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Life has been anything but fair, I took a step into the center ring granted it was no boxing ring, but a caged surrounding a pit stained with blood. bright lights blocked the view of the crowed, All I could see was my opponent, she was frail and newly shifted barely 16. We were a like, her and I. This was also my first fight, I was so nervous and so was she… we did not want this, we did not want to fight but we knew what would happen if we did not, they made sure to show us what happened to those who did not obey their masters’ orders.  A Loud ring sounded, and we knew it was time to start, although I could not see our crowed, I sure heard them screaming for blood, waiting to see us tear each other apart. She swung first contacting my arm. I steadied myself bracing for the pain that came with it. Holding back was also a big no-no, she came at me with a fury I was barely able to dodge as I tried to counter her but failed. I had been in training for the past two years yet all of it seemed to escape my thought as I finally stood where so many have died before. She landed a fist right into my jaw and I stumbled back spitting up blood. My wolf growled and my eyes shifted to a dark red as did the female in front of me. Pain ripped through me as I shifted into my beast, shifting was not supposed to be painful but when you had silver cuffs around your ankles it makes everything a lot worse. My greyish black wolf lunge at the other girl as she was mid-shift. I wasted no time tearing into the girl. I got one solid bite in before she shifted fully throwing me off her. In a matter of minutes, she was on top of me clawing my sides and biting down on my neck. Here it comes, who knew I would die on my first fight. I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable only it never came. The other wolf slowly back off me at the sound of another bell. Was this mercy or did they just not feel like losing another fighter. I was weak barely able to move when the man who had bought me ripped opened the door and made his way to me “You cost me a lot of money tonight girl!”. “I Was promised you were going to be strong, and this is what I’m stuck with!?” His foot found his way to my gut and my wolf let out a whimper. “After tonight I won’t have to deal with you anymore” he said storming out of the ring, my worst fears had been realized I was being sold to the pleasure slavers. I shifted back laying there on my side remember a childhood I never thought I would miss it…but right now I do. -16 years ago, Lisa’s POV- “Mmm that was amazing you should just mark me now and make it official” I said cuddling into Troy our pack’s new beta. We were both unmated and had been seeing each other for some time now and he was everything I wanted in a mate, strong and rich. I watched as Troy got out of bed and started putting on his pants. “Lisa, I’ve told you this before I want my real mate not a substitute, I thought you understood that” he picked up his shirt and continued. “This has been fun and all, but I think it should end here, when I picture my mate” he paused “she isn’t you” with those finally words he left my bedroom. Anger boiled inside me how can he say that a week ago he told me he loved me and now I am not worthy to be his mate. I screamed out of anger, well whatever mate he finds ill ruin their relationship every chance I get. A month went by, and a visiting pack was arriving to celebrate the joining off our beta and the alpha’s daughter from their pack. I had just found out I was pregnant and could not wait to share the news with our dear beta. a devilish grin was displayed on my face as I walked over to the large group and grabbed onto Troy’s arm. “I’m so glad you are all hear, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but me and Troy are deeply in love, “shock gasps were heard across the room and Troy jerked his arm away from me. I growled and looked at him. “Lisa what are you doing?” he was angry along with his mate. “Oh, honey don’t act that way you’ll upset the baby” I placed my hands on my stomach and smiled wickedly. Troy paled “How do I know it’s mine when you w***e yourself around to every pack member.” I looked at him anger displayed on my face I was about to speak up when the most intoxicating scent filled my nose. -mate- my wolf screamed as I snapped my head around and saw the beta of the visiting pack approaching. “Is it true are you pregnant with another man’s child “he said approaching me. I felt a dark aura coming off him. “Well... I-I-I I mean yes but now it doesn’t matter” I was a mix of emotions. ‘DOESN’T MATTER!!!” his fist balled up as he looked at Troy and his mate. “When I prayed for a mate, this is not what I had in mind” he said turning towards our beta. “What’s her name?” his voice had calmed yet an eerie feeling swept over me. “Lisa Handley” Troy said as he now smirked at me. Oh no not this “Please I beg of you don’t” I fell to my knees grabbing ahold of the beta’s pants tears forming in my eyes. “I Keith Walsh beta of the new moon pack reject you Lisa Handley as my mate” his tone was strict and harsh and, in an instant, I felt part of me die. Tears blinded my vision and the only logical thing I could think to do was run, and so I did. -6 years later- I slam the front door to my one-bedroom shitty ass apartment and plop on the couch. “Mommy! I made you something” I watched as my daughter held out a necklace of macaroni and string. “You little brat!” I slapped her hard across the face making her drop the necklace. “Don’t turn our food into arts and craft projects! Consider yourself grounded from food for the next few days!” anger swelled in me every time I looked at my daughter, she was the reason I was in this f*****g mess, and it didn’t help she looked so much like her father, and nothing like me. She sobbed on the floor as a knock sounded at my door, instantly I perked up and grabbed ahold of Alyssa’s arm jerking her up. “Listen to me and listen good, mommy’s friend is here, and you will not make a peep, ok?” I got a nod as her sobs feel silent. “good” I dropped her on the couch and answered the door. “Why hello my dear” I leaned in and kissed the man in front of me. “Come in, don’t mind the mess “I invited him in, and he eyed my daughter. “I’ve come to make a proposition “he said smiling pulling a lollipop out of his pocket. Was walked over and handed it to Alyssa and she smiled. I rolled my eyes. “Yes?” I walked over plopping on his lap. “Come live with me in my penthouse, you can even bring your daughter. I will be needing your help more often “I smiled accepting his offer. “With pleasure “ --8 years later Alyssa’s pov- We have been living with steven now most of my life, I do not remember how long him, and my mom have been together, but I knew my life had gotten much worse since we moved in, he keeps my mom hyped up on cocaine using her wolf abilities to shake down his competition. He does not really love her; he is just using her. not that she minds if she gets to live lavishly, that is all she cares about. I spend most of my days locked in my room, I only go out when I know they aren’t home, every time I see my mom, she verbally attacks me calling me a bastard child and says how  nobody would ever love me, but steven is worse he likes to physically abuse me, I have 10 cigarette burn on my arm from him, unlike mom I don’t have my wolf to help heal me. I am just a punching bag to them and when I am old enough to shift steven has planned for me to do what my mom does, beat up humans until they give him what he wants. I want to leave but I have no form of id or even a birth certificate, they won’t even allow me to enroll in school. It will be kind of hard for a 14-year-old to live on her own, my mother told me no pack would ever except me and we are forever outcastes. I do not know how true it is, but she said pack life is the worse and if I thought I suffered now just wait until I was in a pack. I have no other family but her… so I am stuck. I was laying on my bed when the door busted open and steven walked in. “w-what’s going on?” my voice was quiet. “Please steven there has to be another way, I may not entirely like her but she’s still my daughter.” My mom pleaded. My heart was pounding as I backed against the wall. “Alyssa sweetie you need to come with me” “please steven “tears were forming in my mothers’ eyes and steven was becoming impatient.” I’m not asking I’m telling!” he grabbed ahold of my arm and yanked me to him while knocking my mother to the side. “Lisa, I think its best you stay home tonight” those were the final words he said as he dragged me from my room. My mother laid there on the floor crying; this was the first time I saw any emotion other than anger when she looked at me. “Mom…” the door shut behind me as we made our way out of his penthouse to an elevator. “Now be on your best behavior and I won’t have to punish you”. Steven was never this nice to me…ever. We excited the elevator to a parking garage where we were met by a limo with all blacked out windows. A door opened and stevens went inside dragging me along. The scent of wolf shifters hit my nose and I looked at the man sitting across from us, he had a very intimidating built and his beard was turning grey while his hair remained a dark brown. “So, I’m here “he said eyeing me. “Thad, I know I owe you a lot of money, but I need time” a laugh so menacing boomed from the man he called Thad. “I don’t have time for IOU’s pay up or you won’t make it to dawn.” He said grabbing a cigar. Steven pushed me forward” please accept this girl as good faith” I looked back at steven mortified. “Hmmm why should I take this frail girl, yes she’s shifter but she would barely make it in the ring.” “She will be strong her father was a beta” steven said motioning to me. Thad rubbed his jaw eyeing me, fine I’ll take the girl, but you have one month to pay me back then I’ll send my boys will find you and your wolf slut.” Steven nodded thanking the man an exited the limo as it began to drive away. “Listen girl, if you don’t behave and do what your told ill sell you to someone worse than me, and if he lied and you’re not a beta’s daughter or a strong fighter you will suffer along with your lying w***e of a mother“ before I could speak I was met with a boot to the face and darkness overtook me.
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