The Beginning of the End

1858 Words
She did not look back as she ran, refusing to look back and holding onto her frayed bag as tight as she could, her silk lace hose was torn and stained with her blood as she escaped, hearing the dreaded dogs barking. She had a head start but they were fast. Her lungs burned with each crackling breath as she ducked through the buildings, slipping through filthy alleyways and stepping over squeaking rats as she avoided the piles of rotted food and human excrements. Hoping that the strong stench of the sewage water covers her scent enough that she can escape through the forest trying so desperately to ignore the horrifying barking that makes her stomach drop. She will not be captured again - even if she must die - she will not be caught and go back to Mother. Madeline rounded a corner, ignoring the scraping of her toes on the bricked pavement, pushing past an offended man before she quickly headed towards the outskirts of the town, the beautifully lit lamps becoming less frequent as she weaved through buildings and alleyways. She suddenly heard a shrill scream twirling with the dreadful sound of the barking, hungry dogs. “Find her, Philip!” Madeline nearly froze at the booming voice which has been terrorizing her for years. The woman behind that voice was as close to a demon as one could get and if she caught up to Madeline, she would torture her and refuse the mercy of death. She fought the painful burning in her legs as she pushed herself harder, climbing over bricked walls and knocking over metal trash cans, almost grateful that bystanders were just watching her with disgust rather than trying to stop her. She could see the city’s wall. She sobbed as she took a minute behind a poorly constructed factory, letting herself lean against the brittle wall. Her dark brown hair was soaking in the mold and mud from last nights’ rain. Her chest heaved with every heavy, desperate breath as she looked just beyond a small park in front of her and there was her way out. The clear night sky illuminated the park well, which gave Madeline the perfect view of the park and the wall on the other side. The park wasn’t that big, maybe the width of one of the mansions Mother owns, perhaps just a few minutes - five at most, hopefully - run from one end to the other. Beyond that… Beyond that was her freedom. It was just within her grasp, just one more push. It was like spotting an oasis in the middle of a desert. But she was running out of time. She kept her eyes forward as she took a wobbly step towards the lush green field, the promise of complete control and freedom just within her reach. Her legs burned. She didn’t know how much longer she could go on for. Her dirty skin itched, her muscles were screaming and her breathing was labored and difficult. She kept going in spite of it all. In spite of her dreadful childhood, in spite of her captures and more in spite of Mother; the greatest monster in her life. Madeline would much rather deal with Witch Hunter’s than spend another minute near Mother. Once her bloodied feet touched the dewy grass, her breath hitched as the small slices and cuts on her feet burned as if the grass were made of lemon and salt. She leaned against a broad tree, taking in another deep breath, keeping her eyes on the wall ahead of her. She blinked away tears and swallowed down the lump in her throat. She wasn’t safe yet. She couldn’t cry yet. Pushing herself forward she stumbled through the grassy field, ignoring the pain in her aching limbs as she moved with urgency. Her bruised limbs were begging for mercy as she pushed herself further and further, watching the wall creep closer and closer. An almost euphoric explosion warmed her chest as she pictured her freedom after years of abuse. She wanted to be with the forest again, to hear the sound of rustling leaves and feel the energy from the Earth run through her soul - the hope was almost overwhelming. In an instant, shaking Madeline out of her thoughts, rabid and vicious barking made her blood run cold. She whipped her head around to see a familiar, terrifying face. There he was and not far behind him…was her. Philip held the four vicious foxhounds on chains with his scrawny arms and his pitying eyes met hers. Madeline didn’t stay. Madeline whipped her head back around and she bolted as fast as she could, pushing her body further and further. She had a good head start, they were far from the parks’ field, she had the advantage but those dogs were fast. She couldn’t give them a chance to catch her. She heard the dogs howling and barking as she heard Mother’s shrill voice. “Release the dogs, you fool!” Now it was truly life or death, Madeline had to make it over the wall or the dogs would catch her. If they caught her, Mother would drag her back to the hell she just crawled out of and throw her in the Red Room. Madeline gripped the bag to her chest as she sliced her bare feet running towards her only chance, her only hope, at freedom. She wrapped the straps of her beg around her neck and shoulders as she sprinted. The barking and snarls were creeping closer but she hoped her head start was just enough to be out of reach. Her chest burned. Her stomach was cramped. Her body was begging for mercy. But she couldn’t stop. The wall was getting closer and closer. She was right there! She leaped forward, gripping the uneven rough bricks as much as her lanky fingers would let her. She moved, using her bloodied feet and hands to climb up the wall, leaving marks all over the old stones. All at once, she felt the nipping teeth at her ankles and the hot breath of their snarls and when she looked down she saw the dogs right beneath her. They were jumping and barking, getting close to sinking their teeth in her boney feet. As quickly as she could Madeline painfully hoisted herself higher as she heard a shrill, ear piercing scream rushing towards her. “Philip, do something! Don’t let her escape!” She pushed on her frail feet as she reached up and finally grabbed the top of the stone wall, letting out a breathless laugh as she gripped it tight. Her heart was bashing against her ribcage as she pulled herself up. Before she knew it she was at the top, her body laying on the very top as she looked towards her abuser running towards her, pure rage wrinkling her face. Madeline took one last glance towards Mother before she flung herself over the wall to the other side. She landed on her side with a heavy thud, the air pushed violently out of her lungs. “f**k,” she wheezed as she rolled onto her stomach. She leaned her head against the soft grass beneath her, still hearing shrieking and barking from the other side of the wall. Whether the shrieking barking came from the dogs or Mother was yet to be determined, not that Madeline was going to stay to find out. She crawled a few feet ahead before she forced her body up, ignoring the pain in her ribs as she stumbled towards the woods. Relief and exhaustion washed over her as she inched closer and closer. Finally, she reached the edge of the forest. With a deep, shaking breath, she stepped inside, and was immediately struck by the beauty and serenity that surrounded her. The trees towered above her, the moonlight barely filtering through the leaves that were rustling in the gentle breeze. The ground was soft and damp, and she could hear the chirping of crickets and the hooting of owls. She closed her eyes and breathed in the fresh, earthy scent of the forest, feeling more alive than she ever had before. Madeline limped deeper into the forest, her eyes adjusting to the dark as her bruised and bloodied feet carried her further and further away from her old life. Away from the beatings, the screaming and the utter fear. She stumbled upon a small stream, the gentle sound of the water trickling down the slope. The clear, inviting water which sparkled in the moonlight allowed her to see the pebbles and marine life inside. Putting her bag on the ground, she carefully pushed herself closer to the stream to sit on the edge where she placed her aching feet in the water, trying to summon any magic she had left in her. She closed her eyes and searched within her and felt just enough to heal her major wounds. Being inside the forest where the energy of life feeds into her soul allows her magic to replenish itself. She could feel a light, cooling energy swirling through her bloodstream. It had been so long since she used her magic it almost felt too good to be true. She could feel her body finally relaxing as her heartbeat began to slow. As her whole body relaxed, she began to sob. Allowing herself to release all she had been holding in for the last few years. Her body shook with each sob and hiccup, her cries growing loudly by the second. She wasn’t sure how long she sat by the stream, crying out the pain in her heart and body but when it finally subsided she noticed that the sun was beginning to rise, soft pale orange rays of light began illuminating through the trees. She didn’t realize that she had been awake all day and night. She chuckled to herself for a moment before she decided she needed to find a place to rest. She knew Mother wouldn’t come searching for her in the forest, it was too thick for the dogs to properly sniff for her scent. She knew she was safe here. As the sun began to rise, Madeline picked up her bag and began gingerly walking through the forest and soon she found a beautiful clearing, lush grass littered with colorful flowers. Peaceful. She found a large willow tree at the base of the clearing she knew would be perfect to rest. Once she had made her way there and laid down by the roots, she sighed. Exhaustion finally taking over. Madeline knew that after her rest, she would have to keep moving. Even though she knew she was safe here, she couldn’t risk staying in one place for too long. She would have to find a place to live and truly start living her life. She watched as the first rays of sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow over everything. She closed her eyes and basked in the feeling of being truly free for the first time in her life.
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