4 “Is she mated to someone?”

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  Marcus closed his eyes, and tried to stretch his neck. His muscles were knotting up. His wolf’s power surged inside him. And he tried to keeping it at bay, thinking about Luke and his driver. He couldn’t put them in danger like that. Shit…he needed to shift. When his wolf was like this he knew he couldn’t stop it. He had to give himself into his will. Being the Alpha King was both a pleasure and a burden. It meant that he was alone most of the time, because his wolf was too powerful to be around other wolves. His power was both a gift and a curse. Other wolves could only tolerate him in small doses, otherwise he suffocated them. “You need to shift,” Luke said from the front. He could hear the strain in his voice. “I know that,” Marcus said looking out at the trees that lined the road. They were almost close to his pack lands. Maybe he could get out of the car once they crossed the border that separated his lands from the humans. On his land there was no hunting of animals so there was no risk of being shot by human hunters there. “Speed up,” Luke told the driver thinking of the same thing. “Are you alright?” “I’m fine.”  Marcus took deep breaths calming his wolf. “It’s a little off today, why?” Luke asked turning to look at him. Marcus shrugged. He didn’t know either.   The car came to a stop just as they crossed the border. Marcus got out of the car and ran into the trees. He pulled off his clothes as he went. His wolf roared out of him, and he leaped in the air landing on all fours. He turned and stared at the road where the car was. He could see Luke looking at him with a worried look on his face. He couldn’t go with him. Luke’s wolf could tolerate his mostly, but this time Marcus could feel that this was different, something set the surge of power off. Marcus turned and ran deeper into the forest. Power thrummed through his veins. He needed to run to release some of it. He should have asked Luke to call Carrie so that she was there when he came back. s*x always helped to bring him down after a run when the power was at its most tolerable. Maybe she could come later, he thought as his wolf took over his mind, shoving the man deep inside himself. Marcus hated this part, that he didn’t really have much control over his wolf. Sometimes he woke up with strange snippets of memories of his wolf’s adventures. It was the alpha and it took its control. He gave himself to it, and roamed the forest on his lands. Night fell and his wolf still prowled the forest not heading home. It sniffed the air as if it was searching for something. What’s on your mind? he asked attempting to communicate with him. Him and his wolf didn’t communicate much. It was too wilful, and somehow imagined that if they communicated Marcus would exert his power over him. But that wasn’t the case. His wolf was the one in control. Most of the time he let him do whatever he wanted. To silence him, his wolf shoved him deeper into its subconscious that he wasn’t aware of what was happening around him. Hours ticked by, and his wolf stayed in the forest. By the time it turned and made its way to the house, the sun was rising. The wolf let go of its tight grip on Marcus and he could finally turn back. Luke left the door unlocked for him. He walked into the house naked, and headed for his room. He found Carrie sleeping in his bed as he entered his room. Her long black hair was splayed on his pillow. Luke must have called her.   A low grumble sounded deep inside. Marcus could sense his wolf’s displeasure at her being there. He probably wanted to sleep, and he didn’t want her there. Marcus didn’t share his bed. His wolf was too territorial for that. He was yet to find a woman his wolf would accept in his bed. It could have been Layla, the thought filtered into his mind, but he pushed it away. That shipped had sailed. Now, he had Carrie. His wolf grumbled again at that thought.   “You’re the one who spend the whole night out in the forest,” Marcus grumbled back. He went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. He finished and then walked back into the bedroom. He got into the bed and pulled Carrie to him. Her warm body made him groan. He was going to lose himself in her body, and then fall asleep, Marcus thought as he kissed down her back waking her up to take care of him. Carrie moaned and turned to face him. “You’re back,” she said moaning deep as he bit slightly into her skin. His wolf grumbled again, but he swallowed the sound. Not now, you had your moment in the forest, Marcus said irritably. He held on to Carrie, desperate for this moment with her. He wasn’t going to let his wolf get in the way. He deserved a normal life dammit… Carrie cried out in pain. Marcus loosened his grip. “Sorry,” he said softly caressing her back. “Are you okay?” she asked looking up at him. “No,” Marcus said pushing her to her back. “I want my c**k inside you… now!” Carrie moaned as she opened up for him. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Mikaela didn’t sleep. She sat on her bed staring out the window at the tops of the trees in the distance. They looked weird in the distance all black and creepy. But that wasn’t the thing that made her feel uneasy. The forest bordered the school at the back. She didn’t know what it was, but she felt like she should be there in the forest somehow. Mikaela brushed the area where the Alpha King bit her. It throbbed with a strange ache even though it had healed. She let her hand drop to the bed, because she didn’t understand any of it. Her mind filled with the Alpha King’s formidable and scary presence and she shut her mind to him. She hated him so much. She didn’t even want to think about him.   “Get up, everybody get up!” someone shouted in the hallway. “Room inspection in fifteen minutes.” Room inspection? Mikaela asked silently looking at the mess in the other room. The door was pushed open just then, and a girl dressed in all black rushed into the room. She had long black hair that had streaks of blue in it. She looked cool and so different from everyone she has seen so far. She didn’t look so prim and proper like Haile, Bree and Heather. She looked like she had some edge to her. She had personality. And Mikaela wished she could paint her. She came to a stop as she looked at the mess. Her eyes went wide, and she looked like she was about to scream. But she walked to the bed. And started to quickly straighten her side of the room. She moved quickly and then suddenly stopped as if she realised that she wasn’t alone. “Oh hi,” she said turning to look at her. “s**t…my spatial awareness is still s**t. Or maybe it’s because am still a little drunk,” she laughed as if she just said something funny. Mikaela looked at her. She didn’t look drunk to her. “Mind helping me. The dragon will be here, and I don’t want to get any more strikes. I am literally a strike away from being kicked out of the Elite school of supernatural beings,” she said imitating the headmistress Victoria. And she nailed her. Mikaela bust out laughing. She moved to the other side, and helped her straighten her side of the room. And they finished in a nick of time. Before the door was opened, the girl waved her hand in front of her body and she changed clothes right in front of her eyes. The streaks in her hair disappeared too. Wow, Mikaela thought as she stared at her. “Go back,” she said pushing her to her side. Mikaela nodded and then returned to her side. Headmistress Victoria walked into the room. She looked around the room before her eyes settled on the girl. Mikaela bit her lip as she narrowed her eyes on her. “Good,” she said and then turned to her. Mikaela stood still. “You will be in room 341. They will help you figure out which classes you need to take. I can’t smell anything on you still. Rose will take you there,” she said and left the room.   “f**k, she looked sharp today. I was sure her dragon eyes were going to pick up on my glamour. I guess I am getting good at disguises,” Rose said waving a hand over herself and then her black attire returned. She turned to her. “I am Rose by the way, and you are?” “Mikaela.” “Nice to meet you Mikaela. I like your hair. Its looks like fire is burning on your head,” she said dropping on the bed with a huff. She swirled her hands in the air and light sparked around her. Mikaela stared at her fascinated. How was she doing that? “You don’t care that someone trashed your bed,” Mikaela asked that instead. “Oh I know. And they’re never finding what they were looking for, so…” she shrugged like she didn’t care. “Get ready so we can go to our classes,” she said closing her eyes. “Are you not getting ready?” Mikaela asked her as she kept lying on the bed. “No. I want to take tiny nap. I didn’t exactly sleep last night,” she said with a yawn. Mikaela frowned wondering what she was doing that she didn’t sleep. She couldn’t sleep either. There was something in the forest calling to her. Mikaela shivered scared of what it might be. She didn’t even know how she could sense it, when she never sensed something like that before. “I can feel you staring,” Rose said opening her eyes to stare at her. “Sorry,” Mikaela said moving to her suitcase. “Hey,” Rose said. Mikaela turned to look at her. “Don’t apologize. Never apologize here. Or they will think that you are easy meat.” Mikaela nodded, but she knew that she has failed that test, because Haile, Bree and Heather have already made her feel like easy meat. She hoped she didn’t see any of them soon. She pulled her toiletries out of her bag and a towel, and then went to the bathroom she had seen when she walked into the house. The showers were tiny cubicles that at least had a door for privacy. She slung the towel over the door. And pulled her hair into a messy bun on top of her head. She took a quick shower and then used the towel to dry herself. She then tied it around her. She walked out of the cubicle, coming to a stop when she saw four other girls moving around the bathroom. They stopped and stared at her too. “Hi, I am Mikaela,” she said as the silence stretched for too long making her uncomfortable. “Hi, I am Stephanie,” one of them introduced herself. The others did too. Mikaela made sure that she memorized their names. Stephanie, Debbie, Rachel, and Sammy. Mikaela smiled at them and then walked to the door. But before she could get far she heard them whisper to each other. “Is she mated to someone?” Rachel or was it Debbie asked. “No, I don’t think so…she’s our age.” “Didn’t you see mating mark on her?” Rachel or Debbie asked. Mikaela stood there frozen. Her hand flew to her neck. What? “She can’t be, isn’t she human?” “I didn’t smell anything on her.” “Shut up you guys someone might hear you. It’s not good to talks about someone like that,” Sammy said and it sounded like she was walking towards the door. Mikaela walked away fast. She dropped her hair covering her neck and shoulders. Her insides tightened as she headed to her room. The girls’ words ran in her mind. And all she could hear was the word ‘mated’ No…she wasn’t…. she wasn’t…tears filled her eyes and she dashed them away. But she still remembered the pain of him biting her so carelessly like she was nothing. That couldn’t mean. She wasn’t a wolf…so… Oh God no…she wasn’t.
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