#2 - Just Like Old Times

1457 Words
"So mother...is it okay if I call you mother or should it be your majesty or Queen Teri?" Madeline rolled her eyes at Jill's need to be perfect in every way. Sitting too close to Scott at the dinner table, according to Madeline, the girl had made sure to carry herself with all the grace the royal world expected of anyone dating their prince. "Dating...Urgh…" Madeline flinched, hating her own thoughts. Dinner was really a tormenting affair, at least for her. She hated the fact that she was on waiting duty for starters. Thanks to her mother. It's not like she hated waiting on the royal family while they ate, she actually loved it, because it made her dream and want to make those dreams a reality at all costs. In her dreams she wouldn't always be standing by while the royal family ate, one day she would be standing by while the royal family waited for her to speak. To hear of her brilliant plans to better their kingdom's economy. But after spending hours in the royal kitchen, away from the person she really wanted to spend time with, waiting on the diners felt like a punishment. Not to mention the addition of the new couple that left a bitter taste in her mouth and kept her too distracted to dream. And truth be told, she had looked forward to this dinner even more, knowing Scott would be around, but now all she wanted was for it to be over already. For her and Scott to be free so they could meet up later. Her childhood best friend had been unusually quiet up until then. Apart from a nod and killer smile when he walked in, Madeline had yet to interact with him. The mere thought left her nervous, but it was the girl hanging onto his arm that kept her from any interaction she would have liked. "Queen Teri is just fine, my dear." Madeline shot the queen a surprised look. There was too much happiness in the usual stern monarch's tone and Madeline felt a sting to her heart when she found the queen's eyes shining with as much happiness too. All of Teri's attention was on Jill and her son too and it was all so clear that she approved. Madeline didn't know how she felt about that. "Queen Teri, I would like to say thank you for the invite." Jill gushed. Her tone was too perfect and it made that bitter taste in Madeline's mouth worse. "I mean, sure it was Prince Scott's invitation but I'm so grateful that you received me with open arms into your family. So, thank you." "Prince Scott? Open arms...into the family?" Madeline wanted to gag at Little Miss Perfect's speech. If she didn't know better, she would think that Scott's invite had been an outright proposal. Madeline flinched at the thought and unconsciously turned to look at Scott. She wasn't even sure what she was looking for. Her heart thumped when she found him looking...no, staring at her. She wanted to look away, but the moment those familiar eyes found hers, she couldn't. It was as if they drew her in and kept her locked away in the orb's bottomless pit. A pit she found herself reluctant to escape. "Please look away." She mentally pleaded, hoping Scott would be the one to do just that. He didn't. Instead, he smiled, making everything worse. Her palms suddenly became all sweaty while her heart beat like crazy and her composure had probably been lost too. "His highness seems taken with your pretty dress." Amanda's amused whisper jolted Madeline out of her daze and right in time too as she found Queen Teri looking up at her. "So what do you say?" "I'm sorry, what was that?" Madeline bit her lips knowing she had missed whatever had been spoken the entire time she zoned out and got lost in Scott's gaze. "I was just telling Jill that you are the best person to show her around the castle." "I am?" What Madeline really wanted to say was 'no'. Without even knowing her, her hate for Jill as a person and Scott's girlfriend had already seeped way into her bones and she wanted nothing to do with her. But the Queen's eyes held so much excitement Madeline couldn't bring herself to turn her down. "Oh yeah that, s...sure." "Great!" The queen beamed. "You should tag along too Scott, so much has changed since you've been gone. It will be just like old times when you and Madeline did your little adventures that led you to discover parts of the castle you hadn't seen." "Sure mom." Scott's less than enthusiastic reply stung. Not that Madeline herself had been thrilled about playing tour guide for the happy couple, but Madeline hoped Scott would at least be happy to have her around. She hoped he would jump at doing one of what used to be their favorite things back then. "May I do that when I'm actually free? You see I've got a number of rehearsals after classes and my book club will be having elections soon so…" Madeline let the statement hang while she lied through her teeth. She had all the time needed for the tour even with her busy schedule, she just did not want to waste it on Jill, at least not yet. "Of course my dear. There is no rush. Jill has a whole two weeks here, so I'm sure you kids can work it out." "Two weeks?" Madeline groaned inwardly. Those were definitely going to be her worst two weeks ever. "You don't even know the girl." Her mind retorted. "I know enough to know she'll be a total pain." "Of course, your majesty." Madeline faked a smile. "And talking about rehearsals, did you get it? Your mom mentioned that you were trying out for the female lead this time." "She did?" Madeline whipped her head towards her mother, surprised. "You guys talked about me?" She whispered. "It was nothing. Do not keep her waiting for an answer." Katherine's stern look reminded Madeline not to get carried away in front of everyone. "I did." Madeline nodded proudly, feeling better at having a change in topic to something that she could actually talk about the whole day. "You are now looking at the new Cinderella." "That's wonderful my dear." Queen Teri smiled, though it didn't quite reach the eyes. "Cinderella? Isn't that lame for high school? I mean, it sounds so kindergarten-ish." Jill mocked. "Not when it's told by Madeline and definitely not when it's told in a more modern setting." Scott's comment caught Madeline off guard. She had been gearing up to slap Jill with a perfect comeback when he spoke. "You still remember my acting?" "How can I not? You made me watch it so many times I actually had nightmares." "You never said anything about nightmares." Madeline surprisingly felt crushed by that comment. It didn't matter that she was only ten then or that she had probably gotten so much better over the years. "Just kidding. You were perfect each time, I wished those shows never ended." Scott had this look when he said that and Madeline couldn't help but smile. At that moment it was just the two of them in her room all those years ago when she used to dress up as any character she wanted and act for Scott. "How did you know about changing the setting though?" "You always weren't one to stick to the rules, so I figured you wouldn't stick to the whole traditional way the story is told either." "You are right about that." Madeline grinned...from ear to ear, happy to hear Scott say that about her. She couldn't decide on what made her happy the most, though. Scott's perfect memories of her or the fact that he just defended her in front of Jill or maybe it was the subtle way he ate her up each moment those eyes landed on her. "Well drama club is so overrated anyway." Madeline tore her gaze from Scott and turned to Jill. The bitter tone in the perfect girl's voice made Madeline realize that she had been right. The little miss perfect wasn't perfect after all. And that little detail as simple as it was, and for whatever reason, brought a smile to Madeline's face. Choosing not to waste any more second on Jill, she looked away and scanned the dinner table. It was almost over and she and Scott would be free. The thought alone sent her heart on a wild gallop. Finally, she was going to be with him, just like old times.
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