An Easy Fix

2147 Words
Rosalie The walk over didn't take me long since I was on the nicer side of town. The occasional breeze would wind my hair to the back of my neck and then around my side. I didn't mind the cold as much since I started to learn the whole layering process regarding the switch of seasons. The barely-there tip-tap of my shoes reached the revolving doors to the hotel, and I saw Jeremy on the other side. "Good morning, Sunshine. What brings you here on a Saturday morning?" "Well, why would I be here? I've got a job again!" I smiled and waved. "You are not here to see me, just because?" He patted his chest. "I've hurt Lee, I'm hurt!" I start to giggle at his expense. I pulled out the cookie wrapped in plastic wrap from my computer case and handed it to him. "Here, how about a truce then. Your favorite snickerdoodle from La Petite." I handed it to him with a smile. "Lee, you didn't have to do that. You are too nice for your own good, you know." "A simple thank you would suffice, Jeremy." I waved him off. "Just do unto others," I spoke over my shoulder. I started to tiptoe over to the conference room to not be seen by the weekend manager. She hated me with a fiery passion, and I had no clue why. The night managers and the day managers of the hotel appreciated my services to their clients. They didn't even hesitate to take my cards and put them all over the hotel. It was one less expense they had to deal with about keeping an on-call IT person. Not Cloe though, she was a monster. If she saw me come in the door, she demanded to know what room I was going in, what client, and how long I would be working on their computers. Like I could tell her that anyway, everything depended on what needed to be fixed. As I snuck past the manager's desk and walked down the long corridor to the conference rooms. Keith texted me the conference room number, and I knocked as soon as I rounded the corner. A quick "come in" was spoken, but it didn't sound like Keith. In all his glory, Mr. Jack Storm sat in front of the computer at the head of the long conference room table next to the projector. The scowl on his face still made him look drool worthy. It was serious, mysterious, and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander on his tense jawline. I'm starting to think his furrowed browns were permanently creased since I've never seen his face any other way. His dirty blonde hair was still in a neat bun, and the scruffiness of his beard was still apparent. His jaw was bitten tightly as he continued to click various icons on the screen. As I approached the table, I pulled out the chair and laid my computer case beside me, just across from him. He quickly looked up, and low and behold, he smiled. Damn, his smile looked good. Perfectly straight teeth and the crooked smile were now embedded within my heart. "Good to see you again, Ms. Pierce." He held out his hand to shake mine. The tingles that I felt last night telling him goodbye were there but definitely stronger. My neck tilted to the side, not really knowing what to think or say about it. Does he feel it too? A hum almost left my lips when our hands dropped. "Please call me Rosalie, or Lee, whichever you prefer." "Likewise, Jack, of course." He smiled that million-dollar smile. We looked at each other for what could have been hours, but I'm sure it was just a few seconds. "What seems to be the problem, Jack?" Jack swiveled his computer and slid it across the table. "I can't get it to connect to the projector." He said, frustrated. I looked over his computer, checking for his Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to be connected correctly, only to find the projector couldn't be recognized. I looked at the computer and then glanced at the projector. I couldn't help but start giggling. This was a basic fix, and usually, I get so irritated when people miss such a simple mistake. I found it utterly adorable that the dominant CEO of some big company couldn't realize the problem, though. When he glanced at his phone and sent a text message, I pulled the projector towards me and flipped the "on" button after plugging it in the wall. Once it was switched on, the computer screen was automatically flung up onto the wall screen. I made a small smile and looked over at Jack, who was staring at me with a look of amusement on his face. I quickly hid my smile and pushed his laptop to his side of the table. "What was the problem?" He smirked. "Just a little hardware problem; it's fixed now." I almost snorted. He sighed and looked at the screen on the wall and let out a huff. "I bet I look like a real i***t right now." He put his hand to his eyes and trailed it down his jawline. "Not at all; it happens to everyone, really." I stood up and collected my things. "I am not even going to charge you; I didn't do anything anyway. You would have figured it out in time." I smiled. What was with me? Usually, I would at least charge for the house call. There was something about him, though. I'm sure he gets whatever he wants with his good looks, and stupid me was falling for him, and I didn't even know him from Adam himself. "Nonsense, you came all the way here." He started to pull his wallet out of his back pocket. "No, no, sir. I won't take it. I was just a block away at a cafe. I'm on this side of town a lot." I smiled. "I was just walking out of the cafe when Keith called, so it didn't bother my time at all." I started to head to the doorway when he grabbed my hand. That was fast; he walked all around the table just to catch me? "Then, at least let me take you out to dinner." I looked at him confusingly. Me dinner? He had to be joking; a guy like him doesn't just ask a girl of my caliber out on a date. I gave a little scoff and laughed. "No, really, it's alright." His hand gripped a little tighter and came a little closer. I continued to back up against the wall. Jack was just a foot away from my body, and my heart started to pound in my chest. What is this guy doing to me? Usually, I would push a guy away. "It is just a dinner, Rosalie. Just as a thank you, nothing more." He said huskily. I nodded my head; I mean, how could I not with a hot invitation like that. This is going against everything I have stood for so long. Not getting too involved with people. Amanda and Jeremy were the only ones I've let through, and it hasn't been too terrible. One night with the CEO hottie, and he will be going back to where he came from. It is just dinner and nothing more. I'll do it, it's settled, and I'll do it. "Is that a yes?" he whispered in my ear. This was so wrong, but right now, maybe I do want to be wrong. "Y-yes." I stuttered. Wow, that was real smooth, Lee. "Great, I'll pick you up at 7." He backed off like he wasn't just inches from my body. I'm pretty sure he would have to bend down to even get close to my ear. That was too hot, way too hot. I quickly opened the door and made quick steps through the lobby, only to be caught by the one and only Cloe Bermgardner. Dang, it. "Miss Pierce!" She said in a sing-song voice. "What do you think you are doing?" Cloe demanded and put her hands on her hips. I turned around quickly and tucked a stray hair behind my ear. "I just came from a client; I'm just now leaving." I started strongly. I won't show I'm weak around her. A clipboard came from behind her back and pulled a pen from her ear. Where did that come from, and what is up with the clipboard. "The other managers and I have decided to have a sign-in and sign-out sheet for you from now on. It is for the safety of the facility when outside services are being provided. You know, for the safety of the customers and those who work here." She snobbily added. I quickly raised my eyebrow, walked towards her to sign the stupid clipboard, and gave her the exact time I was in the building today. As I signed my last initial to sign me out, she took it from me and asked, "Who exactly were you helping this morning, Miss Pierce?" Her middle-aged, middle of the forehead wrinkle line was starting to twitch. Meaning she was about to get pissy real soon. "Mr. Storm from-" I was quickly interrupted by the banshee in front of me. "THE Storm!! You are not allowed to be associated with him or any of his colleagues, they are owners of this hotel, and I swear, if you mess anything up, it would be MY HEAD." Cloe whispered screamed into my face. "Then who will take care of their computer needs? You don't have an on-call IT computer specialist?" I spoke. "Forget it, that is fine. I'll let them know next time they try and contact me." This was not the time for me to argue. I don't work for her, and I don't work for this hotel. My sanity didn't need this. Sensing my distress, Jeremy came over and held out his arm to grab my elbow. "Is there a problem, Rosalie?" He glanced over at a fuming Cloe fanning herself with the clipboard. "Oh, just someone on a power trip. I'll be fine." I gave a small smile and started walking to the door. Hoping for an easy escape, my joy was easily broken because Jack Storm made his presence known when he entered the main lobby seeing me a bit flustered with Jeremy trying to console me as I walked out. "Rosalie? I forgot to give you this." He held out his hand that had his business card in it. His eyes started to scan the scene, and he saw an angry Cloe automatically soften her facial features and walk towards Jack. "Sir, you won't need to contact her; we will be sure to provide a better service provider for you." Cloe reached out and touched his arm. Jeremy gave a little chuckle, and I looked in between the 3 of them. Something was going on that I wasn't aware of. "Listen here, Cloe, I don't need anyone else. Rosalie will handle all my computer problems. You just go back behind your desk where you belong." Jack said pointedly with a no-nonsense attitude. Cloe's mouth opened and closed a bit and turned to me, and gave a scowl. She trotted off in her fake Prada shoes and gave me one last glare as she left. My eyes widened as Jack came closer to me and handed me his card. "Here is my number if you need anything. I'll be at your place at 7 to pick you up." Before I had a chance to tell him, I could just meet him at the restaurant, he had already walked off, and Keith joined him from the couch in the main lobby. When did he get there? "Wow, impressive, Lee. You just bagged the most eligible bachelor." Jeremy chuckled as he walked me out. "Don't even think about it, Jeremy. Men like that don't go for girls like me except for trying to get an easy lay, and that won't happen." I said pointedly. Jeremy frowned at that statement. You know he isn't a man that goes on dates, Lee. He's a really great guy. I honestly think you should give him a chance. I looked at him. Jeremy had never steered me wrong before, and here he is defending this handsome man. "How well do you know him, Jeremy? Can I trust him?" Jeremy knew my trust issues with people; he knew I don't just lightly be friends. "With my life. I promise you that." He said with absolute certainty. "Alright, I'll give it a try. It is just a thank you dinner anyway.” As I started to walk away, I could have sworn I heard, "whatever you want to think it is."
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