Chapter 2

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* I start off speed walking like always then I jog for a few laps. "Stop trying to be cute and run," she says when I keep looking at Dean to see if he notices me, which he does. He waves and smiles causing me to sigh as my heart jumps in my chest.  "Your legs are strong, work on other parts of your body and sparring," says Areta. "Who would I even ask to help me?" I ask as I look at Dean. "You're an adult, just look at what other people are doing and try it yourself," she says clearly frustrated with me.  I pick up a jump rope off of the floor and I turn to join the others, almost crashing into someone in the process. "Oh my Goddess, I am so sorry!" I say as I hold up my hands. "You're fine," "I doubt that you could do any harm even if you were to bump into me," "Luna forgive me," I say as I bow. "I said it's fine," she says as she waves her hand dismissing me. I step back and I bump into a hard chest.  "I'm so sorry," I say in a bit of a panic since I haven't even been off the track for five minutes and I've already started causing problems. (Which I never do, because I stay to myself) I should just stay in the office. (Darn you Nelson, and you too Areta) "Well, she's the i***t messing up the floor with her heels,"  "She shouldn't even be here," "It's not like she trains and she can always link Dean, if she wants to see him,"  Areta growls out lowly. "Areta she's our Luna, we have to respect her," "You mean bow to her and let her step on our necks,?" "No but... just ignore her like everyone else" "Respect is earned and she is below us,"  "You're fine Deni" says Dean as he pinches my chin, before I can scold Areta, or anger her even more. I smile embarrassed then it gets bigger when I realize he just gave me a nickname. "Thank you" I whisper. I have no idea why I thanked him.  "You ran into your future Alpha you-!" "Mom, it was a mistake!" he says cutting her off before she could say anything else. (I'm afraid of what she would have said or what she must think of me) "Lets go Dean, you have so many more important things to do today," says his mom as she glares at me.   "Bye Dean," I say while waving at him as he rolls his eyes at his mom. (She even annoys poor Dean too) "Bye" he says as he winks at me. "Bye" I say again causing him to chuckle and me to want to slap myself for being so embarrassing.  I kick and punch a dummy then I lift weights hoping that it's enough to make Areta happy. "I want to exercise and run too," she says when I walk towards the showers. "Oh yeah, of course you do," I say stopping in front of the door.  I go outside deep into the woods and I shift. I don't know how Areta measure up to other wolves in my pack but I love her fur. It is a dark silvery grey and her eyes are the same olive green as mine. (I feel proud to be her human) She is very beautiful and strong and I am amazed at the things she is able to do. Sometimes I feel like I got the wrong wolf because she is very driven to fight and to become the best warrior and I just go with the flow of things.  I lay back and let her take over, then I let my mind wonder... (To Dean) I can't believe he saved me from his mom. As much as I like him, I would dread having a her as my mother in law. (Unless we didn't see her for more than twice a year Christmas and Thanksgiving) I would also probably rarely see him because she always wants him to follow her around. (She has some weird type of obsession with him) What is she going to do when he finds his mate? Areta laughs bringing me out of my thoughts. "I have never seen you so angry" "I'm not angry," I say embarrassed. "You're pissed Denai," "It's just not fair Areta," "Who does that,?" She laughs again. "Your future mother in law, does" "I would be the happiest she-wolf in the world if that were true, but I would avoid her like the plague,"  "Lets go," "Enough talk about that ratchet, idiotic, pig headed, snobby woman," "Areta we still have to show her respect!" "She is our Luna and you are getting a little to comfortable with insulting her which isn't a good thing," I say a little surprised by her choice of words.  "No we don't, she's not only of lower rank but she is lower class," "Areta, please don't say stuff like that," "Come on you're thinking the same thing, you're just to nice to say it," "Yeah but not with such mean words and the Alpha doesn't like to point out rank," I say as she runs towards the edge of the woods so that we can go home. "She is an Omega and you would think that she was at least a Beta" "How do you know that?" I ask surprised because I thought she was a Beta. "I know a lot of things that you have no idea about," I think about this as she continues to tell me that I am not a Gamma like my dad, but that I have my mothers rank. (Too bad I don't know what she was and she won't tell me because it's not time yet)  She says that there is a whole story about my rank so she can't tell me until she has time to explain the life of my mother to me. "Your dad wanted to tell you, but he didn't know how to start," "Over time he forgot and then he passed away without warning"  "I'm sorry for reminding you," she says when she feels my sadness. "I'm fine Areta, it's not your fault" "I will get used to it eventually, it's just that some days are worse than others" "We got this together" she says as she waits for me to shift. "Yes like we always have, even though, we don't always agree, we will always be together"  "Actually I get along with you but for some reason I annoy you" "It's only because you don't show your full potential and you settle" "I promise to try harder but I'll need you to show me" "Anytime, all you have to do is ask," I nod as I walk out of the woods and she gives me some tips and comebacks for the Luna for whenever she's rude to me, which, I will never use. When I get home I eat a TV dinner because I don't feel like cooking. I know how to cook but sometimes after my bath or shower, I only want to lounge and read or watch some cheesy romantic comedy.
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