an incredible horseman, but also a man of moral, Jai has waited forever for his mate. Some call him crazy for never so much as kissing a woman who isn't his mate, Jai doesn't care because Jai knows that once he finds the one destined for him, she will be his everything.

Melissa hasn't had an easy life. Living with a violent father who takes great pleasure in hurting her mother, Melissa dreams of a better place. When her father takes things too far, Melissa seizes the opportunity to get herself, her mother, and baby sister the hell out of Silver Paw. The help of her only friend, Melissa finds her way to Gray Shadows and Jai Dalgaard. However, Melissa doesn't want a mate if all they do is hurt you. With nothing else to compare the mate bond to than what she saw growing up, Melissa is not interested in Jai. Melissa soon comes to realize that there was no mate bond between her parents. Her mother was her father's prisoner, and she was the product of rape. When Melissa's mother reunites with her Big Cat family, Melissa receives rejection from all side. With no one to care about her but Jai, Melissa must learn to master her powers to take down the monster she once called Father.

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1 - Getting out of here
Here we are again! Welcome to book 7 in the Werewolves of Lykos series. This is Jai and Melissa's story. Jai is the second son of Leander and Sara Dalgaard. There may be trigger warnings along the way, and I will post them when necessary. Enjoy! ****Trigger warning, this chapter contains domestic violence.**** Melissa “Stupid fuckin.g whor.e!” Mike yells while kicking my mother for the tenth time. “I’m gonna kill you!” “Dad!” I scream while grabbing his arm. “Please, don’t,” Mike pushes me away, and I land on the floor with a thud. Mike is a huge man, tall and built. His dark eyes are almost black, showing the evil within, and he’s so damn ugly. I swear, he was hit with the ugly stick one too many times. I hate the man who fathered me with every fiber of my being. I would have left long ago if it weren’t for my need to stay and protect my mom and sister. I have to wonder how Mike could so easily fool those around him while torturing his family on a daily basis. My eyes meet my baby sister as she peeks out from her hiding place behind the sofa. I shake my head when she moves to run to Mom. I cannot let anything happen to Jessie; Mom would be heartbroken. Mike wouldn’t think twice about killing my three-year-old sister. ‘Jessie, don’t move!’ I yell through our mind link. ‘But Mommy,’ ‘I know. I’m going to save her, I promise. Just stay where you are, Jessie.’ She nods and hurries back out of Mike’s line of vision. I drag myself to my feet and rush at Mike again. “Stop it; you’re going to kill her!” His eyes widen as he looks at me, but at least he’s no longer hurting Mom. She’s not moving, and I’m scared she won’t make it out alive this time. My father has beaten down my mother so badly that her Wolf is weak. She’s too weak to shift and doesn’t heal as other Wolves do, which is why I’m afraid for her. With a heaving chest, Mike looks down at Mom’s battered form. He yanks his arm out of my grip and again pushes me away. “Clean up this fuckin.g mess, mutt,” I clench my teeth. It always angers me when Mike calls me such names. But I dared not answer back; Mike would rip my voice box out so I could never speak again. No joke. “I’ll be back later. Do not call for help, and don’t let anyone in or next; I’ll rip that little cun.t apart.” He’s talking about Jessie, which makes my stomach turn. Goddess, he’s so vile to all of us, but Mom and Jessie get it the worst. The worst thing is that I can do nothing to help them when Mike hurts them, and I hate myself for it; Goddess knows I do. “What about Alpha Lorcan? He said we all had to be in his office ASAP.” “I’ll deal with Lorcan. You keep that fuckin.g mongrel,” He’s referring to Jessie again. “Hidden, and I’ll figure out what to tell Lorcan about your mother.” With that, Mike walks out of the house. Jessie rushes toward me, and I wrap her up in my arms as she cries. No child should ever see their mother being abused the way Jessie and I have. It’s the worst kind of torture for any kid to endure. The visions and memories never fade, nor do the nightmares. All I want is to keep my mother and sister safe. I want to get them away from Mike because they deserve a life without fear and pain. “Why is Mommy not healing?” “I don’t know, Jessie.” I do know why Mom doesn’t heal as she should. I put it down to her weak Wolf and the beatings and torture she’s endured for so many years. But Mom takes ten times longer to heal than regular Wolves, longer than an Omega would! I wonder if Mike has beaten her down so much that her body is finally giving up. It hurts to think, but I don’t know what else to think. My poor mother tries so hard to shield her children from Mike, but she fails every time. Mike gets off on Mom’s begging for him not to hurt Jessie and me. She takes everything he does to her to keep him away from us. However, there have been times when Mike has tied Mom to a chair and forced her to watch as he attacked me. Goddess, my mother would beg and sob so hard that it would make her ill. I love my mother, and I would do anything for her, anything to protect her. If my mother taught me anything, it was to stand up for those you love, even if she never said the words. I haven’t been able to do much all these years, but I can now. I sit Jessie on the floor beside me before checking on Mom. She’s battered beyond recognition, and Jessie is right; she’s not healing. As I said, Mom heals slowly, but this is not normal! This is bad, really bad. I promised my sister I’d never let this happen again after the last time. But I could not stop it, and this time, it’s much worse than it’s ever been. Mike did this because Jessie got out of the house, and I couldn’t catch her before she ran into Alpha Lorcan. Our Alpha and Luna knew about Jessie, but she’s never been near them. Luna always welcomes new pups to the pack, and I don’t know how Mike got away with hiding Jessie for as long as he did. Alpha Lorcan is a busy man, and he’s not one for going house to house. So, I guess it was easy to keep Jessie away from the Alpha for as long as Mike did. It’s Luna Gianna that always surprised me. But then, I can’t blame her for not noticing when she has so many kids of her own to deal with. Mom was too scared of Lorcan finding out where Jessie came from, meaning her birth father, to say anything to anyone. Mom has never told me who that man is - because it's not Mike - but I got the feeling Lorcan realized when he held Jessie. I don’t know how that could be, but I saw how Lorcan’s face changed from smiling to angry. I heard the crack of his jaw as he clenched it. When I told Mike that Alpha Lorcan wanted to see both him and Mom in his office, Mike’s eyes widened. I could see that he was both afraid and angry. Why didn’t Mike go to Lorcan’s office and make up another lie? It’s what he’s good at; after all, lying, I mean. But no, he came home and attacked my mom in the worst way imaginable. For some reason, Mike believed Mom had somehow gotten to the Alpha and made lies up about him. Mike is insane to think that when he doesn’t let her leave the house! Now she’s lying on the floor, a broken mess. I don’t know if she’ll ever come back from this, even if she does survive. Mike has caused so much damage to my beautiful mother, and I know I have to do everything I can to help her. I’m scared to touch her in case I cause her even more damage. I need to call someone, but I know it can’t be anyone from the pack; I can’t risk Mike finding out. But who else am I meant to call? I don’t know anyone outside this pack, so I’m pretty much fucke.d! Mom needs help; we can’t stay here, and I can’t tell Lorcan because I’ll be in shi.t for keeping this all from him. No, there’s only one thing I can do – get Mom away from Silver Paw. I’m scared, of course I am, that Mike will find out what I’m planning. But we can’t stay here any longer; Mom will die if we do. I snatch my cell phone from my pocket, thankful that Mike had never realized I had it. A friend gave it to me last week after I told them Mike never allowed me to have one. She was worried about me and told me to call if I needed help. I need help now more than I ever have, so I pull up Frankie’s number, praying she’ll answer. “Mel, is everything okay?” Frankie knows I would only call if I needed help; that’s why she sounds so worried. Frankie is a member of Silver Paw, the Gamma’s daughter. We met officially a few weeks ago, which is crazy when we’ve both lived here our whole lives. She befriended me, even though I didn’t understand why; no one had ever wanted to be my friend before. Frankie seemed to have a gift for knowing when something was wrong, and she got me to open up easily. She gave me the phone last week after I confided in Frankie that I needed to get my mom and sister away from here. Frankie wanted to take me straight to Lorcan and Gianna and have me tell them everything. I begged Frankie not to make me do that; it was too dangerous, and I was planning our escape. She wasn’t happy about it but said she’d keep my secret, but not for long. If Mike hurt Mom again, she’d have to tell Lorcan the truth. I cried because I was so tired and scared of being here. Frankie took pity on me and told me that if I should need help to escape, all I had to do was call. I really need that help right now because we can’t stay here any longer. I cannot wait one more moment! “No, Frankie, nothing is okay. He did it again, Frankie; he battered my mom so badly I’m scared to check if she’s breathing. She’s not healing at all,” I swallow back my emotions, knowing that I have to be strong for my sister. “Fuc.k!” Frankie hisses. “What was his reason this time?” “Alpha met Jessie and wanted Mom and Mike in his office. Mike flipped out. . . I have to get my mom and sister out of here. Please, Frankie, I wouldn’t ask this if I wasn’t desperate. But you said you’d help me if the time came, and the time is now.” “Mel, calm down. Where’s Mike now?” My little sister lays her head on my leg, and I stroke her hair to soothe her. Jessie is so frightened, and I feel terrible that I haven’t gotten her out of here before now. “He left, said he’d be back later.” “For Goddess’s sake, this is why I said you needed to go to Lorcan, Mel!” “Please,” I sniff. Goddess, I feel guilty enough as it is. “Don’t yell at me, Frankie. I know I did the wrong thing, and I have to live with that for the rest of my life.” “I’m sorry, Mel; I didn’t mean to make you feel bad. I know you were doing your best for your family.” I nod my head, even though Frankie can’t see me. “We have to go before he gets home. Please help us, Frankie.” “I’m on my way, okay? Leave everything behind; you don’t need anything. I have a place to take you where Mike won’t get to you. I’ll be five minutes, be ready.” Frankie cuts the call before I can respond. “Jessie, I need you to listen to me,” I lift onto my knees while bringing Jessie to her feet. “Get your doll and come straight back. Leave everything else; you won’t need it, just your doll. Do you understand?” Jessie nods her little head. That doll is the only thing Jessie owns when it comes to toys. Mom made it for her out of some wool she had lying around. It means the world to my little sister. “My friend is coming to take us away from here.” Jessie’s eyes widen with glee. “Really?” “Yes, really. Now hurry!” Jessie rushes to her room, and it’s not two minutes before the front door bursts open. My stomach lurches because I’m scared that Mike has returned. But it’s not Mike; it’s Frankie and one of her dads, Kit, her biological dad, and Silver Paw’s Gamma. Oh, Goddess! Now that Kit knows what’s happened, it won’t be long before Lorcan does. Kit will have no choice but to report his findings to our Alpha. Goddess, could things get any worse? “What the fuc.k?” Kit hisses while crouching beside my mother. He checks for a pulse and then scoops her up without a word. “Let’s go!” “Come on, babe. My dad is gonna drive you somewhere safe.” He is? I wasn’t expecting that, but I won’t question it, either. I nod my head. “Jessie!” She runs towards me, ragdoll in hand, and jumps into my arms. I slam the door behind us and climb into the back of Kit’s Jeep. I settle Jessie onto my lap and look at Mom, curled up in a ball beside me. My eyes fill with tears that I try to push back so Jessie doesn’t see. ‘Please be okay, Mom; I don’t know what I’ll do if I lose you.’ “Everything will be okay, Mel.” I look at Frankie and smile slightly. “Where are you taking us?” “Gray Shadows.” Is all Kit says while driving like a madman out of Silver Paw territory. I don’t know what the future holds for my family, but I know that Mike will never stop hunting us. I had no choice but to do this; I couldn’t let him eventually kill my mother. Goddess, I don’t even know if Mom will survive what she’s been through. I pray that she can hold on until we get help. I don’t know the extent of her injuries, but I know she has many broken bones. I can see her arm is busted from here, and her wrist is bent at an odd angle. Mom is bleeding heavily from her face, which itself is mashed. I can’t even recognize her right now; her eyes are swollen shut. How is she going to heal from this? I hope Gray Shadows Pack has a good doctor who knows what they are doing. “What if Mike finds us?” “He won’t, Jessie,” Kit answers, though Jessie asked me the question. “We’re going to protect you, I promise.” I smile at Kit through the rearview mirror. That was nice of him to say, promising to protect us. He’s going against his Alpha for us, which means a lot. I pull Jessie closer to my chest and kiss her head. Goddess, none of this would have happened if I hadn’t told Mike that Alpha Lorcan wanted to see him, along with Mom, Jessie, and me. But how did Mike think he’d get away with what he’d done? Lorcan would have found out, and there would have been hell to pay. Perhaps the crazy bastard planned to tell Lorcan that Mom was attacked, I don’t know. I know Lorcan will still find out what happened, and Mike will pay with his life. One can hope!

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