Chapter 2

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Life didn't start out the best for me. At the tender age of four, I was living in a war country, a refugee who lived off of celebrity donation whenever they remembered us. I'd lost both of my parents and I was so thin you could see every single one of my ribs and I couldn't even stand. Until the fateful day that Regina England and Timothy England saw me and rescued me, taking me back to the United States where I was raised amongst the wealthiest of America’s most elite. Regina and Timothy are a power couple, both of them came from wealthy black families and both of them happened to be surgeons. Regina is a trauma surgeon and Timothy is the top plastic surgeon in the country. They are multimillionaires and their wealth put together made their net worth an earth shattering $100 million. They lived a lavish life in a 70 bedroom mansion where they constantly adopted children from poverty and war stricken countries. I was the 19th child they adopted, and in total they've adopted 48 children and it's still counting because they adopt a child every single year. I am eternally grateful to my mum and dad. They're the reason that I live the kind of life that I do and I especially thank them for accepting me no matter what I threw their way. The bond that I share with my parents is unlike anything I’ve ever felt before and it’s because they accept me and support me in any thing that I wish to do.  For instance when I was fifteen years old and converted to Islam, they held my hand throughout the whole process and supported every decision that I made.  They went as far as getting me an Imam (teacher) to help me better understand the religion, taking me to the mosque so that I could meet other Muslims and celebrating Eid with me as a family.  That's just the kind of people that Regina and Timothy are. They treated every single one of their children like they were the favourite and let each of us make our own decisions. If you wanted to explore your sexuality, go for it. If you wanted to explore religions, go for it. Whatever you felt you needed to do in order to be satisfied and happy, go for it. The one thing they wouldn't compromise on was career choices and universities. Regina and Timothy gave us only four career options and we had to pick. You’re either became a doctor, an actuary, an engineer or an architect. They just wouldn't let us do anything with careers, and to be honest, they flex really hard when they introduce all of us to all of their clients and high profile friends. Every field in medicine, one of their children is in them. There's a mechanical engineer, software engineer, actuaries and architects. I followed in Regina's footsteps and became a trauma surgeon. The 15 years was long and gruesome but I can't be any happier that I am a trauma surgeon. I live a beautiful lifestyle in the city of New York City.  I live in a $10 million penthouse that I received as a graduation gift from my parents and I drive two luxury cars. A Rolls Royce Cullinan, which I use as my everyday work car, and a Rolls Royce Phantom. I've always been a luxury car kind of girl and unlike my brothers who liked fast cars I liked myself something classic, expensive and luxurious. I can't complain because life's good and I'm happy. Work keeps me extremely busy, but so are my other siblings and we all barely meet up with each other because of our busy lives, which was why I was so eager to speak to my brother, Leonardo, who's working in Russia for some rich family. I think their name is the Watterson's, I'm not all too sure. "Leonardo!" I squealed in delight when I saw his face appear on my screen and I waved enthusiastically at him. He laughed, waving his hand back at me, just as excited, "Sabrina!" he said with the same energy and we both laughed, enjoying seeing each other after so long. We're both so busy, and we're miles and miles apart. Leonardo is my older brother and I've always been attached to him. He and I are the same person, just in two different bodies and genders. We like the same things and when we were growing up, we did everything together. He's someone I confide in whenever anything happens in my life. He was the first person who knew about me wanting to become a Muslim and he was the one there for me during those long nights and difficult studying- giving me that motivation and keeping me up as we pushed to get this degree. He's my everything. "I miss you," I complained, whining and he made a sad face. "I mwiss yew too," he said in some weird baby voice, and we laughed. "How's New York?" he asked me and I groaned. "It's a lot of fun but I don't get to explore much of it. Even though it's holiday season, I'm still busy. But I have to clear up my schedule so that I can go see mum and dad for the Christmas dinner, all the way till New Years. How about you? How's Russia?" I don't mean to sound bitter or jealous, or anything like that, because God knows I'm not. I want my brother to have the best of everything. But honestly speaking my brother's just a general surgeon yet somehow he lives a much larger life than mine. He owns three expensive bachelor pads, two in Russia and one in Los Angeles, close to mum and dad. He has private jets and a security team. I asked him how and why, and all he said was the family that he was working for, paid him very well. And I've never thought to ask more than that. "Listen it's the 15th and you're going to probably make your way to mum and dad on the 24th. Why don't you come visit me for a few days?" he asked me, "then we can leave together on the 24th," he suggested and I nodded. "Ok that sounds like a good idea. Then I can come see your house and your cars, because I can't deal with the amazing life you live." He smiled, "so let me send my private jet through on the 20th, and you can come here and we can hang out and I can show you Russia. Will you be free then?" he asked me and I nodded. Blowing him a kiss, "I shall be free," I said dramatically, "I'll see you on the 20th, let me rest for a bit because I'll probably get a phone call for an emergency any second now," I sighed, rubbing my eyes because I was exhausted and these emergency calls were no joke. "Alright, I have to go as well," he watched me silently for a little while, "take care of yourself, Sabrina," he said softly, "I love you." I smiled, "love you too, big bro." ~~~
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