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"Please sign here, Miss Harrington." The woman's black eyes that were puffy from crying focused on the marriage document which had been signed by a third party, and the groom who was sitting straight and expressionless beside her. On the white paper with black ink is written: Marriage Certificate Clark Country, NEVADA Seeing her full name written there brought out her dream of carrying out her wedding. Sofia Harrington had always dreamed of her wedding taking place in a church or a green field with white ribbons and roses falling with every little step she took to the altar. But who would have thought that she just did a marriage registration without a big celebration, without her parents witnessing her happy day. There were only her two friends as witnesses to her marriage. Friend? Sofia laughed bitterly. Can the man who accompanies her every night, hugs her warmly after making love, can be called a friend? Who wipes her tears when she is sad. The man she had been in love with for five years. "Miss Harrington?" The clerk's hoarse voice asked to wake Sofia up. Sofia blinked, hoping the name next to her wasn't Arsenio Grace but Dominic Miller. But no matter how much she blinked, the name written remained the same. This is a reality that must be accepted. She married her childhood friend. Ironically, he just returned after living two years in Indonesia, Arsenio began to take one by one her dreams was just one step away from achieving. And now Arsenio snatched herself too. "Miss Harrington? Are you all right?" The clerk's voice was heard again, this time in a tone of concern. Sofia closed her eyes, then answered with a small nod of resignation letting out an act that she was fine. "Okay, please sign so we can move on to the next step." Sofia opened her heavy eyes, glanced at the long black pen lying straight beside her marriage certificate. Her shaking hand reached out to take it, she changed her stiff sitting position slightly bent down so that she could do a pretty perfect signature in the eyes of the clerk, "Done," she said with a small forced smile on her pink lip gloss lips. "Thank you, with this everything is done." Neither a cheer nor a cry of joy escaped Sofia's or Arsenio's lips, they both stood up from their chairs and hugged each other without any enthusiasm at all. Cold hug. Sofia could only take a deep breath in Arsenio's chest. *** Once out of the building, Sofia separated herself from Arsenio, releasing their grip on their hands which had not felt as warm as they used to with Dominic. "You go home first," Arsenio said dryly, "I want to spend my freedom which only lasts tonight." Sofia had no intention of stopping anyway she didn't care about Arsenio's business, and already knew his bad habit of how to release his frustration, but she gave a small warning, "I hope you're not late, we have a plane to catch tomorrow." "What for? Gathering with our families?" Arsenio protested lightly, "You knew from the start this was a mistake. I'd better go straight to work." "Work," Sofia muttered bitterly, remembering her dream which had been shattered two days ago with the election of Arsenio as CEO, "You must be screaming with jow to be able to work without trying hard. Huh?" she couldn't hold back her sarcasm, her condition of heart and mind was really unstable right now. "Stop complaining," Arsenio replied coldly, "you don't know my hard work, it's better to be quiet. I thought you were smart? If you intend to protest, tell the 'Board Of Directors' at the meeting later." He explained which was then followed by a mocking laugh, "ah ... you're not an employee in our company. How could I forget? I suggest asking Arlyne, Dominic's real girlfriend." he continued, pressing the word 'real girlfriend' to awaken the woman who had only been his 'legal' wife for an hour. Sofia let out a sharp look of sarcasm from Arsenio's lips, especially when he offended a real girlfriend. Her anger peaked, and the words that came out of her lips were a harsh snarl, "You think you're perfect? ​​Huh!? You like sleeping with different women." "Honey, before I do that, I make sure my partners know I have no intentions of going any further. Don't blame me if they come back into my arms," ​​Arsenio replied no less hotly, but his deep voice was calmly intimidating, "at least I didn't make a woman who I admit to being a 'soul mate' as a mistress." Sofia gasped. Her brain couldn't think, couldn't defend her self-worth being dropped because what Arsenio say was true she is a mistress, "You don't understand ..." she fought back weakly, "our relationship was complicated from the start." "Can see that," Arsenio replied coldly, "I didn't mean to offend. We're done here. I want to have fun, not argue." He shook his head in disbelief. Sofia didn't answer, just stared glumly at the rain-drenched pavement. "You can come if you want," Arsenio suggested. Sofia did not warmly welcome Arsenio's invitation. Having fun with him was the last option she chose at this point. She refused firmly by shaking her head vigorously. "Too bad, even though it's on me," said Arsenio. "You're going to pay!?" Sofia was surprised to get a rare offer from Arsenio who is famous for being stingy even to her who is his best friend since childhood, "It's fixed, the world turns crazy if an Arsenio Grace is generous." "Hey, I'm here, you know," said Arsenio, "I want to because you were recently appointed Manager at my Mama's restaurant," he continued, "and your face is so pitiful right now." Sofia's mixed feelings that had been mixed up for a while, getting better when she heard Arsenio's explanation, crumbled again after he explained how her facial expression was now, "I'm like this because of who too. Huh?" she asked with annoyance. Arsenio leaned his chin in thought with his warm brown eyes looking deep into Sofia's face. Sofia looked a little embarrassed at that, "What are you thinking about?" "Hm ..." Arsenio muttered, "let me give a brief summary. You suffered because you were caught stalking Arlyne and Dominic, and unknowingly you dragged me, this innocent and handsome man who only intended to attend my friend's wedding as your fiancé without my permission. Getting carried away, we got married so soon, and look at us now." Sofia's cheeks were flushed red, mixed with anger and embarrassment. Arsenio explained what had happened while they were in Las Vegas, "W-why did you agree then!? You're wrong too." Arsenio rolled his eyes, "I have some pride to protect." Sofia could finally hear the reason why Arsenio had agreed to marry her, "Oh~? You have pride? I thought it was gone two years ago."
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