Chapter one - Orphan kid

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Kylie's POV: Hello, my name is Kylie Jones. I am nineteen years old orphan kid. I wasn't always like that. As a kid, I was happy. I don't have brothers or sisters, but my parents loved me. Now I can't even see them anymore. They died in a car crash three years ago. That's how I ended up in a foster care center. When I came here, two lovely women asked if I had any family members to take care of me. So I didn't need to stay there. The answer is no. I have an uncle who lives in Europe. Maybe he is still in London. That's what he said. No one knows anything about him. I have never seen my mom's grandparents. They died before I was born. My dad's ones are alive. Well, they don't want to see me. The reason is my mom. Granny never liked her since she started dating my dad. I know where they are. Since I am like my mom, they don't want to hear about me. The two women tried to call a couple of times, but they didn't answer. The last time they did it, someone else picked up the phone. It looks like my grandparents have changed their phone numbers. I'm not surprised. I was never welcomed when we went for a visit. There was nothing wrong with my mom. She got never accepted by my dad's parents. Probably that's why I was so close to her. Both of us felt isolated. At least my dad didn't care about that. He was close to both of us. Sometimes I felt bad for my mom. I couldn't do anything. Once, I tried to talk with my granny. That was a failure. She didn't even want to listen to me. I don't know why she has to be like that. Well, it's too late for a change. I don't want to see this woman anymore. She is the one who has to take care of me, but as I see it, she will never do it. I have good family support. I hope people will treat me well if I get adopted one day. For the past month, I have been living with one family. I am a good girl, but when people want to adopt me, I become the bad one. Let's say that I feel good in the foster care center. I mean, people take care of me. Brenda and Angela treat me well. That's why I don't want to move. They were the only ones who wanted me to feel good and appreciated. The family with who I am now is weird. They won't let me do anything. All I have to do is stay in my room. I might have broken a couple of glasses, but that is nothing. They have the money to buy new ones. I woke up and went to get ready. It's a bit cold today. I might put on a sweater. Also, I have to go to school. Each family puts me in a different school. That's why I don't have friends. Well, I talk with some girls from the foster care center. When I was ready, I went to the kitchen for food. I opened the fridge to take an orange juice. I looked around and drank straight from the bottle. Who needs a glass? That way is better. - What are you doing here? - miss Thompson asked - I want juice. - You can't open the fridge. You will eat and drink what I serve you. - All I wanted was a glass of orange juice. - Sit at the table. I will give you something. I did what she said. Soon her husband came and sat down as well. After five minutes, she brought peanut butter sandwiches and a brown drink. That is not Coke, for sure. It doesn't look like coffee, either. - What is this? - It's a Coke. - she said, and I drank a bit - It doesn't look like one. That tastes weird. - That is what you get. Drink it or be thirsty. - Can I at least eat something else? - Do you ever stop complaining? What is wrong with the food now? - Nothing, but I am allergic to peanuts. I can't eat anything that contains them. Otherwise, I get pimples on my face, and my breathing becomes difficult. - Eat it or stay hungry. I don't care. - I can't eat that! - I don't care! If you don't eat, go to school. - Will you give me money? I want to buy lunch. - What am I? A bank? Go now. - But I am hungry. - There is food on the table. - I CAN'T EAT IT! - THE PROBLEM IS NOT MINE! - I am moving out of here. - You don't need to do it. I was about drive you back to the foster care center after school. You are a terrible kid. I'm glad your parents are dead, so they don't have to deal with you. - What did you say? - No school for you today. Pack your things. I want you out of my house. - With pleasure. I walked into my temporary room and took everything I had brought here. It's not much. The most important thing for me is a pair of Beats headphones. My parents gave them to me for my fifteenth birthday. I never go anywhere without them. When I was ready, I walked downstairs. Miss Thompson was waiting for me. I sat in the backseat, and she drove me to the foster care center. She is the fifth person who doesn't want to take me. If people think I will make their lives easy, they are wrong. I won't do it. Soon we arrived and quickly ran away. - Kylie, what are you doing here? You were supposed to be with miss and mister Thompson. - Brenda said - They don't want me anymore. I will go to my room now. I went to leave my things. Here we share rooms. I am with two other girls. Nicole and Annie. At least they are nice to me. We talk a lot. Nicole's parents went broke and had to leave her there. They can't take care of her anymore. Annie's parents got caught for d**g shipping and went to jail. At least their parents are alive. I can't say the same about mine. I was talking with them when Angela and Brenda came into the room. I smell trouble. - Kylie, can we talk for a moment? - Angela asked - Yes. Start talking. - Privately. - Why? I don't hide anything from my friends. - Please. - Ok, ok. I'm coming. Girls, I will tell you everything later. - No problem. - Nicole said I walked with Angela and Brenda to one room. It won't be the first time being here. Usually, I come here when I have done not-so-nice things. As I said, I am a good girl, but not when it comes to people who want to adopt me. - Kylie, we talked with miss and mister Thompson. They have told us their version of the story. Now we want to hear yours. What and why did you do it? - Brenda asked - I didn't do anything. - Kylie, please. We are here to help you, ok? You can trust us. - Angela said - If you say so. - Ok, good. Now tell us what happened. - Fine. I will talk. I told them everything that happened during the last month. Most people can't handle me for two weeks. Honestly, I don't know what is worse. I mean, people who want to make a profit from you. Also, people who don't care about you. Maybe both. I have never met a family who wants to adopt a kid because they love it. All of them treat me the same way. - Kylie, we understand why you are doing it, but you can't keep treating people like that. - Angela said - Why? They treat me the same way. No one wants me. - That's not true. - It is. There is not s single family wanting to have kids because they love them. If you adopt one, people look at you as if you have done something good. That's what they want from me. No one loves me. - Kylie, we love you. That's why we want you to find a family. You know you can't stay here forever. When you become twenty-one years old, you should move out. We don't want it, but that is our policy. - Then why don't you adopt me? - Because I can't. I would love to do it, but I can't. - No, you don't want it. - Kylie, that is not true. - It is. You two are like everyone else. No one cares about me. - We know it's hard for you to move on. I think you should do it. You can't be stuck in the past. - Brenda said - It looks like no one wants me here. - I said and left - Kylie! - Forget it! I went to take my headphones and went to the backyard. I sat under a tree and played some music. That is the only thing that calms me down. Well, it's not working today. The tears were ready to fall. I'm trying to be strong, but I can't. Sometimes all I want is to disappear. No one will miss me. I'm not important to anyone. Maybe it would've been better if I had been in this car crash. My parents deserved to live more. They didn't do anything wrong. Why they had to be taken away from me? Mom was the best person I know, and my dad was a superhero. Whenever I was upset, he came into my room with a box of chocolate ice cream. I wish I had one now. It will make me feel better. That's when one appeared in front of me. I looked up to see Angela. - I know this will make you feel better. - Thanks, but I don't need it. - Kylie, you don't have to be so stubborn. - Mom was the same. That's why she and my dad had a perfect relationship. - You will have that too. I promise you. - I don't want it. - Why? Don't you want to build a happy family? - That doesn't exist. It's only in the books. - I won't be so sure. I know you are upset, but you can't push people away. What if one day comes a family who wants to take care of you? Will you tell them to go away? - Yes. I bet they will want something from me. - Not every person is like that. Good people exist. - Not when it comes to me. Only you and Brenda like me the way I am. Everyone else thinks there is something wrong with me. - That is not true. Kylie, you are perfect. I'm sure no one wanted to offend you. - They do it all the time without even realize. Miss Thompson said she was glad that my parents had died. That way, they don't have to deal with me. - I'm sure she didn't mean it. - Yes, she did. This woman never liked me. - Do you want us to try again? Maybe the next family won't be that bad. - Thanks, but no. I'm tired of ungrateful people. - Why don't we go for lunch? - I'm not hungry. - You didn't eat breakfast. - So? I don't want to eat. - Kylie, starving yourself won't resolve your problems. - Ok, ok. Let's go. - Good. I went to eat my lunch. At least I can have some food here. It's not like my mom's ones, but it's good. Why didn't I meet one woman who could cook? From all the families, no one could do it. After that, I went into my room. The girls were there as well. We are not best friends, but I like talking with them. At least I can share everything without being judged. After all, they have similar stories. Well, Annie can go and see her parents whenever she wants. It might be through a window, but it's better than nothing. - How was the last family? You started talking about it. - Nicole said - I have seen worse. - How bad was it? - The woman tried to give me peanut butter sandwiches for breakfast. - Doesn't she know you are allergic to peanuts? It's in your medical report that Brenda gave her. - Annie said - Not every person reads this. Honestly, up to now, there wasn't a single family who had read all of this. It's like five pages. That won't take more than ten minutes. - I hope you have better luck the next time. - I hope there won't be the next time. - Why? Don't you want to get adopted? - Nicole asked - Not really. Up to now, no one has shown proper care. I prefer to stay here. - You know this is a temporary solution. That's why I want to get adopted. If this doesn't happen until I am twenty-one, I should deal with it. That will be hard. - Good luck with that. - Thanks. I will need it. I talked with Nicole and Annie for a while. We have slumber parties every day. Well, it's not like we have a choice. After all, we live in the same room. Sometimes they start talking about boys. We have some our age here, but most are girls. I guess no one wants to have a teenage girl as their kid. That should hurt me, but I am used to this. I have seen the way people treat me. Some of them don't deserve to have kids at all. That's why I don't want to get adopted. I haven't met a single family who cares about me. Later, I went for dinner with the girls. Today we have chicken tenders and French fries. That is one of my favorite meals. Honestly, I don't complain when it comes to food. I eat everything. Brenda and Angela sat with us. - How are you, girls? - Brenda asked - We are perfect. The food is delicious. - Annie said - I'm glad that you like it. - Kylie, do you feel better? - Angela asked - A little bit. - Can I do something for you? - Thanks, but there is no need to do it. I'm fine. - Are you sure? - Yes, I am. - You probably won't like it, but we had a call about you. - A call from who? If it's another family, my answer is no. - They live in a big house and want to see you. - Oh, it's another spoiled brat. No, thanks. - Kylie. - I said no. Please leave me alone. - Won't you finish your dinner? - I'm not hungry. - I said and left I wish I could find someone who can understand me. I don't want a second mom. No matter how hard they try, they will never be able to replace my parents. They were perfect. I miss them a lot, but I can't do anything to bring them back. I don't know why all of this is happening to me. Except for some things I have done, I'm not that bad. Well, that's what I thought. Whoever comes to take me should know I won't make their life easy. I will do everything possible to stay here as long as I can. It doesn't matter how long it will take me. I hope that these people will be different. I don't want to be used again.
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