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Kiara's Point of View I landed in Texas at eleven fifteen in the morning. I wasn't sure how to get ahold of Caleb, so I pulled out my phone as I got my bags and noticed I had three text messages.  Unknown number: Hey, it's Caleb. Let me known when you land.  Me: I landed. I am currently grabbing my bags. Delta door three.  Caleb: Cool, be there in five.  Me: See you soon.  I wasn't happy Caleb was picking me up because the last time I saw him, he was a butt munch.  Ava explained what his wife Ashley did, and I felt terrible for him, but he was a real d**k at the wedding seven months ago. Flashback  Today is the day my best friend is gets married to the love of her. It was a rocky road for them, but I know they will have an amazing future together.  As the music started, I walked down the aisle, and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. His name was Caleb wolf, and he was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.  Caleb was in his early twenties, and his body was very muscular. He had light sandy blond hair, a little facial hair, and beautiful baby blue eyes.  As I approached the altar, I looked at Tyler Ava's soon-to-be husband and smiled. I then took my spot and watched as my best friend walked down the aisle.  As Ava and Tyler said their vows, I looked at Caleb. My soul out to him, but he would never be mine.  As I looked at Caleb, he had a fake smile on and looked hurt. He had gotten married about a month before his brother but had just filed for divorce. His wife was being charged for selling drugs to minors, and come to find out, she had a rap sheet.   When Ava and Tyler were pronounced man and wife, we all walked down the aisle after them and went and took photos. Caleb was trying his best to be happy, but I could see his pain. It called to my soul. As the night went on, I kept an eye on him and watched as he drank drink after drink. When Ava and Tyler announced they were expecting, Caleb downed his drink and grabbed another one.  Caleb was sitting at one of the tables alone, so I joined him. He talked about his wife, and I could see the love he still had for her, but then he got angry. He began to scream at me and tell me that I was a lying w***e. He stood up and started to throw things causing several guests to restrain him. He was hurting on the inside and taking that pain out on everyone. His words hurt me, and I never wanted to be near him again, yet here I am, waiting for him to pick me up.  As I walked out of the airport, the hot air hit me, and I wanted to instantly wanted to go back into the air conditioning. It is way hotter here than it is in Michigan, and I needed to adjust to the weather, but this was hot.  I was just about to go inside and wait by the door because it was too hot when I saw the familiar ranch truck coming my way. When Caleb parked next to where I was standing, he quickly got out and ran to where I was and said, "Let me get your bags."  "Thank you." I handed him my bag. While I got in, he put my bag in the back seat and then got in.  "How was your flight?" He said as he put his seatbelt on and began to drive.  "Good. I'm happy I didn't have a layover."  "I hate layovers as well. I'd rather pay the extra price for a flight straight through." "Same."  "How long are you staying with us?"  "Just the summer. School starts back up in august."  "That's cool. What are you majoring in?"  "Nursing. I would like to become an er nurse."  "That's awesome. So what brought you all the way down to Texas? Fail your semester or something?" He asked.  I was shocked that Ava didn't tell him why I came, but she knew I didn't want my dirty laundry blasted all over the place.  "I didn't fail school. I have a 4.0 GPA, but I came to stay because of something, and I don't want to talk about it."  "That's great your able to maintain such an excellent grade point average. I hope whatever sent you here works out."  "Thanks. So what's new with you?" I asked, trying to avoid the topic of why I came here.  "Keeping busy with the ranch."  "I bet there is a lot of work on the ranch."  He looked at me and smiled. "There is. Since Ava is about to have the baby, Tyler is going to take a few days off, so that means more work."  "If you need help, I can try my best."  "Thanks."  "Anytime. I don't plan on sitting on my butt the whole time."  We drove in silence most of the way and occasionally made small talk, but as we got closer to the ranch, I smiled and said, "I missed this place."  "Really?"  "I really did. It's a different world here. You don't have all the stress of the city and all the loud sounds. Here you can relax and enjoy the great outdoors. Your neighbors can't hear what you are saying, and time works differently here."  "True. I'm not too fond of going to the city. It is so noisy I can't sleep. People are always in a rush. No one takes the time to slow down and enjoy life."  "That's why I love it here."  "I'm sure you will enjoy your stay."  "Oh, I will. My best friend is having a baby, and who doesn't love baby cuddles," I said while laughing.  "They should be home soon. Ava had her weekly check this morning."  I rubbed my hands together and said, "That baby needs to come soon."  "Same. I am going to drop you off at the main house, and you can visit with mom."  "Sounds good."  Ten minutes later, we pulled up to the beautiful black and white ranch house. As I got out, Caleb grabbed my bag and handed it to me.  "I would walk you in, but I have some work to do."  "Sounds good. Don't work too hard."  As I walked up to the door, Caleb said, "Oh and Kiara, I am sorry for what happened at the wedding."  I smiled at him and walked into the house. 
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