First Life – Regret (1)

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Chapter 4: First Life – Regret (1) *** The albino man was taken into a luxury car where they drove for about thirty minutes before they arrived at their destination. The silence in the car seemed to make the atmosphere even more depressing than it already was. Or maybe that was just the albino man’s perception, he felt as miserable as ever, or even more so since he was being driven to an unknown place by an unknown man with mysterious intentions… “Can you not speak?” Alistar asked as he removed his mask. The insides of the car were rather dark so the man couldn’t really make out the other’s face nor age, he couldn’t gather anything from his voice either… “…….” The albino man simply kept silent, he didn’t even dare look in the other person’s direction at that moment. “Mute huh… or maybe you’re just being rude on purpose… Well I won’t get mad at you for it, it must have been difficult for you to be in such an environment at such an age…” Alistar remarked, he was told the man he bought is 23 years old, and also that he’d come to the auction by his own will. That intrigued Alistar very much, since events like these usually contained more mature people, such in their late twenties and thirties… Children were out of the question however. There has not been a single event that had a person under the age of 18 participate in it. Typically those that participated were either there to pay off a debt that was bigger than they would ever cover by working a normal job, or maybe they simply wanted to live a luxury lifestyle and they joined in to achieve that… or they were simply someone without a clear purpose, wandering about until they find something to do… ‘Difficult huh… what would you know about a difficult life?’ The albino man felt like the other was pitying him needlessly. There was no was a rich snob that has had everything handed to them from the moment they were born to possibly understand the pain of having nothing to eat for three days in a row. Or the pain you’d feel when you can’t buy medicine for the person you love. Or the pain you’d feel after having to work all day just to have enough to buy food that’s several days past its expiration period… Those weren’t things that the nobility would ever encounter in their lives, so how was Alistar claiming to know the other’s struggle? It felt like such a mockery to even suggest such a thing. “I’ll say this now because I hope you won’t irritate me with your silence any longer… Speak to me freely and I’ll give you whatever you ask for.” Alistar’s words might have sounded kind but his tone made it sound like a command more than a request. He clearly wasn’t a patient man to begin with, the only reason he was patient to the other was probably because of his own ulterior motives. “What are you going to use me for?” The Albino man asked as he walked behind the man into his mansion. Instead of being blinded by the pretty lights, expensive furniture and the incredible architecture of the building, the albino man wanted nothing more than to understand what he had to do for the money he was given. “Nothing shameful.” Alistar replied without skipping a beat, there was a smirk on his face as if he was proud he managed to make the other speak up finally. ‘Nothing shameful? As if a man like you would be able to comprehend the concept of shame…’ The albino man bit his tongue and held back what he wanted to say. He simply asked: “What would that entail?” “You’re awfully talkative for someone who was supposedly mute several minutes ago.” Alistar laughed as he stopped walking and turned to the man. “I was simply told to not speak.” The man replied, he didn’t seem to be shaken by the other’s boisterous attitude. “And what changed your mind so quickly?” Alistar asked as he moved closer to the man. “You ordered me to speak freely to you, so I do.” The albino man didn’t seem to have the slightest bit of fear within him as he spoke to the man informally. “You’re good at following orders then…” Alistar remarked. “Better than most people I suppose.” The albino man replied, his voice just as calm as the other man’s. He was yet to receive the answer to his question but he didn’t care to repeat himself so the topic moved on… “This will be your bedroom from now on.” Alistar said as he pointed to the door. “And your name…” He looked at the albino man from top to bottom, paused for a second then continued. “Cecil… that’s your name.” “Understood.” The albino man nodded his head and opened the door to his bedroom. “Do you like the name?” Alistar asked the other male for his opinion. “Am I allowed to dislike it?” Cecil didn’t seem to care about the name he was given, since he didn’t have one to begin with he held no attachment to any particular name. “I can change it for you.” Alistar said as if proudly announcing the type of power he held over the other person. He was a difficult man to read, nobody would be able to tell what was going on behind those darkened eyes of his. “Whatever identity you chose for me, I will accept it. I am but a mere object for you to dispose of whenever you chose to.” The albino man’s words were so self degrading it could make anyone’s blood freeze by hearing it. “Just because you have a different name… doesn’t mean you’re a different person.” Alistar said as he held the door open. “Remember that…” He headed back to his own bedroom, leaving the other male along with his thoughts for what seemed to be the first time in a while…
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